New rating system and comment moderation


I have changed the ratings system to stop abuse. No longer is it possible to down-vote everything and then three star your own maps. There is now only one way for a map’s rating to go now, and that is up. This should preserve the usefulness of the ratings and greatly increase the work-load of anyone trying to stuff the ballot.

Unfortunately all the legitimate votes were also lost. In the future if anyone does try and stuff the ballot I can reset the ratings only for that post so hopefully this situation will be not repeated.

I have also turned on comment moderation, this means for normal users is that your post may have to wait a few hours before your comment appears on the site.

Most importantly I want to say sorry to those who originally got behind the ratings, thank you for trying to make this site better and SMR maps more approachable. I hope you will be willing to vote your favorite maps again.

3GB Enabler Fix for Windows Vista & 7


The 3GB enabler is an awesome utility that has a magic tendency to fix one of the last remaining outstanding of Sid Meiers Railroads instability. While the process could hardly be much simpler with the script there is one rather nasty reliance; for 32bit versions of windows you need to manually tell windows to allow 3GB enabler to work. Traditionally this was done by use the 3GB switch in boot.ini. Unfortunately Windows Vista and 7 no longer use the boot.ini, but don’t worry users of Vista & 7 32bit, Microsoft didn’t leave you high and dry.

I came across the solution after Sam brought the quandary to my attention. The solution is actually quite simple, go to the start menu and in the search box type ‘cmd’, don’t hit enter. Wait until ‘cmd.exe.’ appears on the menu and then right click and select “run as administrator”. Then run this command:

BCDEDIT.EXE /Set IncreaseUserVa 2900

You can copy and paste that into the command prompt by using the right click menu, keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C and CTRL+V don’t work in the command line. Then restart for the changes to take effect.

Once you have done this and used the 3GB Enabler you should be able to play Sid Meiers Railroads crash free, so have fun and watch what time it is.

Note: Users of 64bit OSes don’t need to do this step and can use the 3GB enabler directly.


Map Maker:
Download: Ukraine

Here’s my Eastern Europe map for “Railroads!”. Centered on Ukraine, it stretches from Poland to Iraq, and from Russia to the Balkans. Unzip into your My DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Railroads!

Eastern Europe (Ukraine)

Includes Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Austria, Turkey, Greece and several other Eastern European countries.

Key features:

  • Large 15×15 size map
  • Semi-realistic DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based terrain
  • Lots of European towns and cities, accurately placed as far as possible

The Single-player Scenario includes these three eras::

  • 1850-1889: “The first era”In 1883 the first Express d’Orient left Paris for Vienna. Vienna remained the terminus until 1883. You must build your fledgling railway by establishing an extension to the Orient Express route, to take passengers from Austria to Varna in Bulgaria. From here they will cross by ferry to Istanbul. Later you will expand your network to include Istanbul, and Moscow.
    • Connect Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest and Varna,
    • Build terminals in both Vienna and Varna.
    • Deliver the first Orient Express passengers from Vienna to Varna.
    • Try to gain at least a 20 percent share in another rail company.
  • 1890-1939: “The second era” You must develop your expanding railway empire by connecting the major cities of Moscow and Istanbul.
    • Connect Moscow to Istanbul.
    • Upgrade your depots in Moscow and Istanbul to terminals.
    • Deliver 20 loads of milk to the cheese factory in Moscow.
      Deliver 20 loads of wool to the carpet makers in Istanbul.
    • Attain a net worth of 10 million Rubles.
  • 1940-1980: “The third era”You must build income from your railway empire by expanding freight operations.
    • Connect Baku, Tbilisi, and Ceyhan to provide economic infrastructure to support the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. This pipeline will one day bring oil from the Caspian Sea oilfields around Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, to the port of Ceyhan on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast. (While you’re at it, you might want to connect into the Kirkuk oilfields in Iraq as well.)
    • Deliver 50 loads of oil to the marine transport terminal in Ceyhan.
      Deliver 50 loads of cars (and tractors) from Moscow to any city that requires them.
    • Attain a net worth of 20 million Rubles.
    • Achieve a 70% stake in another company.

New feature, ratings


Along with the change from 7z to zip I also spent some time adding a ratings system.

The system is a three star plus, one .  My reqonmandation for voting style goes like this:

  • A vote of 3 stars means a above average quality map
  • 2 stars would be an average map
  • Below average is 1 star

Rate a map based on how much fun you had on it, on how well the map’s terrain was planned and painted, but beyond everything let your opinion guide you.

I would please ask that you do not rate a map down because of crashes, slow downs, or other major problems. If a map has a bug please leave a comment notifying of such, I will try and determine the problem and fix it, or if I am unable to I will forward it to someone who can.

These ratings should help newcomers as well as long term players in finding fun, new and or simply over looked maps.

So please vote, and do so knowing that you are helping others enjoy the SMR experience.