Category Archives: Maps

Emerald Coast

Map Maker:
Download: Emerald Coast V2 ZIP

Emerald Coast is designed as a one-player map and runs in 3 Eras from 1870 to 1955. The map contains some new material. It is a SAM map (Stand Alone Map). Please insure that your usermaps and custom assets folders do not contain other files. The map has been fully tested and should run well. There is a good deal of track to be layed. You are challenged to build a railroad in the southeastern US.
The map does not allow crossovers. To cross existing track you must switch through. There is a Goods List text file within the Warehouse folder. You might find it beneficial. I hope that you enjoy Emerald Coast.


~ Slider38

Montana Snow

Map Maker:
Download: Montana Snow ZIP V2b

An arctic air mass has brought snow to the Montana region of the United States. Still, railroads must be built. Montana Snow was designed as a single player SAM (stand alone map). Please be sure that there are no other files in your Usermaps or CustomAssets Folders. There is a Goods List in the Warehouse folder. This map features some new goods, industries, etc. The trees are bare, the pines snow-covered, even the shrubs are brown from the cold and snow. Beware of Tourists. Only villages will accept them for credit. This map plays in 3 Eras running from 1930 to 2005. You have much to do. I hope you enjoy Montana Snow.



The Great Northern

Map Maker:
Download: The Great Northern ZIP

The Great Northern Dual Map

Welcome to The Great Northern Dual map. This download includes two versions of the game – The Great Northern designed for single
player and The Great Northern AI designed for play against AI. Both versions are SAM (Stand Alone Maps). Please be sure that there
are no other files in your Usermaps or Custom Assets folders. Both versions include some new goods, industries, engines and traincars.

There are a few differences between these version: The Great Northern version does not allow crossovers. You must switch through
to cross existing track. The Great Northern AI version does allow crossovers. There are a few other differences. The AI version has a
couple of added industries and there are a few goods not used in that version. The Patent files are different and the goals in each version vary.

When you start the game and sort through the map page you will find both versions. I hope that you enjoy The Great Northern.

Goods List

  • Wood makes Lumber makes Wood Products
  • Wood makes Paper makes Newspapers
  • Wood makes Paper makes Paper Packaging
  • Iron Ore makes Steel makes Automobiles
  • Iron Ore makes Steel makes Buses
  • Iron Ore makes Steel makes Steel Tanks
  • Iron Ore makes Steel makes Tractors makes Farm Equipment
  • Iron Ore makes Oil makes Chemicals makes Vinyl makes Vinyl Windows
  • Corn makes Manuf Goods
  • Wheat makes Flour makes Food
  • Cattle makes Food
  • Hogs makes Spam
  • Gypsum makes Drywall

Please note that the Goods Oil, Chemicals, Vinyl and Vinyl Windows are not used in The Great Northern AI version of the map.

Utah Canyons

Map Maker:
Download: Utah Canyons Zip V2

Welcome to Utah Canyons version 2. This map is a SAM (Stand Alone Map) designed for one player. Please insure that there are no other files

in your Usermaps or Custom Assets folders. The map runs in 3 Eras from 1925 to 2000. I have done extensive testing but the
map has not been tested at the highest levels. I have completed the map at the Mogul level. Higher difficulty levels you will have
to try. The map has not been tested with AI. The way it is layed out, I do not believe that it would play well with AI.
There are no crossovers. In order to cross existing track you must switch through. Tunnels are very expensive – use sparingly.
The map contains some new engines, goods, etc. The map’s warehouse folder contains a Goods List, a simple text file, which you
may find useful.

Version 2 was created to clean up a few minor errors that were discovered upon further testing – nothing that would prevent the map
from running, but things that needed fixing. I don’t think that you will see any real difference in map play.

I hope that you enjoy Utah Canyons version 2. ~Slider38

Mid-Atlantic Steam

Map Maker:
Download: Mid Atlantic Steam ZIP

Welcome to Mid-Atlantic Steam. This was designed as a one player map that runs in 4 Eras from 1835 to 1912. That said, testing was done with AI and the map played fine. The map features some new goods, industries and other material. There is a good named Light. Please ignore it as it has no value. There are no crossovers. To cross track you must switch through. This is a SAM (Stand Alone Map). Please insure that there are no other files in your Usermaps or Custom Assets folders. Within the map’s Warehouse folder you will find a Goods List – a simple Notepad text file, which you may find useful. I hope you enjoy the map.
