Sid Meier’s Railroads! is now out on the Mac!


Good news everyone! Today I got an email from Feral Interactive, they’ve just released SMR for Mac OS X! This is good news for any Mac gamers who’ve missed out on SMR.

Feral Interactive has a minisite with more infromation:

You can already buy the game from Amazon or directly from Feral Interactive. They’ve also ported other excellent games like Sid Meier’s Pirates! and Tropico 3.

I’ve asked Feral Interactive if custom maps are support, I’ll update this post when I get a response.

3 thoughts on “Sid Meier’s Railroads! is now out on the Mac!

  1. heubergen


    I have the Mac Edition and I can install Custom Maps, but when I load it in the Game, he crash. Maybe I can fixed it.

  2. heubergen

    Open:/Users/%USERNAME%/Library/Application Support/Feral

    %USERNAME% = Your Username

    In this folder you find all winFolder that you need.
    Feral supported this Option not and by me it not do.

    PS: Sorry for my bad (School) English

  3. Ricky

    Hii… i have the same problem, i cant get the maps to work, it crashes when i try too start a game with a custum map… =(

    What to to ?
    I have an Macbook pro late 2011

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