
Map Maker:
Download: Cadiz v1.01

This scenario consists of two phases. 1st Phase: 1850-1880 and 2nd phase: 1881-1945

First phase 1850-1880.

  • Construct two food producing industries, a grain processing and other meat.
  • Transport 30 loads of food.
  • Connect these four cities: Algeciras, Estepona, Barbate and port.

Second phase 1881-1945.

  • Build a steel mill and an auto plant.
  • Trasnport carloads 150 of automobiles.
  • Make a metropolis Round.
  • Connect all cities.

5 thoughts on “Cadiz

  1. Cabo

    I feel very flattered that have been published this map.
    I never thought to publish “IBERIA” my other work, I consider it more complete than this. So it is a pleasant surprise for me.
    Well, this is a relatively easy map.
    As said earlier, I’m glad to be part of this community.

    Regards to all.

    – In the first phase, where it says “Connect these four cities: Algeciras, Estepona, Barbate and port.”
    should say “Connect these four cities: Algeciras, Estepona, Barbate and El Puerto.”
    – In the second phase, where it says “Make a metropolis Round.” should say “Convert RONDA in a Metropolis”
    – I use google translator.

  2. gofer

    the Above post is in spanish and it is Spam with lincompleted links.

  3. Warll Post author

    Hey gofer,

    I removed the spam. Every comment does get emailed to me so I knew about it but I was away from my computer and it got forgotten about. Thank you for reminding me.

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