
Map Maker:
Download: Utah SAM

Welcome to beautiful Utah.
Railroad your way through modern Utah’s history from completion of Transcontinental Railroad at Promontory Point in 1869 all the way to Winter Olympics in 2002. Visit Red Rock country in the south, high mountains in the north and Great Salt Desert in the west.
[This scenario has many eras and goals and scenario selection screen does not seem to handle that very well, this problem does not affect gameplay so just make sure that your starting year is 1840 and end year is 2002 and hit OK button to start playing.]

17 thoughts on “Utah

  1. KIKI

    The map is bugged, please fix it.

    I see no railroads on the ground,

    and when I load the game again the terrain is full of water.

  2. Jancsika

    Set your “Shader Quality” to medium. That is in the game setup options.

  3. NZee

    Very nice map. However there’s a problem with this SAM version. You don’t get the extra starting funds and thus it’s basically impossible to win on Robber Baron even if you start at the best location (Ogden).

  4. snoopy55

    This map was one of the early SAMs and we were still working out the bugs. The only problem I see in making this a SAM2, which will give all the stuff you have mentioned and a bit more, is my ninth rib, which I broke and is slowing me down a bit on things. That and the two new engines I’m working on from scratch.

    Should have it by Tuesday at the latest.

  5. snoopy55

    Well, it got posted on the forum here a bit earlier than promised. Was hoping for another testing to be done, but hey, I’m sure you’ll test it also. Let me know if you find anything else.

  6. NZee

    Thanks a lot for the extremely fast update.

    In the meantime I’ve started to play the former SAM version as is on Robber Baron. It’s almost impossible that way but after several tries it seems I’m on the right track now to win the map without the extra funds. (I did find the even older version that had the extra funds option, I just decided to try the impossible.:D) I has to micromanage things a lot, pause all the time, etc. though and have like 15-20 saves so I can go back if I make a wrong decision somewhere. It’s a huge challenge, kept me busy the last 3 days or so.:)

    After I finish with this try I’ll surely check out the updated version, too. Could you please share what new features it has? The extra money options and tenders for the steam locos? If so that will make the map perfect.:)

    I have one more suggestion if the tenders are already included:
    If I remember correctly one of the maps has a F Series diesel loco with a B unit included. It would be nice to have that here, too. (And maybe steel cars to go with it, I saw those somewhere, too. Probably Basin and Range for both.) I’m toying with the idea to recreate some of the named trains on the map like the City of Los Angeles. A dual F Series loco with steel cars on the Wells – Ogden – Green River, WY route would look mighty.:D

    Sorry if I’m asking for too much and once again thanks for the swift help.

  7. celtik112

    this map is sick cant stop loading it again and again to try and make all the objectives on robber baron πŸ˜›

  8. MarkH

    Great map! Thanks so much for your effort making this. Being a Utah local and knowing the terrain and city locations makes it all the more fun!

    After 3 tries it is still kicking my butt, but I’m learning as I go.

  9. Ben

    Awesome map. Objectives are insane. I can’t believe some of you try on robber baron. I play investor and haven’t been able to meet all objectives. I am getting close though. Excellent map.

  10. PTrik

    Wow, I might need intervention after this map. What a well thought out and executed map. This is my first successful custom map play. Maybe I am mistaken about how good this is and I just don’t have a reference to compare….but I doubt it.



    P.s. Is there a favorite maps list where I can grab other goodies?

  11. thepabray

    I have spent many happy hours on this map, which is my favourite so far. I loved the constant rethinking of logistics at Salt Lake City to meet the myriad objectives. Easily completable on Mogul/hard (no AIs) from Ogden but I was unable to raise enough funds quickly enough to complete on Robber Baron from Ogden, Logan or Evanston. Will try Tycoon next. Anyone done this on Robber Baron? Where did you start?

    BTW, had to take care to save often when laying track (particularly bridges) around the red rock area in the SE – I had many, many CTD here, but crash-free at all other times.

  12. Rick

    Oh my, again? There is more off the edges of the map then on it! Sorry but this is getting so frustrating it looked like a great map and then…

  13. celtik112

    funny this map made me come back and play SMR again πŸ™‚

    Still havent completed it….

  14. Levi

    I really want to play this map, but it always crashes when loading on OSX 10.10.4

  15. RRman

    I don’t have a Mac, but two things I would suggest anyway: this is a large map, try to see if it will load at lower settings and resolution, even in windowed mode, then once it’s running turn the resolution back up. Just remember there might be a problem with the graphics if Shaders aren’t set to medium. That’s a trick if you don’t have enough RAM. I would also suggest that you try to make sure that the timestamps on the maps xml files are later than those in the program itself. The game looks at the one with the latest date wherever it is. Hope you get it working.

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