Africa Challenge

Map Maker:
Download: Africa Challenge SAM

Conquer the wilds of Africa and part of the Middle East in the years 1860-1930.
Cities and industries are more spread out so this map is not for beginners. This is a large map so should be played on computers with more resources.

9 thoughts on “Africa Challenge

  1. TinchoR

    Este mapa se traba y se cierra el juego. ¿Alguien puede decirme porque o si tiene arreglo?

  2. vzbob

    translated the above.
    This map is locked and closed the game. Can anyone tell me why or if you fix it?

  3. tireshark

    Just tried playing this… could never complete it without the game crashing… sometimes made it 10 or so years, sometimes made it 2-3. Looked good except for that… it should probably be removed since most comments says it is bad.

  4. Maehlice

    I was able to fix and complete this map by editing a custom copy of the RRT_Events file.

    Copy the RRT_Events.xml file from the game’s Assets\XML folder into your CustomAssets folder. Edit the file and remove all blocks referencing resources not available on the map (corn, paper, wine, grapes, milk, textile, wool, medicine, nitrates, beer, swine, arms).

    The map is extremely straight-forward with linear goals. Once I solved the Events issue, I beat this on Robber Baron first try starting from Dakar.

  5. karsten

    Hi Maehlice,
    A number of old SAM maps are still without proper EVENT files, this is one of them. Your fix is a good, if laborious, way to fix the event file.

    If you are into the XML so deeply already, maybe you could contribute a map of your own?

    Cheers! 🙂

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