7 thoughts on “UK Lower

  1. Quitus

    I can’t play the map, crashes on launch, i tried vs ai or not and all dificulty levels.


  2. Quitus

    Ohh nice, thx 😉

    I tried the link and looks operative, but blank page. I’ll try tomorrow again.

    Thx again, i love this game, customs maps and by the way this site (smrsimple.com).

  3. snoopy55

    I’ve been getting that on my version 36 Opera for a while. I have a version 12.16 that I use when it happens. Google Chrome lets me in. i’ll talk with Bobby about it.

  4. Quitus

    I tried with Chrome, with explorer and with edge, just a blank page 🙁

  5. snoopy55

    quoting Bobby – “As Usual with Blank pages it requires your Browser’s to be updated. So anyone that get a blank page needs to update ASAP.”

    Mine is a 36 and refuses to update to the latest, 38. I need to work on it.

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