Category Archives: Tips&Tricks

What is a “SAM”?

Map Maker: ,

“SAM” stands for “Stand Along Map” while “SAM2” stands for “Stand Alone Map2”, there is no difference to the end users between the two. If  a file is marked as a “SAM” or “SAM2” that means it has been packaged in such a way that all you have to do is uncompress it and move it into your “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!\UserMaps” folder.  This is a dramatic improvement over the method first used where one might have to download up to five maps and install them for a new map to work.   Now it may seem at first that this is really a regression, after all now you can only have one map installed at a time.  In this case though the benefits out weigh the cost quite a bit. Sadly some Sid Meier’s Railroads! files cannot be edited per map without chaning things for the entire game, an example of which is the tunnels.xml. The tunnels.xml stores the costs for both tunnels and bridges, many mappers like to change these costs to create more realistic maps.  As well the game has a fairly low limit of how many unique goods there can be in the game, beyond this limit the game simply ignores the other goods.  Perhaps though the biggest reasoning is that Sid Meier’s Railroads is not conservative when it comes to memory use and will load up every asset in the Sid Meier’s Railroads! folder it can find. By limiting the amount of unused files the game loads, maps can be made larger with the memory available.

The effort to get every Sid Meier’s Railroads custom map into the SAM format was spearheaded by Snoopy55, Bobby, Tijer and Pete colectivly known as STEP inc, credit also goes to Jancsika for pakaging a number of maps.

You might also incounter “Clean install Compatible” aka “CIC” pakaged maps, these can be installed jsut like  “SAM”s would be by copying the files into the “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!\UserMaps” folder.

How to, Empty “My Games/Sid Meier’s Railroads!” before adding maps.


In order for the maps hosted here and else where to work you must first have an empty “My Games/Sid Meier’s Railroads!” set of folders. They do not have to be completly empty but you cannot have any custom maps installed including the Firaxis “A Tycoon’s Tale” aka “Holiday Scenario” and “Sid Meier’s Railroads! Intercontenental!” Do not worry though, you do not have to reinstall Sid Meier’s Railroads! Instead all you have to do is follow these easy instructions.

  1. Go to the “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!” folder, this can be found in the “User\My Documents” folder in windows XP or in the “User\Documents” folder in Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  2. Delete all files and folder within “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!” except for the “Settings.ini”. Alternativly you may instead simply move the files and folders to someplace else, again keep “Settings.ini” in place.
  3. Download this file and uncompress it within the  “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!” folder.  This file has been compressed using the awesome open source archiving program 7-Zip and requires with 7-Zip or Winrar to uncompress.
  4. You’re done, now you can follow the standard instructions for installing custom fanmade maps.

How to, Free flying camera


If you have viewed a few screenshots for Sid Meier’s Railroads you might have noticed that many of them were taken from views which are normally “impossible” with the in game camera. These images were taken using the special free flying camera mode which was added in the second patch. To get into this camera mode you must have the 1.01 or preferably the 1.10 patch installed. Then while in game you must pause, then press Ctrl+F. With that you can fly around defying gravity. You can even move the pause window to the very side of the screen for when you want to take a screenshot, just click and hold on to window’s top bar and drag. Go ahead and check it out, just make sure your current game has been recently saved, this feature adds a lot more for your computer to render.

Pressing shift while moving will speed you up considerably.

Anecdote; the developers choose to limit the use of the free fly camera to paused game due to the increased system load.  A sad note for those of us in the future since this severely limits the options available for creating movies.

train in grain

How to manually install custom maps


To install custom maps from smrsimple you must:

  1. Download the map
  2. Delete the contents of your “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!\UserMaps” folder
  3. Extract the zip’d map into the “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!\UserMaps” folder
  4. Launch Sid Meier’s Railroads! and select the new map.

You can only have one custom map installed at a time.

NOTE: The “My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!\Custom Assets” folder must also be empty. Some exe installer based maps use this folder and can interfere with new maps.>

Mac OSX users will want to read the alternative guide: