
Map Maker:
Download: Iberia 1.06

Iberia bridge between continents.

We are in 1850, and a connection between France and Algeria is required for transporting oil. Yet we first must build a railroad that loops through the Iberian peninsula.

In the first phase you have to connect four cities, namely, Madrid, Lisbon, Barcelona and Bordeaux. Then create two food companies and transport the resulting food.

In the second phase we must transport: vehicles from Barcelona, oil from Brest, Brest manufactured goods from Cadiz, and paper from Alicante to Santigo newspaper. You must connect all cities in Africa and cities in northen Iberia: Gijon, Santander and Biarritz. Transport passengers Gijon-Biarritz, and Ouazzane-Barcelona and Argel-Lyon. Transport food from Ouazzane to Oran, Tiaret and Argel. Make Argel a Metropolis. Money: Net worth 75.000.000 pta and 100% share of your company.

4 thoughts on “Iberia

  1. Jon Smith

    Enjoyed the map. You might want to consider adding a food plant & grain fields and a stockyard somewhere in the NE / France area, since it is almost impossible to meet the food production requirement for the initial requirements unless you start Lisbon or Madrid. The two cattle farms are really far from the initial stockyard in Portugal. The two grain fields can make North Africa just fine if you start over there, but you have nowhere to produce food if you start in France.

    I liked all of the tasks in the 2nd part that forced you to really think about your layout.

  2. MaxKillington

    This map has great potential, but I found it to be extremely difficult. The fact that there are only two of each needed resource isn’t so bad in itself, but the best way to successfully pull off the objectives is, in my opinion, to almost immediately build a grain or livestock processing center. That being said, many of the tiny towns surrounding the resources already have existing facilities (power plants or furniture plants), and I have yet to be grow a village to a town in time to build the necessary food plants. Anyone else having this problem?

  3. Brian Preece

    Hi Max Killington

    I agree it is challenging because the resources are so far from the processing plants. I agree with your solution of building plants closer to the resources initially, but you then have to dismantle your flows and direct them elsewhere when needed. I took too long to start building Cadiz and Marseilles into cities so didn’t quite make the second set of objectives on my first attempt. Also couldn’t ship enough cars from Barcelona – I think I should have built another steel plant, one for each coal mine.

    Back to the drawing board!

  4. Rafael

    This looks awesome! I love SMR so much, it’s one of my favorite games and I’m a proud owner of it! But I never figured out how to download these custom maps. As a Portuguese as well, it’s so awesome to see my country represented in one of my favorite games πŸ˜€

    If you guys see my comment, I have created a Discord server for SMR, I think SMR has a community but it needs to be awakened. My Discord is Camelot1998#8868 if you guys want to join the server, it only has two people but I want to meet new SMR fans πŸ˜€

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