
Map Maker:
Download: Ukraine

Here’s my Eastern Europe map for “Railroads!”. Centered on Ukraine, it stretches from Poland to Iraq, and from Russia to the Balkans. Unzip into your My DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Railroads!

Eastern Europe (Ukraine)

Includes Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Austria, Turkey, Greece and several other Eastern European countries.

Key features:

  • Large 15×15 size map
  • Semi-realistic DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based terrain
  • Lots of European towns and cities, accurately placed as far as possible

The Single-player Scenario includes these three eras::

  • 1850-1889: “The first era”In 1883 the first Express d’Orient left Paris for Vienna. Vienna remained the terminus until 1883. You must build your fledgling railway by establishing an extension to the Orient Express route, to take passengers from Austria to Varna in Bulgaria. From here they will cross by ferry to Istanbul. Later you will expand your network to include Istanbul, and Moscow.
    • Connect Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest and Varna,
    • Build terminals in both Vienna and Varna.
    • Deliver the first Orient Express passengers from Vienna to Varna.
    • Try to gain at least a 20 percent share in another rail company.
  • 1890-1939: “The second era” You must develop your expanding railway empire by connecting the major cities of Moscow and Istanbul.
    • Connect Moscow to Istanbul.
    • Upgrade your depots in Moscow and Istanbul to terminals.
    • Deliver 20 loads of milk to the cheese factory in Moscow.
      Deliver 20 loads of wool to the carpet makers in Istanbul.
    • Attain a net worth of 10 million Rubles.
  • 1940-1980: “The third era”You must build income from your railway empire by expanding freight operations.
    • Connect Baku, Tbilisi, and Ceyhan to provide economic infrastructure to support the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. This pipeline will one day bring oil from the Caspian Sea oilfields around Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, to the port of Ceyhan on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast. (While you’re at it, you might want to connect into the Kirkuk oilfields in Iraq as well.)
    • Deliver 50 loads of oil to the marine transport terminal in Ceyhan.
      Deliver 50 loads of cars (and tractors) from Moscow to any city that requires them.
    • Attain a net worth of 20 million Rubles.
    • Achieve a 70% stake in another company.

10 thoughts on “Ukraine

  1. Dave Friesen

    This is the only map that works for me and had lots of fun beating it. good job.

  2. Jon Smith

    Rome (Roma) needs to be moved. In the default Cities file, the coordinates are -323/299 and it is too far off of the page to access. I changed the coordinates to -290/290 and moved Naples (Napoli) to -275/329 so they don’t bump into each other. It puts Rome on the Adriatic, but you can access it now from the City Selection view.

    Also, there is the old bug from RR Tycoon – when you go above 2.0 Billion in cash, it turns to negative, just like it used to do in the old game (don’t know if that is a map error or a Sid behind the scenes thing for every map)

    Great map!

  3. Tangook

    Nice map, a lot of space to expand suitable with 3ais. Thank you.

  4. Rick

    Again there are rules people. Why have anything so close to the edge of the map THAT YOU CANNOT SEE OR GET TO THEM. Common one please.

  5. Boby

    I have a question, why when i play this map after 5-10 minutes it crash?

  6. Andy

    Why the hell Dnipropetrovsk is in russia?
    Author should go to school again asap.

  7. Oleksii

    Great map!

    Agree with issues given above, but in general really cool to play! Thanks mike kennelly!

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