That is the same on PC, I always delete any custom map in the UserMaps folder before running an original map.JRMacSMR wrote:So it looks like you cannot have a Custom Map with a new timestamp for common named file.

That is the same on PC, I always delete any custom map in the UserMaps folder before running an original map.JRMacSMR wrote:So it looks like you cannot have a Custom Map with a new timestamp for common named file.
Well, you misunderstood the question. What I meant was, if you run an original map and do a save, can you go back in and finish the saved original map, or does it crash?JRMacSMR wrote:snoopy 55,snoopy55 wrote:JRMacSMR - is this just on custom maps or on the original also.
Excellent question!
I did have crashes with the original maps when I have a custom map in the UserMaps folder. I just deleted the map.
I checked now with a Custom map and an old time stamp Original map loads fine, however when I change the timestamp of RRT_Goods (Custom map) the original map crash
So it looks like you cannot have a Custom Map with a new timestamp for common named file.
Research so far.....whipstache wrote:I'm going to make a list of the SAM/SAM2 maps that my wife and I are able to get working, and which ones we can't.
All of the maps will be the versions downloaded from this site.
I'll continue to update these lists as I try out new maps.
1. PITGOC - This map only worked after I opened each of the .xml files, unlocked them, and saved them again (using TextEdit)
2. Aberdeen, Carolina, & Western RR - This map only worked after I moved the .fpk file into the CustomAssets folder and unpacked it
3. Basin & Range - Had to unlock .xml files and save them again before it would work
4. Western Russia - Worked perfectly on the first try
Not Working
1. Dogworld - Crashes to Desktop while loading.
Code: Select all
var assets[] = getAssetsFromProgramFiles();
assets += getAssetsFromUserdir();
var assetLookUpTable = convertToHash(assets);
Code: Select all
var assetLookUpTable = convertToHash(getAssetsFromProgramFiles(assets));
var assets[] = getAssetsFromUserdir();
insertArrayIntoHashTable(assetLoopuptable, assets);
After a bit of research on the internet I am now able to specify the modify date I like, So I did some further testing on Italy RRT_Goods.xml by changing the modified date to oct 20 2012karsten wrote:Great contribution, JRMacSMR!![]()
I would assume the SMR Full version created datestamp is Oct 19 2012 for every Mac User, irrespective of when the game is installed.
Then any maps with timestamps later than Oct 19 2012 should work - leaving aside any problems .fpks may cause.![]()
Warll, I fully agree with your last sentence (see my previous post). My concern is that we should not just throw away all historical user maps which work with this design decision. I would be interested to learn how your pseudo code is going to solve that risk.Warll wrote:Kasten I do not think you understand where the timestamp bug is coming from.
It is not really even a bug just a design decision that makes developing custom maps harder.