-Terrain Editor Fix.-

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-Terrain Editor Fix.-

Post by frizzank » Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:37 am

So the terrain editor is great but the standard one don't come with all the depots and goods, so i fixed it. now even the meager can create stock maps with all the goods and Depots from the game!

Add this into your
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Assets\XML\_SCENARIOS_\

Also it may work with add on depots provided you put the necessary files in the right places, but I will let you figure that out.
Replace your old NewMapBase folder with this one. back up your old one too!
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Re: -Terrain Editor Fix.-

Post by Jancsika » Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:32 pm

You can do any modification to the maps by editing the XML files that defines that particular map.
Here is repeat of an earlier post of mine, that will explain it
1.Add the good to RRT_Goods_Mapname.XML (If it is a SAM map the filename is: RRT_Goods.XML
2.Add the traincar to haul the good to RRT_Traincar_Mapname.XML
3.Add an industry to produce the good to RRT_Industries_Mapname.XML
4.Add an industry to receive the good to RRT_Industries_Mapname.XML, or modify the cities in RRT_Cities_Mapname.XML
5.If there are only stock (Firaxis) industries you don't have to worry about the Annexes for the field (Oil, Grain) industries. But if it has custom industries, you will need an RRT_Depots_Mapname_XML , with ALL THE USED stock depots, includind mail and passengers.
Here is a link you should read:
http://www.hookedgamers.com/forums/view ... =42&t=3378

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Re: -Terrain Editor Fix.-

Post by frizzank » Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:56 am

Editing xml files is a pain.

This way is way more user friendly, and all within the in-game editor.

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