Mud Skippers

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by dwax » Sat May 16, 2009 6:01 pm

Some people have nothing to do but raise hate and discontent.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Sat May 16, 2009 6:16 pm

I know, and I am sorry for being smart with them, but sometimes people just get under your skin. I was trying to answer their confused remarks. I think I have fully explained the idea a couple posts back.

So the talk is now over guys. When I post my maps back up, if you feel so compelled to make "your" version of my files, make your own post so you won't think someone is sneaking in and making errors in your files other than the ones you always place in them. :wink:

Now today is Saturday...a new day and no more cranky behavior. :D

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Sat May 16, 2009 6:30 pm

Also I get the impression they do not understand just what a game Mod is. My maps are mods to the game.

One mod to this game engine is to use rabbits and rabbit nests. The tracks are dirt paths. The rabbits travel from nest to nest. They gather different colored flowers from out-side nest areas, and use the colors for colored eggs they transport around as all nests want colored eggs.

See...a game mod is what the maker/builder wishes it to be. If it runs and it makes everyone happy...why would anyone want to come along, talk dirt and trash and try to kill any project. What gives anyone that kind of right to speak for a whole planet of people.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Sat May 16, 2009 6:34 pm

Lowell wrote:
And you have stated many times that you have never downloaded and played a SAM.
I saw that Santa map that was made like a CIC map. I have been going by what they said their structure was, using FPKs and placing items into the Custom Assets folders, those are outside the CIC rules, however the sam2 I saw was built as a CIC map would be.

What is there to examine, I gave you the simple answer...One File Folder and everything the mod needs to run is kept inside that one folder, all map folders must be placed into the usermaps folder in order to run, no other items can be in any other folders in My Games.

If you build anything new that did not come with the game, then you need a global file to introduce the item to the game at game start/load.

Now if you wish to add new items to the game, then you need to look at my structure, or use only a global list for that item/items. I start out by building the scenarios with "all" scenario files first, then as I add new, I add the global file I need to add that item.

...this is a very simple concept brain storming needed.

A map maker can manipulate the xml lists as needed to get their map running, the only rule for a CIC structure map is that everything fit inside One File Folder...and run inside the usermaps folder.

That's it. Nothing more to add. The step one two and so on you refer to means you need to go over how to make scenarios for this game and how the game operates first, then build your files.

There is no step by step instructions for building any game mod world have to do some reverse engineering/programing and figure it out yourself like every other mod builder. Some get mad when you ask too many questions, and some just don't respond to such questions/posts. So if you want to build game mods, you better get used to it. You have been given the answers you need.

Now go and make your own maps, then you can make comments. And no I am not digging through this forum to find posts. You said you have been keeping up with everything on the forum so find them yourself. :) None of us here at Hooked Gamers are your baby-sitter, teacher or mommy. :lol:
Can't you read that simple quote? You stated that you had downloaded the Utah SAM map and played it. I did not speak of the Santa map.

And that Santa SAM2, I downloaded it and looked at it also. The only things in it that are the same as your CIC is the RRT_Goods.xml, which are in all SAM maps, and the folder. There are no map named xml files in it except the maps and the scenario file. So no, it is not like your CICs, tho you just love to believe it is so you can claim the idea was stolen from you.

And I did a search of all of Karstens posts since the SAM style was first announced. There is no explanation by him of what a CIC is.

And as usual, you can not admit to the truth. You did not asnswer the questions in the post I listed, and most of those have not been asnwered before.
Lowell wrote: the only rule for a CIC structure map is that everything fit inside One File Folder...and run inside the usermaps folder.
So, that is the ONLY rule, actually two rules, to making a CIC? Gee, then you were not the first to make one. Any map that only used the original materials is also a CIC, and that means that the first map made was a CIC.
Lowell wrote:There is no step by step instructions for building any game mod world wide.
Ya, right. I have friends who have built stuff for other games and you do have instructions for building them.

And you seem to be the only one getting mad, and it is because the truth is laid out for you and you do not want to admit to it. You insulted new map makers by saying the SAM style was for noobies and CIC style was for experianced mappers. Well, Jancsika is experianced in it with many times more maps than you that are finished and work, and he uses the SAM style. vzbob has also made some large and working SAMs. And snoopy55 did, along with all the maps he converted. So tell me, what makes you more experianced than them?
Lowell wrote:Now go and make your own maps, then you can make comments. And no I am not digging through this forum to find posts. You said you have been keeping up with everything on the forum so find them yourself. None of us here at Hooked Gamers are your baby-sitter, teacher or mommy.
I don't have to make maps to know how to make them. As you stated above, it's called reverse engineering. You won't dig thru the posts because Karsten never made such a post, you know it and refuse to admit it. And last of all, there you go again speaking for everyone on this forum, and the only one posting your words is you.

You have this 'expert' way of making maps, but you cannot list what must be in them. You do not have working copies posted, and when you did have working copies posted, you had to change them to add the newest thing someone else came up with, and they did not work. You have stated that you have several other maps that you are working on, but in the two years since you joined the forum and started making your first map, you have not finished a single one.

I looked at the 'Assets' folders of two of your maps. I found dds files that contained '_OLD' in them and I found png files, which this game does not use. You did a full listing of the files for the Factory, with no changes, and it is already in the games originals fpks, they just never used it in the game. Please, your reason for doing these things?

Now, if you feel that you must again slander me, try doing it as a man in his 50's, not a kid in his early teens.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Sat May 16, 2009 7:06 pm

Lowell wrote:See programs have a structure to them. Everything is built on the hierarchy method, so things flow in some sort of order.

In my case I looked at the game and said...okay I will start-out with the structure for a scenario that the game gives me from the start. Then, because the programmers wanted a simple method in which to edit/upgrade the game, they made the master files as a link from ProgramFiles/2KGames to the MyDocuments MyGames files. So by editing the master files from ProgramFiles/2K Games...then adding those to the game maps files, the game sees the new set and runs them.

Inside the game editor when you place an industry or whatever, it records the x,y,z and rotation of the object on the RRT_scenario-name_Industry.xml list. I keep my scenario lists for any global list I add just for that location info. Then on the global list it has the full listing for the game model or whatever. That is why you see two. They are not the same lists and the info on each is different.

The new Mud Skippers file structure has been expanded and the mods now have Loadscreens so there are global files for those in each map as well.

Placing the info from the scenario list and pasting it to a global file and only having global files and remove the scenario files is not how the game reads and makes the list of files. To make the game happy and make sure saved games can be re-entered easily and make sure it runs perfect every time...I stick to the games program list structure. To force the location info and run totally global is not how the game makes and reads it's may work, but who knows how long or it may not work with every system will.

Surely you understand what I am saying so I am done for now. 8)

EDIT// Oh...and these are text lists, the game reads them all in a flash. So having the extra scenario lists beside the new global ones I make/add, add nothing to the game....only it seems to your confusion of their use. :)
So, you are now changing the structure of your maps again,

"To force the location info and run totally global is not how the game makes and reads it's may work, but who knows how long or it may not work with every system will." So, the SAMs are going to break down and stop working and the CIC maps, which you keep changing the structure of, will not?

"....only it seems to your confusion of their use. " Can someone translate that?
Lowell wrote:I know, and I am sorry for being smart with them, but sometimes people just get under your skin. I was trying to answer their confused remarks. I think I have fully explained the idea a couple posts back.

So the talk is now over guys. When I post my maps back up, if you feel so compelled to make "your" version of my files, make your own post so you won't think someone is sneaking in and making errors in your files other than the ones you always place in them. :wink:

Now today is Saturday...a new day and no more cranky behavior. :D
No, you have answered very little. And snoopy55 and vzbob are the ones making SAMs out of other maps, not me. Also, please explain to me how someone can come in and change the files that they or you would post? And then, after you apoligize for being smart with us, you insult them? What is it YOU do not understand? The SAM maps work, your maps do not. Or are you accusing someone of going in and changing your maps?
Lowell wrote:Also I get the impression they do not understand just what a game Mod is. My maps are mods to the game.

One mod to this game engine is to use rabbits and rabbit nests. The tracks are dirt paths. The rabbits travel from nest to nest. They gather different colored flowers from out-side nest areas, and use the colors for colored eggs they transport around as all nests want colored eggs.

See...a game mod is what the maker/builder wishes it to be. If it runs and it makes everyone happy...why would anyone want to come along, talk dirt and trash and try to kill any project. What gives anyone that kind of right to speak for a whole planet of people.
I can understand how to do something without doing it. You can fully understand that shooting a deer can kill it without actually doing it.

Yes, you are correct, 'if it runs'. But your CICs do not.

And you have been slandering the SAM maps since before they were first posted:
Lowell wrote: Posted Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:02 am

What about those who like to leave alot of maps in their files and don't have an issue with say keeping a few or many maps in their inventory. Then they end up with double files inside FPKs? Like say two or three maps that have a port and they all put the same model in their FPK.

I like flipping through the maps in the load screen. Sometimes you don't know which map you want to play, and they may pick one they haven't played in awhile or at all. People will forget maps they take out of their files. After all the months of work it takes to build new models and seems a shame to have it tosed and forgotten so fast.

Anyway I think the only thing about the content is it has to scan it all when you load a new map. After it enters what it finds in the players Saved game scenario file, it just runs off that and doesn't scan every time. So I only think it affects the first load. Upon reload of a saved map it doesn't scan everything only what was on the list at the time of save. So I am not sure if you are going to save anyone any system resources by this, take the Florida Gold 20x20 for a day and a half...get it real full on a new blank RailRoads file set (clean game load)...and it still wants 2gig of memory. But I don't mind, I'm trying that file system now...just can't get it to kick-in. Global stuff runs fine though.

Sorry been buried in maps and stuff haven't seen these construction posts till now.
and you have continued to do so since. But you scream at anyone who has even pointed out problems with your CIC. And no, I'm am not talking about me with that sentence. Anyone who does not seem to see things your way gets under your skin. I'm searching for answers. You are searching for the ability to be number one, even if it means stepping on everyone around you.
Lowell wrote:What gives anyone that kind of right to speak for a whole planet of people.
Funny, a few posts ago you spoke for everyoner on this forum, something you seem to do quite often.

An apoligy to Dwax will not clear what you have done to so many others. You aploigized to him, what about the rest of the forum, and especially the ones you have slandered so many times. Maybe, just maybe, snoopy55 will come back as you requested if you truthfully apoligize to him. You started that request and never finished it. That in itself was slander if it was not real.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by dwax » Sat May 16, 2009 7:29 pm

If you don't like some maps, or they don't work for you don't use them. It's that simple.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Sun May 17, 2009 1:57 am

Yes Dwax, you are correct, but to comdemn something when you claim that you have never even used it, to say they don't work when people have been using them since they first came out and on top of all of that claim to be speaking about it for the whole forum, THAT is inexcusable.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Rodea2007 » Sun May 17, 2009 4:04 pm

I guess now is time to rest for all arguing, let lowell to complete his map....... 8)
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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by dwax » Sun May 17, 2009 5:53 pm

Rodea2007 wrote:I guess now is time to rest for all arguing, let lowell to complete his map....... 8)
I agree. :) or take the arguing here.

I Love To Argue:

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm

You stated that you had downloaded the Utah SAM map and played it.
No I didn't. I read the thread when it first was made, everyone that tried to play the sam version complainerd it crashed all the time. "I" play the real Utah map that Univerisum made. So again you are wrong. I am not going to even read your posts after seeing you cannot get past one sentence without telling some crap that is not true.

I told you to bug off and leave us alone...are you a retard :?:

What do we have to do at this forum...Ban you too :?: Keep it up big mouth, and several members will see to it that you are awarded such an honor.

At first I thought you had questions about making your own maps...I now see you had other intentions all along.

Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. I think you best shut up before you ruin what is left of that brain of yours. :D

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Jancsika » Mon May 18, 2009 7:51 pm

Give it a rest Lowell!
Insulting somebody does not help.

We all know the facts!
Repeating them will not help.
These "facts"been repeated 1000X.

So Rocky, please don't respond.

I am with Dwax all the way!!

For me the SAM-s are working fine. I have made more than a dozen SAM maps. They are all good.

I have also played Lowell's CIC-s. They worked fine for me.

So what's the argument about.??

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Mon May 18, 2009 8:09 pm

Lowell wrote:
You stated that you had downloaded the Utah SAM map and played it.
No I didn't. I read the thread when it first was made, everyone that tried to play the sam version complainerd it crashed all the time. "I" play the real Utah map that Univerisum made. So again you are wrong. I am not going to even read your posts after seeing you cannot get past one sentence without telling some crap that is not true.

I told you to bug off and leave us alone...are you a retard :?:

What do we have to do at this forum...Ban you too :?: Keep it up big mouth, and several members will see to it that you are awarded such an honor.

At first I thought you had questions about making your own maps...I now see you had other intentions all along.

Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. I think you best shut up before you ruin what is left of that brain of yours. :D
Sorry Jancsika, but all that name calling deserves a simple reply. I can see why snoopy55 left this forum. ... 700#p30700
Lowell wrote:
dwax wrote:I don't know why they wont load up snoopy. You mean there is a South Dakota map? :mrgreen:
Dwax, After you unzip the map file you will have one file folder called Utah_SAM...if you place the Utah_SAM folder inside Usermaps and start the map it will crash. I found that you have open-up that Utah_SAM file folder, then inside is the map file folder and the map's Fpk. The map runs issues that I saw right off, and it starts right up. But you have to open-up that Utah_SAM file folder and take the Fpk and map folder and place those into usermaps...runs fine. I found no need to copy any goods to a global list as Rodea had...Great job snoopy55 and tijer.
But you have to open-up that Utah_SAM file folder and take the Fpk and map folder and place those into usermaps...runs fine. I found no need to copy any goods to a global list as Rodea had...Great job snoopy55 and tijer.

Just a quiet explanation of that Lowell.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by dwax » Mon May 18, 2009 11:20 pm

Good for you. I never did get the "SAM" Utah to run anyway, no matter what I did. So some maps just don't work for some. And just left it alone. Now move on.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Tue May 19, 2009 3:48 am

Lowell wrote:
You stated that you had downloaded the Utah SAM map and played it.
No I didn't. I read the thread when it first was made, everyone that tried to play the sam version complainerd it crashed all the time. "I" play the real Utah map that Univerisum made. So again you are wrong. I am not going to even read your posts after seeing you cannot get past one sentence without telling some crap that is not true.

I told you to bug off and leave us alone...are you a retard :?:

What do we have to do at this forum...Ban you too :?: Keep it up big mouth, and several members will see to it that you are awarded such an honor.

At first I thought you had questions about making your own maps...I now see you had other intentions all along.

Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. I think you best shut up before you ruin what is left of that brain of yours. :D
This Just proves what I have said all along he cant face the truth and he wants to be number one honcho. Then Makes up all these silly excuses, and calls other people Liars where he himself is the bigger one. He then calls people all sorts of names (EG: Retard) and says they are on drugs. It makes you wonder what he is taking himself. And now it has all backfired on him and he can not take it.
He has never completed one single map yet and left it posted anywhere. So what does that say about his so called Mods. I'll let you draw your own conclusions to that answer.
At least other people have finished their mods and left them available to all, and not thrown a tantrum when people told them of any problems and they have fixed them right away and not made stupid excuses up.

And now he wants everyone banned because of his inexcusable attitude towards other members, at the rate he is going, everyone will be banned and he will have no one to finish his maps for him.

And then there are other members (not naming any names) who sit on the side and only throw in their snide remarks every now and then speaking about letting it go. It should be apparent that the problem has been around for over one and a half years, and it is not going to be passed over.
I guess the thing to do is follow your own advice and either support your side or stay out of it. This is a forum, and a discussion is taking place. Only one side appears to be getting upset. When both sides are upset, then it is an argument.

Well The honor of being banned should go to the one saying that others should be banned and see how he likes it.
Where then could he speak the way he is doing it now?
And who could then get his so called Finished Mods?

And a 50year man (or is he?) old acting so childish with his name calling is uncalled for and unwarranted.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Wed May 20, 2009 1:27 am

I did not make The Trouble With Florida Gold and several other guys did.

These are projects just like the other twenty games I make landscapes and scenarios for. If I post them at a fan site so be it...if I don't I don't care. I will end up posting all game mods on several pages on my web site. If I decide to re-post them here I will and not because of anything you say. Others at this forum right now have those don't...fool.

I left this site because of you and a couple others…I pulled my work from here. I guess you think you can post lies and people will believe your tripe.

Get lost Vzboob.

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