Did you know NifSkope can edit .kfm files?
Did you know NifSkope can edit .kfm files?
I seem to remember people having trouble with .kfm files and having to hex edit them. I started playing with NifSkope to modify a loco and I noticed 'KFM' in the View menu so I opened the .kfm file for my loco and not only did it load but it loaded the associated .nif file as well. The only trick is when you Save just make sure you add the right extension (.nif or .kfm) and NifSkope will write out the proper info tree to the file.
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R mobo - Core i7 920
G.SKILL 3x1GB PC3 10666
MSI 8800GT Graphics Card
WD 150GB Raptor System Drive
WinXP Pro SP2 (LANfest Old Gamer Prize)
G.SKILL 3x1GB PC3 10666
MSI 8800GT Graphics Card
WD 150GB Raptor System Drive
WinXP Pro SP2 (LANfest Old Gamer Prize)
That might not be a bad idea, like what tools/utilities are good for Railroads!. Also any specific settings that need to be used for getting Railroads compatible files. Like right now I'm looking for Nif file import/export settings.
Just off the top of my head:
Dragon unPACKer
nVidia DDS tools
Train Skinning Kit
Just off the top of my head:
Dragon unPACKer
nVidia DDS tools
Train Skinning Kit
I was just going to message you on the subject. I'm not Rich (he's my brother
) so I can't spend alot on the Graphics programs. I own Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7. Of course I have FpkPacker, Anim8or, GIMP2, NifSkope and PakBuild. If I were to buy anything it would be the one that would be the best for the cash. And I aint talking 3 - 4 hundred. (I just found 3ds Max 9 full version for $48 on Ebay.....removed for some reason.
Any suggestions oh great one????/

Any suggestions oh great one????/
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....
Paint Shop Pro is great for the money. I've been using mostly PSP for editing the terrain map. I find it works great with paletted images. Look for upgrade pricing. http://www.paintshoppro.com/
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R mobo - Core i7 920
G.SKILL 3x1GB PC3 10666
MSI 8800GT Graphics Card
WD 150GB Raptor System Drive
WinXP Pro SP2 (LANfest Old Gamer Prize)
G.SKILL 3x1GB PC3 10666
MSI 8800GT Graphics Card
WD 150GB Raptor System Drive
WinXP Pro SP2 (LANfest Old Gamer Prize)
Warll - yah, I kinda figured it couldn't be real, bid start maybe, but not buy-it-now....in searching the net I find the student price at $400 and the commerical at $1100.
Doc - I tried it from your tut and got the ocean with the squares visable and then it went right up to the highest level possible. Very little in between. Gotta work on that or get another to do it. I've got karsten in line after he gets his Australia finished.
Doc - I tried it from your tut and got the ocean with the squares visable and then it went right up to the highest level possible. Very little in between. Gotta work on that or get another to do it. I've got karsten in line after he gets his Australia finished.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....
Well, you don't actually want the tile edges any higher than around 20. You shouldn't really be able to see them I just pumped them up for the tutorial so you know what you are dealing with. Just go by eye to start with, you might want to open some of the original maps to get a feel for the grayscale since you're familiar with the terrain that results from them.

For those complaining about money for software,
should complain about themself.
The only hobby i can effort me, is a computer-hobby,
because almost everything is for free,
still it's a pitty i can't download my hardware and still have to pay my too slow internet.
so no, it's surely not important to state out what's for free or not,
surely not for people modding games etc...
the only reason to use freeware is because of the statement 'it's for free and thanx for that', and most of the time freeware will do the job pretty well without the need of searching a simple operation in all those never-needed-advanced-options included in other software
Maybe an idea for sid f* meier, do include a super-computer in the software package for free, or do program well so a super-computer is not needed,
anyway my computer is fast enough to calculate 10000000 tracks and 100000 trains in 1 second, it all depend on how it is programmed, it's done in such a way because software companies get paied for this so others can sell their hardware

ps: you don't need to preach (reply) on this