Here's a trick I've come up with for forcing what track the train appears on. It may involve some expense since you may have to run track and create stops which you will destroy or never use.
Setup ASCII art:
Code: Select all
A1===========================B1 C
1) Create the passenger mail train with the route A->B. For my example, say it appears at stop A on line A1-B1.
2) Run track from B2 to Stop C, and create a stop there [2].
3) Create the freight train with the route A->B->C. It will appear [3] on
track A2-B2-C because that is the only track that route is possible on.
4) Edit the route for the freight train and delete stop C.
5) You are finished.
There are a lot of variations on this idea, of course, you can use a stop
between and B, etc.
An additional idea: For trains that already exist, create the link to C for the empty track. Edit the route of the freight train to add stop C. When you click OK, it will ask you if you want to move the train to the empty track, for a fee.
(My apologies if this is old news or I'm belaboring the obvious here.)
[1] I'm using "stop" here for "depot/station/terminal or annex". Is there a better or more accepted word for that?
[2] Or use existing track and/or stops.
[3] Remember that trains may appear in odd places at first. Let the game run a bit until the train has loaded cars and left the stop to be sure what line it is on.