Help installing maps on Win8.1

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Help installing maps on Win8.1

Post by Sinophile » Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:08 pm

Hai Guyz,

I am having trouble getting custom maps to work on Windows8. I've tried Green Mars and Mud Skippers. I've gotten the graphics on the train stations to change, but little else, and every time I load up a custom map the game crashes. Is there a way to get it to work?

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Re: Help installing maps on Win8.1

Post by slider38 » Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:45 pm

I am not familiar with the maps that you mention, but I have tested one or two of my maps on a laptop purchased a year or so ago which runs Windows 8 without a problem.

If the maps you are trying to run are listed as SAM maps they are Stand Alone Maps which means you cannot have anything in your custom assets or usermap folders except for the map's files. If the maps are using global assets, I'm afraid I can't help as SAMs are all I have built.

Maybe someone else here who is familiar with the maps you are trying to run will respond. Good luck.

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Re: Help installing maps on Win8.1

Post by snoopy55 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:06 am

Green Mars is one of Jancsika's maps, and it is a SAM. Mud Skippers, from this site, is one of Lowell's CIC maps.

As to the Win 8 thing, I'm lost there, I've stuck with XP!
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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