Map editing question

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Post by Lowell » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:18 am

I ran into a snag placing the new trees in the mix. I'm still working on adding them as trees in the game. They have to be added to the games clutter file and given a unique number which I have done...they just come out invisable is all... :D ...something missing...I'll find it.

EDIT//Right Warll...they were added to the clutter list...that's where the trees are listed. They get listed here...

C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Assets\XML\Clutter.xml

I've almost got it.
Last edited by Lowell on Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:35 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Warll » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:20 am

You mean you added them to the list of trees not just decorations?

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Post by Lowell » Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:35 am

Just sent an email to Sid's group at Fraxis about this trouble. Who knows maybe we will get lucky and we will see a fix.

I also informed them of this site and our large group still here...and...of the many great mods that have been built here. So maybe we will see some action. I was really depending on that decorations.xml file working. Everyone think positive thoughts... :lol:

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Post by Lowell » Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:32 pm

I guess I need to post this here as well as at ModDB. As I build my mods/maps I will post questions and findings here on this post/thread...completed maps will be posted at the maps section and at ModDB.
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Post by Warll » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:57 am

Oh course while I think its kind of silly you did not see who "made" the mod and the uploader of the image, a thieving "warll", I still am sorry if you are mad, becuase well I did take the picture(s) without asking. I took that picture from your topic because, well we very much plan on including your maps in SMRI 2. In fact, work on SMRI 2 will not start until you get those #$%^ maps out! If you don't mind me pointing out your name is way too blurry to read.
Last edited by Warll on Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Warll » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:59 am

Oh by the way I posted here not too long ago that if any mappers wanted to join the SMRI dev team they could just send me their user names on Moddb. No one PM'd me so thats why only me and Atani and Larry are on the team.

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Post by Lowell » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:04 am

That's funny...I just got an invite to the team at ModDB for this group...

Oh...I see now. This must be the Big Zip stuff.

...sorry... :oops: I have been doing two different game mods at once plus some other stuff and I never saw your post about the group. It just suprised me today to see those pics there...I thought it was someone's new mod for the game and why would they be using pictures from mine? type thought. I can provide better pictures than those. I also paint and I am an old time artist as name is like a trade mark for as my wife would say..."you have over-reacted again."

Wish someone would have emailed or pmed me I would have seen it. I don't always read all new I would have never seen those posts. I have to explain myself to the ModDB group...dang...

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Post by Warll » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:56 am

lol, well I can take all the blame. I can understand that you were worried about someone stealing your work, one mod I tested for not too long ago had a often had models riped and released. Although how many SMR mappers do you know that are not part of this forum? As well "Also...if you look will see My Name (Lowell)" I don't know now close you can look but to me the players name is well blurred.

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Post by Lowell » Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:33 am

I have been in contact with Fraxis on the several issues with the game. Mostly the decorations file not getting saved by the game when playing/saving.

I also would like to point out that the Scenario Objective 'Grow Cities' also will not work correctly. Even on the default maps in the game... ie. the France map for one. Instead of waiting for the target city to reach it's target growth triggers the objective as soon as you place a train station at the town for the first time. :roll:

The response I have received from Fraxis said my findings have been moved up to the Development Team for testing and review...looks like we might just have a new game update soon. Hope they throw in some new content as well. :)

...Florida Gold maps...
The 20x20 sized map construction is complete. PreBeta and Design tests will be finished this weekend. I only lack a little more artwork for my Southern train engines (should be easy as they are mostly black), The F unit colors are a tad different with Dk Green and Silver sometimes White, a couple icons need a do-over, newspaper pictures, a couple more industry report and buy pictures. Should have all that done this weekend.

The 17x17 sized map has a few new edits that need done. PreBeta tests for that map will be started this weekend as well...this map will test out faster than the larger one.

One thing I have found on big maps like this 20x20 -or- 400 square unit map, is they can get a tad unstable as you get ever more train cars loading-unloading and the game needs to write down a trillion things at once it seems sometimes. Surprisingly though the larger map runs fairly stable for it's size. It may drop off to the desktop a few times, but only after a couple hours of play. This is going to depend greatly on the players system setup. If it drops out...I just click and go right back in without any wait...and everything is good. So it plays to the end of the scenario just fine.

Beta tests will begin this week after I get the 17x17 map complete. They need to be placed/posted out as a set...this way if your system can't run the larger 20x20 sized map you can still play the scenario. It seemed like the fair thing to do. :) I will begin work on everything I need for the installer as well.

If I can't get the palm trees to kick-in before release I will skip them for now.
Last edited by Lowell on Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Lowell » Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:04 pm

Post removed...Files for the map are in the Maps thread.
Last edited by Lowell on Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by snoopy55 » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:08 am

Lowell, 1 thing I found in at least 1 of the maps I did was that it required a RRT_Goods XML in with the map, This too can be stripped except for any Mods. The reason for this is beyond me at this time. It uses the same space as the maps RRT_Goods and can be stripped the same way. You can also remove the maps Goods XML and rename the Scenario to use RRT_Goods.xml. This is why my Wisconsin map was acting funny, I had forgotten about that little long away from my enjoyment :cry:

I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by Lowell » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:19 am

It won't load as is? I need to place a RRT_Goods.xml list in it? It has one.
It also requires the Santa FPK and the basin and range port and annex.

I'm going to blank my files and then load this and see.

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Post by snoopy55 » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:26 am

The only thing it needs is what it uses. As I said, it will work with just RRT_Goods.xml and not the map specific RRT_Goods. All the required files that are in the various FPKs can go into 1 with the maps name on it.

I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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