BC Interior BETA

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Post by GS-Railroad » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:30 pm

I am definantly having CTD issues with v91 and the latest version. No mods installed or anything. Normally I don't have any CTD problems however I did find that the Messa Madness map is also causing CTD. I can only imagine how picky the editor is and how flaky the engine must be with some of these maps. I still love this BC map it is by far the most realistic so far. It's using up just under 1 gig of ram at the start so it is definantly recommended for higher end machines with 1GB or more. Multi works ok but still has CTD issues as did my single player experiences.

Hopefully you can get rid of the crashes and possibly expand some of the industry in places. I noticed that if you don't get the sweet spot at the start your in for a slow burn. I just hate getting 100 mile house or up in around that area. Kamloops and Vernon areas are great tho. I just love watching the trains on this map it's alot better with more room albeit harder on robber baron :)

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Post by CeeBee51 » Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:21 am

Glad you like it....when it runs. I ususally CTD part way in but if I reload from the last auto-save I can usually play to the finish. As for starting locations, my favs are Barriere and Chase. Some of the others are real tough but if you want a challenge, well you certainly have one then. I had hoped to have iron ore included(from the mid east map) but I had nothing but trouble with crashes so I went to only in game stuff. One problem with having the resources and industry be random placed it that most everything tends to end up in the middle so the periphery not only is rather barren but if you happen to start out there it really gets tough.

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Post by Warll » Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:29 am

I had a lot of fun playing this map. It took me about 1-2 hours to play through. Most of the goals were easy to complete but one or two I had start working on to late in the era. the game ran fine as it most often does. I am beginning to think the key is lower settings then what would be ideal. Over all one of if not the best maps I've played so far.

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Post by smokin » Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:33 pm

thanks for the work and the map, checking it out.

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Post by Warll » Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:56 am

In case anybody would like to just sit back and watch a train go through a spectacular land scape. I made this save game. It includes one train and a track that goes through the mountains on BC Gold. The trip takes 10-30 mins (depending on what train you take) and while it did not run so well on my low end computer. I'm sure people with higher end machines would get a real thrill out of this trip.

Edit: It will not allow the save game to upload. Would some one from the site be willing to set it so it can?

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Post by Kenster » Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:43 am

I'm not sure, but you may have to put it in a zip or rar file.

In fact you will see a link for a list of "Allowed Extensions and Sizes" when you go to attach a file.


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Post by Warll » Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:48 am

Ah ha! Okay here it is in a zip.
A trip in the mountains.zip
(1.22 MiB) Downloaded 681 times

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Post by atani » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:22 am

Attached is an installer for this map.
extract and run setup to install this map.
(636.87 KiB) Downloaded 1337 times

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Post by Warll » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:41 am

How long does it take for you to make an installer? Also i have just updated the wiki with the new download link.

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Post by atani » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:42 am

Warll wrote:How long does it take for you to make an installer? Also i have just updated the wiki with the new download link.
5-10 mins usually if there are no custom content, if there is custom content then it is somewhere around 20-30 mins


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Re: BC Interior BETA

Post by Tazz » Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:59 am

Added SAM version to first post.

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Re: BC Interior BETA

Post by snoopy55 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:51 pm

There seems to be a problem with this map, but only a very few seem to have one...... Three people had a problem when it was first uploaded, two crashes prior to full load and one at a certain date. Later one person mentions 3 crashes. No where in the maps thread was anything mentioned about the Event XML.

So, what do we have. There are 7 download points for this map.... 3 in the thread by CeeBee51, 1 in the thread by atani, 1 in the thread by Tazz, 1 by me in the SAM thread and 1 by Karsten in his thread. Crashes.... 2 'before it fully loads' crashes, 1 'at a certain date' crash, Karsten mentioning 'the occasional CTD when the game engine trips over its shoelaces' and a couple after CeeBee51 edits the VCs.

26 downloads of the SAM, 24 downloads from Karstens version and 381 from CeeBee51's 3 uploads. And maybe 7 or 8 crash 'mentions'? And Karstens version has a single entry Event XML, which is fine. Myself, when i redo it I'll put in the Event that have to do with the Goods in the map. Of course, if it crashes I'll probably not get a post about it.....

There is talk about a map not being accepted if it does not run correctly. This would be one of them, tho it ran fine for my tester. But it crashed for someone out there. But it was corrected by someone else....but which of 5 versions do we accept? Has Karstens version crashed for anyone? If someone does report it, do we throw this map out the door, or do we piut it in a 'To Be Repaired and Judged' subforum?

The SAM will be edited, and hopefully Tazz will get around to putting the corrected version oin the first post.

I know this post is going to cause a hassle, but hey, I do get to speak my peace even if it does cause a hassle.......

(and don't take this as something against you CeeBee5, I have no problem with your map, it just got chosen by someone as the discussion point)
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Re: BC Interior BETA

Post by karsten » Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:21 am

Yes, both approaches are feasible. I am sure many people will welcome the opportunity to play this great map without crashes. :D

By the way, my estimate of 80% crash reduction for SAMs is based on Windows XP. Any feedback from Vista users on their improved crash experience? :P

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Re: BC Interior BETA

Post by Jancsika » Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:10 am

This map went through a few re-incarnation. I have added a Generic Events file. After all those years it is still a great map.
The revised map is posted in the first post.

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