New England

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Post by Kenster » Thu May 10, 2007 2:32 pm

Hi all,

Thanks for still playing with my map..

Life has been real busy for me the past few months so I haven't got anything done on the new map..

I know I have the fishery glitch worked out on the new map. It is a water level only issue as far as I can see.
I had edited a sat. map in photoshop and painted in all the water in the same black shade and was able to have fisheries random spawn. I'm not happy with the map the way it is yet so I'm not releasing it till I get more time to edit it..
I'm not even going to put an ETA on it.. :cry:
But I will get it done and post it here.. :wink:

See you all soon.

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New England map

Post by Snoopyjy » Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:02 pm

Hi guys, I just setup Railroads on my laptop and I am working on the other thread in reference to the Vista crash which I hope to fix soon, but I can not seem to find the map for New England, I live in NH and I want to try it out as well as set it up for my grandfather who I bet would love it. Is the map in suspense till the next beta or did I just miss the link? Thanks

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Post by Warll » Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:33 pm

The download is in the first post, it's a .zip. You also have to be logged in to see the links.

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New England map

Post by Snoopyjy » Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:00 pm

Ah never mind it must not have showed me logged in when I was reading the post. Can't wait to try it!

(Edit) Nice map, I was pretty impressed and now that my Railroads game works without crashing I can have some fun. One comment though is that you named a town Rockchester except in NH its Rochester

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Post by Kenster » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:16 am

Sorry about the the spelling error. I even misspelled New London in my own state.. :oops:
I'll have to fix the spelling errors and release it soon.
It's been a while since I played Railroads and even longer since I worked on my new New England "BIG" map. If I have some spare time I'll get back into some mapping and finish the above mentioned NE Big map.

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Post by Kenster » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:46 pm

Hi all,

I’ve been busy and my laptop hard drive crashed. My back ups didn’t have my good working New England “BIGâ€

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First look N.E. BIG

Post by Kenster » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:24 am

Here's the first look at "New England BIG"
It's in stable condition and I have been play testing it for a few weeks.

I still need to work on VC's and maybe Copper.
SMRailroads!0003.jpg (166.26 KiB) Viewed 7435 times


Post by keotaman » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:08 pm

Looks good, Kenster. What is the depot in the center -- Hartford?

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Post by Kenster » Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:35 pm

keotaman wrote:Looks good, Kenster. What is the depot in the center -- Hartford?
Thanks keotaman..
Yes that is the Hartford depot. I tried to include all major cities as starting points and many minor cities as towns as long as the spacing/balance worked out. :wink:

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Re: New England

Post by snoopy55 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:51 am

I'd like some help here with this one. A few of us spent a lot of time trying to get the Fisheries to work right in the random mode. Kenster had it working in a static version, but then he changed it to random. Since he gave me a free hand to edit it:
Kenster wrote:Snoop, feel free to edit the map any way you want. 8)

I started a new bigger v. of New England and have the fisheries working good till I started adding more industries.

And as you can see from that quote and this one:

Kenster wrote:I'm going to be making a scenario with static industries using this map or an updated version (BIGGER)

he had plans on a larger version, I was wondering if someone could do a 15x15 version, keeping the original cities as close to their present locations as possible, and if that same person, or a number of you, could work up some placement for the Industries. Then I could SAM it. It just doesn't seem right doing it without the Fisheries and Corm Farms that don't seem to want to show up.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Re: New England

Post by Kenster » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:05 am

Hi Snoopy,

Sorry I haven't been around. I'll take a look at my "BIG" New England and clean up a few things to make it a Random Map. Then I will post it..

I had the fisheries and corn all working when
I last play tested it. :wink:


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