The American Transcontinental Railroad- Version 1.2a Final

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Post by maestro70 » Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:21 am

With all the grain that seems to appear on this map, it's screaming for the production of BEER!!!! It is only a multi-billion dollar industry after all...(and the California Wine Business isn't too shabby either...)

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Old version

Post by jazman » Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:38 pm

Hi let me just say great maps.
I was wondering is there any way to have the original and 1.2 as I like playing them both?

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Dr Frag
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Post by Dr Frag » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:59 am

Well there is definitely a conflict with the Middle East map. I found a preexisting Iron Mine in my Global Industries XML. I had to build the America Goods & Industries XMLs from scratch to figure it out cuz I was CTDing. I ended up grabbing the Mid East resources as he made new Iron Mine, Metal Factory & Ore Car models.

Now to play and see if there are any more issues to uncover. 8)

Wish me luck . . . I'm goin in . . .

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Post by snoopy55 » Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:35 am

Dr Frag - originally Daryl was having trouble getting his MID EAST map to work. I found the problem, and if you're going to try to use them, and haven't done the following, do it now.

Go into GLOBALS. Open RRT_Industries.xml and do a search for Iron Mill. In this Industry you will find <bInForests>1</bInForests>. Delete this line and change <bInCity>0</bInCity> to <bInCity>1</bInCity>. In the same XML do a search for Falafel Food Plant and make the same 2 changes.

I've go a new version of Mid East coming and Atani has been sent the map and info. The above corrections could be the problem.

PS The problem with those industries in the MID EAST map was they never showed up for installment in Cities because the game saw them as belonging in Forests.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by Dr Frag » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:58 pm

D'oH :shock:
Thanx for pointing that out but it looks like he changed it before I got them cuz the only InForests I have is the Lumber Mill. I did get it working after I switched the Steel Mill to the Iron Mill. Since when does Coal make Steel?? So now my America map has kewl Iron Ore mines and Iron Mills churning out Steel. W00T!

Have to start a new game as I just figured out that part as I lay in bed this morning. I wasn't able to make Steel last night. :?

I hope you toned down the HeightMap a bit cuz it was awefully peaky when I looked at it last night. Some seriously deep valleys there. :P

P.S. Great map stormfather, it's a lot of fun.

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Post by Dr Frag » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:36 pm

Okay, just had a RANDOMEVENT: 5326 CTD. I looked in RRT_Events_America.xml & RRT_Goods_America.xml and noticed there is a Corn Event yet there is no Cornmeal in the map. Will this cause a problem?

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Post by snoopy55 » Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:56 pm

That may be it, or it may also be that he has a number of Goods in there that he doesn't use, and the Annexes for them. I got cleaning that up last night and stopped when I came to the Stock Exchange and Military Base. These could cause a problem later since the Stock Exchange is used in another map, but not in the GLOBALS. I believe it's the Arizona map. If someone loads or reloads this after this map, it may be a problem.

We're getting to a point where we need 2 versions of each map. The first would be one that uses the 3 lines for each item that is in the original game and a full listing (?) for any that are not (Iron Mine, Iron Mill). This would be for non-GLOBAL players. The 2nd would have all 3 line items and and naything that is new (Military Base) would be added to GLOBALS. I use printed sheets listing all the parts of the game (Goods, Annexes, Cars, Industries) to check out maps. It can get difficult to check them when you have to add new stuff in. (that's not ment as a complaint, just a point made. It's much easier that way)

If at all possible, the material in the GLOBALS should be used. If you want something different, say the icon, just add the needed lines. The rest is not needed. Stormfather did this with the Bridges XML, but the green data wasn't needed.

We also need a building for a Stock Exchange, possibly snitch one from the RRT_Cities.xml. A Military Base could be made from the War Factory, just taking out the movement (or leave it in) and putting a 0 for In-City. Change the name for the new ones also. The Stock Excange would also look nice as a simple white stone building with 4 pilliars in front. Any takers?
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by stormfather » Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:35 am

Dr Frag wrote:Okay, just had a RANDOMEVENT: 5326 CTD. I looked in RRT_Events_America.xml & RRT_Goods_America.xml and noticed there is a Corn Event yet there is no Cornmeal in the map. Will this cause a problem?
Yeah, that's a problem. Just when I thought this thing was bug free... :x

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Post by dwax » Thu May 03, 2007 2:04 pm

I'm getting a CTD on this map too. I get the same error that I get in your Germany map. :shock: :( This always worked before. I haven't done any thing different ezcept changed my ATI drivers from 7.2 to 7.3 May try to downgrade the drivers see what happens. I know I went in and took out all references to TenderCars in all the TrainCarsXML maps, do your maps depend on the TenderCars??

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Is there a way to add the Basin and Range

Post by 2391212 » Mon May 14, 2007 4:25 pm

Is there a way to add the Basin and Range inudstries and cars to the America map. I tried editing some of the XML files yesterday, but had very little success. Stormfather, are you planning on another update?

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Post by Dr Frag » Mon May 14, 2007 10:19 pm

If you want to add industries/goods to another map from another map then you either have to move them into the Globals (if they are not already) and reference them in the new maps Local XMLs or you have to put all the Industry/Good/TrainCar definitions into the new maps Local XMLs. I prefer to move Locally defined Industries/Goods/TrainCars into the Global XMLs and just use simple references in the Local XMLs.

Remember that Goods require Industries to produce/accept them and TrainCars to deliver them so you usually need all three defined properly to have full functionality.

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Post by stormfather » Tue May 15, 2007 3:36 am

I can't honestly say that another update for this map is in the works; I don't have too much time to work on my maps and I'm currently working on a map of New York State and the surrounding region. What specific industries, goods, traincars, etc were you planning to add, Bill?

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Post by 2391212 » Thu May 17, 2007 2:40 pm

I was hoping to add ports, a distribution centre, and all the new cars. I've had some luck with the ports, but the sim usually crashes before long. An update to include many of these new cars and industries would be fantastic. This is by far my favourite map.

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Post by GS-Railroad » Thu May 24, 2007 5:22 am

Awsome map. I had some problems with the installer though. I had a clean install of Railroads patched to v1.10 with Tenders installed yet I wasn't seeing tenders. Problem was with the installer. No matter where I pointed the installer it will only decompress files to "My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!"

This may cause some confusion with custom install folders:
I have Railroads installed to "My Documents\My Games\SMR"

The problem is that the installer needs to actually update two of the original Tender mod files (RRT_TrainCars.xml and RRT_Trains.xml) So to fix the problem and get tenders working properly again I just copied the original Tender Mod files into the "My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!" folder which the installer created since I did not have one. I then ran the installer again. This time it updated the files it found and I just moved them back into my install folder.

This map is really cool I highly recommend it. The only thing I didn't like was the state borders so I removed them. For anyone who wants to play this great map without the state border lines I have included the attached edited .tga file in .rar format. Extract to your "CustomAssets\XML\_SCENARIOS_\America" folder and click yes to replace.

Thanks for the great map everyone!
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RAR vs. ZIP files?

Post by keotaman » Thu May 24, 2007 7:12 am

GS-Railroad wrote: ... I have included the attached edited .tga file in .rar format. ...
Just curious, why do so many compress the files as RAR instead of ZIP? Is there much difference?

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