Mud Skippers

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Wed May 20, 2009 1:35 am


everyone can see why I won't trust to be a member at your site, and ever sence you made those threads, I swore never to go to your RailRoads forum.

Everyone can see what the Bobby's RailFan web site owner is like right here. And aren't you suposed to remove that sig of yours...Falconer said to remove those...I see you have no respect for the forum Admins here, that is for sure.

This is really sad Robert/Bobby or whoever. You are one of the first people I have ever seen trash a fan site and run everyone off...screaming.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Wed May 20, 2009 4:27 am

Lowell wrote:See...

everyone can see why I won't trust to be a member at your site, and ever sence you made those threads, I swore never to go to your RailRoads forum.

Everyone can see what the Bobby's RailFan web site owner is like right here. And aren't you suposed to remove that sig of yours...Falconer said to remove those...I see you have no respect for the forum Admins here, that is for sure.

This is really sad Robert/Bobby or whoever. You are one of the first people I have ever seen trash a fan site and run everyone off...screaming.
Well see everyone can see you are the liar here,
and it is even sadder that you make up so much bull that you even believe it yourself now. You are the one screaming and running away from the truth Not me as you can see I am still here. You are the one trashing web sites not me.

Ever since I made what threads, What are you talking about about now?
You do not want to be a member on my site because you know you can't get your own way there with what you are doing here with all your untruths and name calling etc.

So now you are showing your real colors, you can see how the truth really hurt you and you can't face the true facts, and now you are making up even more feeble excuse's for you own stupidity.

You are the one calling people names, saying they are on drugs and all the other silly things. You are the one who can't face up and admit you are wrong. You are the one who want's everyone banned so you can have your own way. It is you that have the problem that needs urgent attention.

You still have not even answered all the questions put to you.
But you know you can't answer them as they are true and you can not prove they are not.
Even your own answer's prove that you are a Liar right through out this thread.
But you claim that everyone else are the liar's but have never proven this fact either.
If I get banned from this site it will only prove that the administrator/s have it all wrong and have banned the wrong person for the wrong reasons and that this problem of you will never go away whilst you are a member of this website and keep making all your false accusations. It happened with Tijers, where only 2 people complained to get him banned to which you were the instigator of. That to me is where the wrong person got banned for speaking his mind, isn't that what forums are for. The administrator should look at the whole picture and read everything of whats going on and then use the right options and this does not mean banning people. They can use other options other than banning people.
You have harassed other members of this forum to the point where they do not want to come back. And then you claim that it is them doing all the harassment.
You avoid the truth like the plague and wont answer simple questions put to you without claiming it is harassment, Lies or throwing a tantrum over it and running away until you can think up more silly excuses.
It is such a shame you had to take this path where as you could have chosen another.
Lowell wrote:And aren't you suposed to remove that sig of yours...Falconer said to remove those...I see you have no respect for the forum Admins here, that is for sure.
Oh yeah before i forget show me where he said for me to remove that. I can not see it anywhere. Or is that the post he made where he said he had turned of signatures.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Wed May 20, 2009 5:15 am

Lowell wrote:I did not make The Trouble With Florida Gold and several other guys did.

These are projects just like the other twenty games I make landscapes and scenarios for. If I post them at a fan site so be it...if I don't I don't care. I will end up posting all game mods on several pages on my web site. If I decide to re-post them here I will and not because of anything you say. Others at this forum right now have those don't...fool.

I left this site because of you and a couple others…I pulled my work from here. I guess you think you can post lies and people will believe your tripe.

Get lost Vzboob.

The thread you speak of was not made by me or vzbob. And the reason it was started was because you threw a fit about people posting errors they found in that map, you felt it was making your thread look bad. And here you are, in your thread, calling me a 'retard'.

"Others at this forum right now have those don't...fool." Childish attitude and more name calling.

And the next part. First you say you left this site, then you state WE are posting lies? You're still on this site, so in saying you left, you are lying. Second, you state that you NEVER played any SAM maps, and I quote you saying you did and post the picture you posted where you actually have named it Utah_SAM_00.png. YOU lied in saying you never played it, and when I posted that, you didn't admit to it. Isn't that lying?

And vzbob, you need to understand something. When a person refuses to answer a question or reply to a statement, 99% of the time it is because they cannot answer and/or reply because it will reveal the truth about them. Lowell just refuses to see the truth. He chooses to do something I have not heard since 3rd grade, call someone a 'retard'.

re·tard (rē'tärd')
n. Offensive Slang.
Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person.

And by a lot of your edits, and the screenshots you have removed, you are admitting to your being wrong.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Wed May 20, 2009 2:15 pm

Neither one of you two have Ever built a map or anything for this you realise just how dumb you both look.

I guess you two are so out-of-it, you both do not realise what the members at this forum think of you. I sure am getting PMs from everyone asking me to ignore you two.

I am not even going to read your posts post on if you wish, go ahead and show everyone that is a member of your site, just what type a person you are. So talk to yourselves. Both of you are a complete waste of my valuable time. You both are being placed on my Foe list, so I will never see a single post from either of you again. This also means you are not premitted to PM or email, me from this forum once I set it up...have a nice day.

I guess I now need to ask publically to have both of your usernames Banned from this forum.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Wed May 20, 2009 3:13 pm

Lowell wrote:Neither one of you two have Ever built a map or anything for this you realise just how dumb you both look.

I guess you two are so out-of-it, you both do not realise what the members at this forum think of you. I sure am getting PMs from everyone asking me to ignore you two.

I am not even going to read your posts post on if you wish, go ahead and show everyone that is a member of your site, just what type a person you are. So talk to yourselves. Both of you are a complete waste of my valuable time. You both are being placed on my Foe list, so I will never see a single post from either of you again. This also means you are not premitted to PM or email, me from this forum once I set it up...have a nice day.

I guess I now need to ask publically to have both of your usernames Banned from this forum.
I guess you are more out of it than we are and now again you Lie, I have made maps and mods and even have them posted. It just shows how silly you are looking now. You do not want to read what is true and answer for it. As for PMs well it just shows that they mean nothing as none of these so called people have ever said anything openly and that you are making it all up. Its such a shame you can not add us to your foes list as it has not been active for ages.
I Guess I need to Publicly ask that you be banned as well.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by dwax » Wed May 20, 2009 4:09 pm

vzbob go back to your own forum and raise hate, the only thing you want here is to have this forum shut down. You never help here so leave.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Thu May 21, 2009 12:37 am

dwax wrote:vzbob go back to your own forum and raise hate, the only thing you want here is to have this forum shut down. You never help here so leave.
Why do i want this forum shut down? Who hates what, I do not hate anyone. It sounds more like your style where you hate to see the truth and hate the people who speak it. And where have you helped here all i see you have done is to whine and complain about people who speak their minds and you jump in with little snide remarks. Tell me what then is a forum for? It seems like you just want it so you can take everything and hide in the shadows and whine when faced with the true facts.

But you are as bad as other people here in this forum who do not want to see the truth and just want take what is there for the taking and give nothing in return. And then when the truth is revealed for all to see you want it all to go away or get people banned.
I am sorry you can not see that but it looks like you do not read everything that is posted either. If you did you would see the pattern of it all and it all is about the same person who for over a year and a half has created it all. But when your faced with the true facts just want it all to go away. Where has the freedom of speech gone to these days. Oh well what else can be said. I would say if you do not have any thing useful to say then practice what you preaching yourself. Nothing Is Stopping him from finishing his projects as he calls them and he could also do as you suggested go elsewhere. And If I get banned for speaking the truth then it will just show how bad it is here in this forum and that people here just want to wear blinders and only read all the Lies.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by dwax » Thu May 21, 2009 1:07 am

vzbob wrote:And If I get banned for speaking the truth then it will just show how bad it is here in this forum and that people here just want to wear blinders and only read all the Lies.
Just like your forum huh? Get a life

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Thu May 21, 2009 5:44 am

But you are as bad as other people here in this forum you see just what you are saying to everyone at this forum. You have just insulted everyone for no reason, your gripe is with me for some strange reason, leave everyone else out of this.

All my answers were helpful answers about making maps for this game...just what the world are you talking about anyway? Or are you just rambling and need medication and therapy from a professional?

How many forum members have to ask you nicely to go about your own business. It is great you have made maps for the game; I must be too busy to have ever seen any of them. So take all this energy you place in your speech and put it to work at “your forum.”

If those v1 maps of mine are not done, then why do you have completed copies of them offered on your forum for download…hmm? :P :lol:

:roll: This is just crazy, enough...go away for cripes sake. Get a clue dude...

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Thu May 21, 2009 7:22 am

Lowell wrote:
But you are as bad as other people here in this forum you see just what you are saying to everyone at this forum. You have just insulted everyone for no reason, your gripe is with me for some strange reason, leave everyone else out of this.

All my answers were helpful answers about making maps for this game...just what the world are you talking about anyway? Or are you just rambling and need medication and therapy from a professional?

How many forum members have to ask you nicely to go about your own business. It is great you have made maps for the game; I must be too busy to have ever seen any of them. So take all this energy you place in your speech and put it to work at “your forum.”

If those v1 maps of mine are not done, then why do you have completed copies of them offered on your forum for download…hmm? :P :lol:

:roll: This is just crazy, enough...go away for cripes sake. Get a clue dude...
Well if you look at it not one person has asked Nicely as you claim not even you. I can not see any nice words used anywhere asking me. So there you go again saying things that have no meaning at all and Lying again as you said you would not even read our posts again and i quote.
Lowell wrote:I am not even going to read your posts post on if you wish, go ahead and show everyone that is a member of your site, just what type a person you are. So talk to yourselves. Both of you are a complete waste of my valuable time. You both are being placed on my Foe list, so I will never see a single post from either of you again. This also means you are not premitted to PM or email, me from this forum once I set it up...have a nice day.
And you continue insulting everyone on this forum by claiming that you speak for them as you have many times over. I certainly would not want a total stranger speaking for me.
As for your maps they are there because you are to scared to post them here and people asked me for them. And you are making up all these excuses not to post them here. If they were finished v1 one's and they are that good then why have you not left them there and then made new versions of the next lot like other people have done with theirs. But no you cant do that, that would be to simple to do.
And again with the silly statement highlighted in red above.
You must have to use them as it is you that brings them up all the time. I do not need to stoop to your Low ell standards and insinuations and name calling.
So do you know the meaning of the word dude because you use it a lot and it must suit you.
1. a man excessively concerned with his clothes, grooming, and manners.
2. Slang. fellow; chap.
3. a person reared in a large city.
4. Western U.S. an urban Easterner who vacations on a ranch.

So you Please go and Finish what you said you have finished for the last one and a half years and face the truth. Please stop Lying stop calling others Liars, Please stop the name calling and childish antics.
So please just go away yourself.
See I asked nicely.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Thu May 21, 2009 7:35 am

Lowell wrote:Quote:
But you are as bad as other people here in this forum you see just what you are saying to everyone at this forum. You have just insulted everyone for no reason, your gripe is with me for some strange reason, leave everyone else out of this.

All my answers were helpful answers about making maps for this game...just what the world are you talking about anyway? Or are you just rambling and need medication and therapy from a professional?

How many forum members have to ask you nicely to go about your own business. It is great you have made maps for the game; I must be too busy to have ever seen any of them. So take all this energy you place in your speech and put it to work at “your forum.”

If those v1 maps of mine are not done, then why do you have completed copies of them offered on your forum for download…hmm?

This is just crazy, enough...go away for cripes sake. Get a clue dude...
"leave everyone else out of this'? Let me quote you - "you both do not realise what the members at this forum think of you. I sure am getting PMs from everyone asking me to ignore you two.", " everyone that tried to play the sam version complainerd it crashed all the time.", "I told you to bug off and leave us alone", "What do we have to do at this forum...Ban you too Keep it up big mouth, and several members will see to it that you are awarded such an honor.", "None of us here at Hooked Gamers are your baby-sitter, teacher or mommy.", " I bet everyone here is laughing their hind ends off right about now.", "I know everyone else here at the forum got a kick out of it." and "we are all tired of watching the same show over and over."

You seem to be speaking for every member of this forum. And most of them just come here to download maps, not read the posts.

Two members spoke up, and according to you, many more have said the same thing to you. Don't want to listen huh?

And it is not that you are to busy, it's that you just refuse to face the truth. You still have not admitted to the post of yours that I quoted, along with your screen shot, that you DID play the Utah SAM map.

And I like this one - " everyone that tried to play the sam version complainerd it crashed all the time.". Aside from Dwax having a few troubles with two or three, and Rodea2007 insisting that they could not be loaded in that way, which he finally did and it worked for him, who else complained? Oh ya, the Side to Side SAM that failed and was repaired in one or two days. What are you saying, that for some odd reason they only complained to you thru PMs about all the failing SAMs?

And then your line that the SAMs will stop working after a while? What are they going to do, break down?
To force the location info and run totally global is not how the game makes and reads it's may work, but who knows how long or it may not work with every system will.
And if you have not done it in every map, how do you know whether your system will work in every map? And you have admitted to making changes in the structure of your CIC style. Why? Did they stop working?

Just post your maps as they are, and then the Georgia map and all the others you say you have worked on. I want to see you finish a map.

Maybe I'll take you up on that challenge and make a map. I don't need the editor, I can weed out what I do not want from the originals and add BBs to them to complete them. Hmmm, SAM2?

Ya, I think I will. Thanks for the challenge....Dude! :mrgreen:

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by darthdroid » Thu May 21, 2009 2:41 pm

I have no interest in this discussion.

But I did want to thank vzbob for getting snoopy to proof read his posts. Either vzbob took a crash course in English and how to use spell check in the last month.... or he realized he needs some help.

Either way, suddenly he is quite legible, and I just wanted to thank him for having a new consideration for those of us who are reading his posts.
-Bob the Lunatic

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Thu May 21, 2009 3:00 pm

I think you both are clueless and just need banned from this forum...period. You are just too thick-headed to get what everyone at this forum has asked you both nicely to behave and stop this hate stuff.

You are clueless to my mods and work, your statements are making you both look like the fools you are.

BAN Vzbob and RockyHead...

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Thu May 21, 2009 4:39 pm

Lowell wrote:I think you both are clueless and just need banned from this forum...period. You are just too thick-headed to get what everyone at this forum has asked you both nicely to behave and stop this hate stuff.

You are clueless to my mods and work, your statements are making you both look like the fools you are.

BAN Vzbob and RockyHead...

Calm down, (tap,tap,tap)....take a deep breath, (tap,tap,tap) thru your nose, out thru your mouth.......

Clueless, yes, I am, that is why I ask questions, just like you do. And a person stays clueless until they find or are given a correct answer. You made statements, and I asked questions. Tell me, why do you refuse to answer them?

Well, again you go speaking for eveyone on the forum. Are two people 'everyone'?
You are just too thick-headed to get what everyone at this forum has asked you both nicely to behave and stop this hate stuff.
That remark is a kind of double negitive, calling someone a hateful name and then saying I should stop this hate stuff. I never said I hated you.

Hate n. Intense animosity or dislike; hatred.

You went to school, were the teachers being 'hateful' because they asked you a bunch of questions? Are Police 'hateful' when someone does something wrong and they ask the person why they did it?

And finally, let's say for a moment that we are clueless. That would be the reason for our asking questions. If you are so well versed in how it IS done, why can't you answer our questions. I do remember several places on the forum where you said your CICs were for you and you did not create the way they were done for other people to use. But then you stomp on SAMs and order that some be un-SAM'd. You are making a map of Georgia. Does that also mean that if I make one first, that I would have to un-make it because you had the idea first?

As to your final statement, you scream to have us banned, and in that scream you revert to name calling. We are asking questions. You are using disgusting language and childish name calling. If 10% of the members of this forum simply post the word 'Yes', I will not only stop questioning you, heck, I'll leave the forum. Now, considering that I have seen one map downloaded over 1600 times, that is 160 posts that are needed. And no, you can not do your common speaking for everyone, and PMs are not included. Hey, I'll make it easy, 5%, 80 members.

And you still have not answered my questions like you say you always do. Utah SAM?

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Fri May 22, 2009 12:58 am

The "hate" part was directed towards the other group...not you.
why can't you answer our questions.
I will answer any questions. Don't bury them in other ramblings...ask your questions and you will have an answer. I still don't know what this question is I have not answered.

I do remember several places on the forum where you said your CICs were for you and you did not create the way they were done for other people to use.
This statement is taken out of context. What I meant by saying that is, if it looks too hard for a mod builder to read through, then this style is not for you as I am not a must already "know" what you are doing as to the building of this game in order to see my files and then know right off what and how they work. Simple.
We are asking questions"we" were not asking questions, you might have been but the other person was not.

What about the Utah sam.
It still crashes for some people if that is what you wish to know. It did not need converted to a sam either…it was built as a self-contained map by Univerisum way back when he first posted it. If I remember correctly, at the time he was blasted for posting such a map built the way he did. Just as I got blasted when I posted my first version of a self-contained map.

I did find a Sid's RailRoads folder that has the Utah sam map files in it. I had forgotten I downloaded it when Dwax was saying it was crashing and the builder of that sam replied to Dwax that he must not like Utah and blamed Dwax for it crashing. I think Dwax posted several more times, and then the trouble was looked at. As Dwax was posting about this issue, I had downloaded it to see if it would crash for me…I believe it ran fine for me. I had totally forgotten it was there till you had mentioned it.

Anyway whatever, I build my scenarios using the games’ default scenario lists, then add a global file if needed for whatever.

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