Mud Skippers

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:48 am

Lowell wrote:Well it seems others have taken my mod files, made changes to the scenario then posted them on that other site. The name was not changed.

As all four of my mods ran fine, no issues. The four were having items expanded when right in the middle someone stole everything then made changes to their liking then posted the files with the same name. I guess they have been up for a spell as I just found out last night for the first time. I make self-contained maps, sams are not needed for my maps.

I will complete the mods and post them on my site and Mod DB, but not here. I am done with Hooked Gamers.

What they did is like me taking the Basin and Range Demo map and making a mod for it and posting it before they came out with the full version...they have stolen my projects.

So... the new versions will never be posted here...I am through. ... 349#p32349
Lowell wrote:
Nobody's maps are being stolen......
No not stolen, you misunderstand.

I made Florida Gold and there is a map thread on the Mod Maps area of the forum. If you have a question or comment, anyone can post there and I will respond.

Now...let's say I made the F/G files in the old global fashion and it needs converted to a self-contained file system. The new converted files belong on my map thread for that "named" project.

Maps were converted and then placed on a totally different thread far away from the main map thread. Now you may take anything I make, then build you own versions or whatever I don't care. But name your project something different than my projects name. Simple. That way we don't trash other's maps, or confuse players.

Now is that too much to ask, not to trash an artist's work? Take everything and use all game content as you wish, just rename your projects to a new name and give any credit you think you need to give for others etc.

That is what we have been talking about. Moving projects from their master thread, multiple posts for the same named maps.
Mud Skippers ---- Mud Skippers SAM2
Just like:
Holidays_In_Ohio ---- Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:43 pm

Building your own versions and name it something else. Do not use the same map name idiot, I reserve the main name as I may make new versions myself. Make a new name other than having mud skippers in the name as well as the other maps...adding sam2 at the end is not the same as renaming the scenario as you have edited the scenario goals and they are not the same mod anymore.

The real files for my mods will be at Mod DB. What they have done is go inside my files and monkey with them then re-post them with their stuff added etc. I cannot say if they run properly or not. But they surely are not the full versions that are out now. Those people who copy everything are not smart enough to make their own creations.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:46 pm

The issue here is if I build a new map and post if here. Then you take it and post it on another site and convert it to a sam, my version of the mod might never get downloaded. So if you edit the scenario goals say, or make other changes, then re-post it as say mud skippers sam2, then people will think that is the original mod. Plus I would never get any feedback from any of the players. Map makers need feedback on their threads if they are to develop better mods. Plus if there are any issues. What if your sam version starts to crash, or won't let a player return to a saved game? You can trash people's projects that way.
Then there is the issue of making a sam2 when the map is halfway through being updated. You are misleading the players of my maps when you do that. My maps are already stand alone maps, why make a stand alone map of a stand alone map, other than steeling traffic from the main map thread?
Can you guys defend yourselves from your actions now? New players right now may be downloading that scenario you guys have edited/changed/re-posted. They may never see this main thread for my map/mod.
I just don't understand your actions.
Last edited by Lowell on Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:30 pm

Lowell wrote:Building your own versions and name it something else. Do not use the same map name idiot, I reserve the main name as I may make new versions myself. Make a new name other than having mud skippers in the name as well as the other maps...adding sam2 at the end is not the same as renaming the scenario as you have edited the scenario goals and they are not the same mod anymore.

The real files for my mods will be at Mod DB. What they have done is go inside my files and monkey with them then re-post them with their stuff added etc. I cannot say if they run properly or not. But they surely are not the full versions that are out now. Those people who copy everything are not smart enough to make their own creations.
Lowell wrote:The issue here is if I build a new map and post if here. Then you take it and post it on another site and convert it to a sam, my version of the mod might never get downloaded. So if you edit the scenario goals say, or make other changes, then re-post it as say mud skippers sam2, then people will think that is the original mod. Plus I would never get any feedback from any of the players. Map makers need feedback on their threads if they are to develop better mods. Plus if there are any issues. What if your sam version starts to crash, or won't let a player return to a saved game? You can trash people's projects that way.
Then there is the issue of making a sam2 when the map is halfway through being updated. You are misleading the players of my maps when you do that. My maps are already stand alone maps, why make a stand alone map of a stand alone map, other than steeling traffic from the main map thread?
Can you guys defend yourselves from your actions now? New players right now may be downloading that scenario you guys have edited/changed/re-posted. They may never see this main thread for my map/mod.
I just don't understand your actions. You guys are a complete bummer.
Lowell, I'm not one of them guys. I'm someone who reads the License Agreement. You made the map, but it belongs to 2K/Firaxis, no matter where it is. They too can download it and edited it to thier hearts desire. And your name is listed as the original mapper on the post and in the map.

Look, there are 3 Europe maps on this forum, two UK maps, three Germany maps, two Alaska maps, two Australia maps and four Side to Side maps, two of which had scenario editing done by Jancsika. Why not, who cares? There was one mapper who did not want his map made into a SAM. As I pointed out above, you said it was OK to use it in any way, just chnage the name. You called it a Mud Skippers CIC. Now you have named it Mud Skippers. Bobby called his Mud Skippers SAM2. The UK maps are called UK and UK2. I never read anything from you about that. And then there is the Ohio map that you made two maps out of. Did that "trash" jowe10's Ohio map when one of yours crashed?

You keep talking about other people causing trouble. I ran Mud Skippers SAM2 and it runs smoothly. You have been changing yours since that one came out, and you say you will continue to be changing it. OK, someone downloads your map today, but does not get around to running it for a month. There is a problem with it and he tells you. What are you going to do, tell him he has to keep downloading it everyday in order to keep up with all the changes and repairs you do?

And calling me "idiot" is a bit childish. And nowhere in the License Agreement or in this forum does it state that anyone can reserve a name. Where were you when it was done in the maps listed above?

As I saw in the Mud Skippers SAM2, the use of 'mud' in item names was left the same. A few things in the Scenario XML was changed, a few goal numbers and the removal of the notice to contact you. But, any errors which might show up should be sent to bobby, not you, just like a problem with your car should be sent to the manufacturer, not the person who built the first car ever.

Lowell, if people do not like what was done to make that Mud Skippers SAM2, well they should not download it, simple as that. I do not think anyone has thier hand on anyone elses forcing them to download it. I give you about two more weeks and your map will be even more different. Get over it and get on with all the map editing and other things you have to do.

Look at it this way, your announcing it on this forum is simply an advertisement for it so people will go over there and check it out. :mrgreen:

One more thing, you need to complain about one of Jancsika's latest SAMs, Sodor SAM, which uses the map name "The Island Of Sodor", the same as Rodea2007's map. No complaints or rantings there?

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Jancsika » Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:42 pm

One more thing, you need to complain about one of Jancsika's latest SAMs, Sodor SAM, which uses the map name "The Island Of Sodor", the same as Rodea2007's map. No complaints or rantings there?
Because as a courtesy I have checked first with Rodea.
I also made SAM from the West Sumatera scenario.
Jancsika :mrgreen:

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:39 am

Thinking on this a moment.......... :roll:
Last edited by RockyNarrowGauge on Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:41 am

Lowells problem has always been that existing maps should not be made into SAMs. He too gave permission for his maps and anything in them to be used. You and he evedently missed this in my above post -
RockyNarrowGauge wrote:Look, there are 3 Europe maps on this forum, two UK maps, three Germany maps, two Alaska maps, two Australia maps and four Side to Side maps, two of which had scenario editing done by Jancsika. Why not, who cares? There was one mapper who did not want his map made into a SAM. As I pointed out above, you said it was OK to use it in any way, just chnage the name. You called it a Mud Skippers CIC. Now you have named it Mud Skippers. Bobby called his Mud Skippers SAM2. The UK maps are called UK and UK2. I never read anything from you about that. And then there is the Ohio map that you made two maps out of. Did that "trash" jowe10's Ohio map when one of yours crashed?
Can anyone show where permission was given? And how much difference is there in UK and UK2? There is more of a difference between Mud Skippers and Mud Skippers SAM2. And changes were made to the XML contents, so it is not the same map

He states his map trashed because bobby's is going to crash. It won't, once it is tested, it is not edited just to add stuff except to repair any error that might show up later.

In Rodea2007's Sodor map thread you made this statement "Eventually, I will probably make a SAM version.

Nowhere did Lowell say anything about how you should not do it. That remark was not at you Jancsika, but at his being picky about who he picks on. But I have read many times on this forum where he spouted off about that group making SAMs out of maps and how wrong it was. And it was none of his business, unless he was voted forum king and I was not notified of it.

Bobby at least pointed out in the post and in the map itself where it came from.....Lowell, remember the cargo ship you claimed you were building? Before you were cornered by Falconor that is.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Jancsika » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:20 pm

The problem is not with the maps or conversions of CIC to SAM.
There is personal animosity between Lowell and Bobby and that goes way back. Any time these subjects come up it blows over to a dispute of who said what and when and how. Sides are taken, feelings are hurt, etc.
This is not about the game any more.
The whole subject is totally ridiculous and we should stop it not to encourage it.
And that is the last of my comments!!

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:46 pm

Jancsika wrote:The problem is not with the maps or conversions of CIC to SAM.
There is personal animosity between Lowell and Bobby and that goes way back. Any time these subjects come up it blows over to a dispute of who said what and when and how. Sides are taken, feelings are hurt, etc.
This is not about the game any more.
The whole subject is totally ridiculous and we should stop it not to encourage it.
And that is the last of my comments!!
Heah Jancsika do not blame me for all this. There is no personal animosity from me towards Lowell. You can look in this thread and see how many times have i posted in it once only. On other posts I just stated the facts to which he never ever wanted to hear about his projects. And he is the One always complaining about it all not me, And always saying its finished and will be uploaded next week then it never happens.
And yes I made a Map called Mud Skippers SAM2 from his, but as he stated in another post anyone could do it as long as it was renamed to which it was and credits were give to him and others.

And who told him about it You did just to inflame the situation. And yes it was no secret that I made it, I posted it publicly. You just switch sides when ever it suits your needs and then shove in your little 2 cents worth to either side just to aggravate the situation even more.
I could quote you from your Pm to me on Monday on my website if you like.
Its people like you who are making this forum the way it is by sneaking around In PM's and switching sides when ever you need something and telling what 1 side says back to the other side or visa versa just to inflame the arguements. So make up your mind chose a side or don't say anything at all. Or Just sit in the middle like you did with rodea.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:00 am

Say I think I may have an answer...

I have had some time to think things over and after speaking with some others I think I may have an answer for all concerned.

What if I complete my maps updates/changes, and then re-post them at Hooked Gamers with a new thread for each. Then I will post my files as complete, unless someone finds an error etc. Then, after I post the completed scenario files if the guys want to take the scenario "as is without any changes" convert the files to the structure of a sam map or whatever. Then, after the sam files are ready, let me have the files so I can attach them to the main thread here at Hooked Gamers. Likewise you take both sets of files and making a thread for each map you could copy paste the new info from the new hooked gamers thread.

In this manner the scenario goals stay the same on all versions of files. Plus both versions could be posted on the main pages of the threads so no confusion for players/downloaders. Then if anything is found to be in error we let each other know so the files can be updated at both locations. Likewise if anyone posts a trouble at your thread you come and let me know and I do the same. This way both sets of files can be updated properly plus the players who download the maps will feel more at ease knowing that both styles of stand alone maps will run the same.

I have not yet tested the maps running all the files except the scenario file as global files only as the holiday sam2 was built. It is an interesting idea and at first glance on that holiday map remake it seemed to run great so I should try it on F/G or the new Georgia map.

This will close down any old issues anyone or myself may have, it would also make me feel better if we could work together on making the maps and scenarios better for all. No more threads specially made to trash anyone’s maps…ie the trouble with florida gold thread. We lift Tijers ban and try to help each other and no more insults. I know I make my share of mistakes, we are all learning.

Well let me know if this helps clear things up, I do apologize for my past ramblings, I now think any of the concerns I have had before can be worked out much differently as I have described above. I haven't read your post above yet, but it is time to move on for the better of all. I know as the scenarios evolve and then the file structure needs adjusting, things get confusing and people get frustrated at times. I am sorry for all the bickering, and would like to start over. :)


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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by darthdroid » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:16 am

I'm game. I too can admit when I'm wrong. That is proof of my interest in peace :)
-Bob the Lunatic

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:39 am

Well Lowell, you would first have to register on bobby's rails, under something like Lowell_F, so you can monitor the files and threads.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Bunit » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:49 pm

Lowell wrote:Say I think I may have an answer...

I have had some time to think things over and after speaking with some others I think I may have an answer for all concerned.

What if I complete my maps updates/changes, and then re-post them at Hooked Gamers with a new thread for each. Then I will post my files as complete, unless someone finds an error etc. Then, after I post the completed scenario files if the guys want to take the scenario "as is without any changes" convert the files to the structure of a sam map or whatever. Then, after the sam files are ready, let me have the files so I can attach them to the main thread here at Hooked Gamers. Likewise you take both sets of files and making a thread for each map you could copy paste the new info from the new hooked gamers thread.

In this manner the scenario goals stay the same on all versions of files. Plus both versions could be posted on the main pages of the threads so no confusion for players/downloaders. Then if anything is found to be in error we let each other know so the files can be updated at both locations. Likewise if anyone posts a trouble at your thread you come and let me know and I do the same. This way both sets of files can be updated properly plus the players who download the maps will feel more at ease knowing that both styles of stand alone maps will run the same.

I have not yet tested the maps running all the files except the scenario file as global files only as the holiday sam2 was built. It is an interesting idea and at first glance on that holiday map remake it seemed to run great so I should try it on F/G or the new Georgia map.

This will close down any old issues anyone or myself may have, it would also make me feel better if we could work together on making the maps and scenarios better for all. No more threads specially made to trash anyone’s maps…ie the trouble with florida gold thread. We lift Tijers ban and try to help each other and no more insults. I know I make my share of mistakes, we are all learning.

Well let me know if this helps clear things up, I do apologize for my past ramblings, I now think any of the concerns I have had before can be worked out much differently as I have described above. I haven't read your post above yet, but it is time to move on for the better of all. I know as the scenarios evolve and then the file structure needs adjusting, things get confusing and people get frustrated at times. I am sorry for all the bickering, and would like to start over. :)

Well if you think that is the answer then just do it and see what happens.
And you should read each post right through and instead of only the bits and peices you want to read. You will miss the important parts. I think that was part of the problem before as you only answered what you wanted to.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by darthdroid » Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:41 pm

Bunit wrote: Well if you think that is the answer then just do it and see what happens.
And you should read each post right through and instead of only the bits and peices you want to read. You will miss the important parts. I think that was part of the problem before as you only answered what you wanted to.
Of course... maybe it's impossible. When you got guys like Bunit here that will make sure the past stays alive.

Lowell offers his hand out and Bunit gives him a lecture instead of accepting the sincerity. Kind of crass.
-Bob the Lunatic

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Bunit » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:15 am

darthdroid wrote:
Bunit wrote: Well if you think that is the answer then just do it and see what happens.
And you should read each post right through and instead of only the bits and peices you want to read. You will miss the important parts. I think that was part of the problem before as you only answered what you wanted to.
Of course... maybe it's impossible. When you got guys like Bunit here that will make sure the past stays alive.

Lowell offers his hand out and Bunit gives him a lecture instead of accepting the sincerity. Kind of crass.
Or it is guys Like you that just have the last word on everything. What i said above is not a lecture, it is just a fact of what he does and if he continues to do it it wont work. And I have never seen you apologise yet when you were wrong.
And Lowell would have to show his sincerity 1st by doing what he said before the others might even think he is genuine about what he said.
I too would like to see it all stop and get things back to normal.

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