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Where is the User Maps Folder?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:50 am
by KaiserWilhelm
Hi all,

I just purchased the game and am already interested in downloading some new maps. In the directions portion of this website, it says:

Move the un-compressed files to your “UserMaps” folder in the “My Games/Sid Meier’s Railroads!” folder.

Where is this folder? Found Sid Meier's Railroads under Program Files, but there doesn't seem to be a UserMaps folder in there. Do I need to create it? Or is there some way I need to get the game to create it?

As an aside, I'm a complete modding newb... is there a large 'package' mod that I can download somewhere to get longer trains, B units, steam engine tenders, etc... or do these need to be downloaded individually, in which case, what folder do I put those in?

Thanks for any and all help.

*Edit*... and I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum. My appologies.

Mod note: Moved thread
This is Mods Talk post. I moved it, and no need to apologize. Jancsika

Re: Where is the User Maps Folder?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:57 am
by atani
After you run the game the first time you should end up with a "Sid Meier's Railroads" folder in My Documents. In this folder you should be able to find the UserMaps folder or create it if necessary.

Re: Where is the User Maps Folder?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:41 am
by Warll
If after you have ran SMR and no folder appeared, well what version of the game did you buy?

Unfortunatly most people here only have the boxed version of the game and as such the digital download version might, for all we know, be a bit different. Although this is only a very far fetched, unproofed worry.

Re: Where is the User Maps Folder?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:07 pm
by Jancsika
Ok. Sin Where is this folder? Found Sid Meier's Railroads under Program Files, but there doesn't seem to be a UserMaps folder in there. Do I need to create it? Or is there some way I need to get the game to create it?
Since you are a newbee.., let’s take it step by step.
1. That elusive UserMaps folder. It is created automatically whenever you start a stock Firaxis map. It is automatically placed in C:\User\users\..........\My documents\Sid Meier’s Railroads!\ folder. You can delete it or rename it, if you get tired of it, next time you start it will be created again.
As an aside, I'm a complete modding newb... is there a large 'package' mod that I can download somewhere to get longer trains, B units, steam engine tenders, etc... or do these need to be downloaded individually, in which case, what folder do I put those in?
2. If you want to get a general idea of the structure of the game, I suggest to take a look at the Wiki at
3. You can make simple maps to start with, there is the “Terrain Editor” that came with the game. If you can’t find it you have to type this line in the Settings.ini file that located in the same folder that the UserMaps is. “ EditorEnabled = 1”
4. All those engines, new goods, industries come mostly individually, or if it is a map, the mapmaker packaged it with his map. But if you want to make your own map, you have to install them piece by piece.

First try the Terrain editor, look up an existing map how the XML files are structured, and if you have any question, just ask!!