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City size and empty lots

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:51 am
by Jancsika
The Firaxis setup has four city sizes. The “Villageâ€

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:15 am
by stormfather
I tried, I didn't see anything for it. I believe it's hardcoded in.

Also, I found that if I tampered with adding or removing stages of city development, I couldn't use the growcity parameter as a victory condition.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:16 am
by Bushdoctor
Jancsika from what you describe I think the game adds a free slot
with each of the first three city upgrades,
regardless of any following upgrades.

It would indeed be nice (and logic) to spread that out more evenly,
but I don't think there's a tag for it. Probably hardcoded.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:44 am
by Lowell too Stormfather, when I added more city levels I lost the ability to use the grow city objective also. However I am trying it once again on a test bed map I am about to publish called Mud Skippers. It has eighteen levels of city growth. The top level is named Metropolis...I just placed the scenario objective to grow a certian town to that size. My hopes are that it will be the city name that triggers the objective. I noticed that the default city list doesn't have numbers assigned to each level (0-1-2-etc.)...only the names. I will find out tonight as I go ingame and preset the city through different levels of growth and see if it only triggers only on the named level.

In Florida Gold I had renamed all levels, here I have left the top level named Metropolis for this test.

Can't change the way the cities develop, that's why I add more levels so they don't max out before the scenario is close to the end.

EDIT//Okay should have finished the test before the long winded post...anyway...the game starts out with four city levels.
0 1 2 and 3. When a city reaches the fourth level, it triggers the grow city condition...whatever that city is named. So for those like me on the maps where there are several levels, you can still use it for say an early growth stage objective. Say a key city that you would like to see the player grow to that level before they go into a new era or something.

One thing I find strange... to make it work on the fourth level, even though my maps fourth level was named Rual Outcropping...I still had to say Metropolis in the scenario goal condition as to the city grow size. If I named the scenario condition as Rual Outcropping, as soon as I placed the first station down the scenario goal went off before the town grew any. So for some reason even though we add new city levels, and change their names...the game will still remember level four as a far as the grow city condition goes. So it works, but it doesn't work with name changes on the cities. It works fine having the city level 3 named as Rual Outcropping, then in the scenario grow cities condition, I say grow to a Metropolis, and when the city grows to a Rual Outcropping the thing triggers...weird game. :?

I wish that was adjustable. I also would like to see five track wide station platforms.

I tried making the build city borwser larger and that would "show" the other in-city industries that run off the icon browser, but those industries that run off the list are ones that I don't want the player to build. The in-city building lots would be nice to have say five per city rather than max out at three. But the game was made for small maps for the most part, that's why for us making the larger maps things seem out of whack.