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For those who want to Mod.....

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:37 pm
by snoopy55
I've been trying to do a few Mods lately..OK, a lot of Mods lately, and have to take it slow because haveing to change the names of ~50 files is time consuming and painful :cry: . At one time I thought there was a way to change a load of files all at the same time...... :?:

Well, I found it, and it only requires the sending of an Email telling what you think about it. And it's so simple.......

Want to make a Potato Farm out of a Grain Farm? Get the Grain Farm files in a folder, start this program, point it to the folder, tell it you want to change Grain, tell it you want to change it to Potato, click on a button and they all change. And only the part you specify, 'grain' changes to 'potato'

Now if only I could find a program to change the file names in the NIF files.......

Anyway, here's the web site:

And don't forget to Email the author......


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:42 am
by Dr Frag
Wow, that looks pretty kewl. I've been using a proggy called MultiRen from PC Magazine way back in 1998. And it still works in XP.

1-4a is much purdier though. :P

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:10 pm
by zzbusch
I think Notepad ++ has the capability to rename also. Just do a search for the name, then chose the rename tab, change the name, and chose rename all.