The Island

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The Island

Post by Warll » Mon May 14, 2007 4:19 am

so you saw the paper clip and thought "Yha a new map!" well not so fast I only made this thread so I could get some help with my map. For one it does not let me save the industrys I've placed in the editor. Two notepad++ complains of an invisible error on line 20 of the industrys xml. Lastly the game crashes on load..well I think it does anyway, I forget. Hope one of you XML gurus can help me.
Some one mind finding whats wrong?
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Post by snoopy55 » Mon May 14, 2007 5:03 am

My Man, with all the playing around you seem to have done with XML files. The blasted things are picky.

There are a number of errors, including to many things to soon. The final thing I had to do was dump all but about 6 or 7 engines and cut them down to minimum. I don't know what was wrong, but when in doubt, add only a few at a time and test. If it fails, delete one at a time till you find it. Repair it, then go right back to adding a few at a time.

Go into the original Scenarios, C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Assets\XML\_SCENARIOS_ and locate NewMapBase. Open those XMLs and you can see what is needed. The ZIP below is a copy I posted which has most of the goodies in it. Open other peoples maps. In that ZIP you'll also find a file that when printed landscape sytle will give you the info of what things require what.

Hey, ya gotta learn somehow. When in doubt, look over either the originals or the GLOBALS.

Also, it will CTD until you put 4 starting cities in it. Manditory!

Below is a copy of yours that I got running. Compare the two and see what is changed. And before and after you edit an XML, go to 'Plugins' (upper right), 'XML Tools' and click 'Pretty Print'. It will rearrange things or tell you what is wrong.

1 more thing, your engines are set to show in 2000 and your map starts in 1850. Change the engine starts to 1800. That didn't catch my eye till I tried to mess with the game. :roll:
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Post by Warll » Mon May 14, 2007 3:53 pm

Thank you very much it how lets me save my industry edits. I now think this map is at the point at which it can be released if it was not for one tiny problem; it crashes when i try and play it.

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Post by snoopy55 » Mon May 14, 2007 4:06 pm

The statement 'when i try and play it' leaves a few questions, like 'how far do you get?' It looks like you took parts of Basin And Range and tried to use it. There were errors in a few of the other XMLs also. As I said, compare the 2. Mine works fine. Nothing to ship, but with $500,000,000, no big deal... :wink:
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Post by Warll » Mon May 14, 2007 4:31 pm

Well I took your map and I edited it and added both kinds of ports, two war factorys and two steel mills. Sorry but I could not find any changes that jumped out at me so could you just explain what changes you made? By does not work I mean it crashes on the load screen.

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Post by atani » Mon May 14, 2007 5:01 pm

Warll wrote:Well I took your map and I edited it and added both kinds of ports, two war factorys and two steel mills. Sorry but I could not find any changes that jumped out at me so could you just explain what changes you made? By does not work I mean it crashes on the load screen.
That probably means one of the following:

1) badly formatted XML file
2) a resource referenced from the XMLs for an industry is missing
3) a resource referenced from the industry KFM file is broken


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Post by Warll » Mon May 14, 2007 5:13 pm

atani wrote: That probably means one of the following:

1) badly formatted XML file
2) a resource referenced from the XMLs for an industry is missing
3) a resource referenced from the industry KFM file is broken

1) I pretty printed all the Xmls it did noting
2) Looked at industry and good and found steel was missing from goods but still the map crashes
3) Moved the map folder ito the one where basin and range is in so if basin works my map should to, still it does not work.
PS: I have to go to work now I'll be back in 5-6 hours.

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Post by choobacca » Mon May 14, 2007 5:41 pm

I looked at Warll's and Snoopy's versions of the XML, and the only thing that jumped out at me was in the Industries xml, the Location for the Port is way off the map.

And you already found that Steel was missing from Goods xml.

I haven't been able to test it yet since I'm at work.

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Post by snoopy55 » Mon May 14, 2007 6:09 pm

Warll - The Ports are going to need whatever they ship or recieve. The Steel Mill now has the Steel to put out, and the Taconite to recieve, but where does the Taconite come from as was pointed out above. There were no industries showing on what I did, and I missed the location of that one. My version has a city deep in the sea, but that was just to get it working. Below is a rundown of what is needed to be changed and looked into. I'm sorry if I stress it to much, but look at that spreadsheet as it shows what is needed for each thing to work. It also solves the editing headaches. It's not FDA approved tho :wink:

We'll start with RRT_Cities. The main thing that SMR requires here is 4 starting cities minimum. If you add no other cities you're OK. Must have 4. You need the Product Modifiers also, which is no more than what the cities want and give.

RRT_Decorations. Those I'd leave until I got the rest of the map working. Also, try and remove anything you're not using as this makes the XML easier to read.

RRT_Goods. The main thing on this was opening and closing the XML. You must have <RRTGoods> for the first line and </RRTGoods> for the last line. Under Arms you have the Min and Max Price the same. You can do this, I think, but the Max should be larger than the Min. The last 2, Min and Max cannot be 0. Oh I guess they could, never tried it, but it would mean you don't get paid for them. Also, for anything, if it's already in the GLOBALS, assuming you're using GLOBALS, you only need the opening, name and close lines for each. In the case of ARMS,


The only time you need the other lines is if you want them different.

RRT_Industries. Again, the opening and closing lines. RRT_Industries is an odd one. I think they had something else in mind here. You are required to have 2 opening and 2 closing lines. You have the opening and closing lines for Locations, but you have no locations entered. This may cause a problem. Again, if you don't need it, leave it blank. In the case of a new map, let the map place the Industries until you know the rest is working. As to the Port, I didn't notice this before, but it will never show up. When you went to place it, you used the numbers from the Editers map. That is a really bad thing about the editer. It uses co-ordinates that are 0 in the center and go to +/- 20,000. When you place things yourself in the XMLs you have to use co-ordinates that 0 near the upper left corner and go -200 left, 600 right, 200 up and -600 down. Go figure. :roll: If you really want to use the editer to place something that is not in the Industries list, create a city called PutItHere, and then you can use the numbers from that to place your industry. You can add a number to the city name for more than one. Just remember to remove the cities in both RRT_Cities and RRT_Names as you'll get a war started if you don't. :twisted: The StartZ is not used, that is just an altitude thing the game uses for height placement. Rotation, while needed, just decides which way the City or Industry points. As far as Cities, the only time you really need to worry is starters. With your shoreline cities, the wrong rotation number could give a player an inland way out and a sea way out. Bad thing. You can play with that or I can upload a diagram for those numbers. It can be set in the editer also. Production - None in and None out is unneeded The 10.0 on the InputOutputRatio on the Port is a bit high. I do believe that is 10 per month, and there is a maximum that an industry can hold, depending on it's size. The Industries refused to show up because you didn't put in all the locations. If you do one, you must do all. If you do none, the game randomizes.

RRT_Scenario. If you remove the RRT_Decorations till you get the rest working, change the line for it.

RRT_TrainCars. Remove any you're not using, and don't use the RRTTenderCars section if you're running GLOBALS.

RRT_Trains. With all you had in there, I just cut back to 7 and shaved them down to what was needed, in your case, open, name, date and close for each. The use for the rest , you copied these from Basin and Range and I'm not sure what they were doing. They created them, and some of it is changes, but some of it isn't. Not codemning them, just don't know what they were doing. Go to the Wiki site, there is a write up on RRT_Trains which explains what most of the lines in the file are doing. Also, this XML did give me a problem, so, copy the file to another drive and in the one in your map, delete all but the first 5. play. If it crashes, delete them one at a time till you find the problem. If you find one, delete 1 section (if there is one) or line at a time and run it till you find the problem. Then add the rest, 5 at a time, and continue. Change the dates on all of them as your map starts in 1850 and the engines don't show till 2000. Use 1800.

Thats about it. For now. If you want to retry making the map, use the TGA and DDS file you have and put the NewMapBase XMLs in place of the ones you have and go from there. If you're going to use the files I repaired, after you make the other changes I found, add one thing at a time and test it until you get the feeling of what you are doing. 1 thing is easier to deal with than trying to figure out which of 8 or 10 things went wrong. And use the spreadsheet I uploaded as an industry won't work without the Goods or Train Cars it needs.

If you have any other questions, ask.
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Post by Warll » Mon May 14, 2007 11:38 pm

I have all the goods all industries ask for and use. I am using the trains set as what you gave me but I may have to try with more information. I don't really under stand the tender car thing all i did was use Basin and Ranges XML. I have also deleted one era so now theres only one and I have also made it start at 2007.

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Post by snoopy55 » Tue May 15, 2007 1:36 am

upload it again if you want, I'll look it over.
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Post by Warll » Tue May 15, 2007 1:53 am

Oops! Sorry! I was wounding why you had not looked it over again, P was planing to attach it to one of my earlier posts
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Post by snoopy55 » Tue May 15, 2007 3:08 am

OK, I'll look into it. By the way, it is not spelled iosland or issland, you spell itisland :wink:

(look at the names of your ZIP files 8) )
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Post by snoopy55 » Tue May 15, 2007 3:19 am

Now you got one up on me...... how do you make those XML files invisable without also making the TGA and DDS files invisable too? :wink:
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Post by Warll » Tue May 15, 2007 3:20 am

uh oh...
Edit: Okay when ziped those xmls for you I think I may have done something wrong, anyway if you are missing the xmls I ziped them here.
The island+ missing
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