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RE: Rail Sizing

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:45 pm
by HisAlterEgo
I made another thread in the Misc catagory but no responses about changing the size of the track to better match Mange's tender mods new size cars. I checked in the install directory for SMR and found a tracks folder under custom assests I think, but some of them are.nif files. What program would I use to open a .nif file? I just want to change the scale of the track if possible.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:16 pm
by K-class
Others have been using nifskope ... _id=170735

see ... php?t=1374 ... 4807#14807

I read your other post and I cant see the difference

If you look in RRT_Trains.xml and RRT_TrainCars.xml gloabl files there is

I don't know what it does as I changed it and didn't really see the difference.

Someone will post or help shortly I'm sure. :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:23 pm
by HisAlterEgo
from what i understand that .8 for size scale makes the rolling stock and engines slightly smaller. if you zoom in on a car rolling on the tracks that has been changed to .8, you can see the wheels are just inside the tracks and don't quite match up. if you change the value back to 1 as originally shipped, the cars are slightly bigger and their wheels match up perfectly with the rails. That's what Mange's tender mod did. I like the smaller car scale now i just want to make the tracks a hair smaller to match the smaller cars/wheels.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:28 am
by stormfather
I prefer the smaller scale too, I set the locos to 0.8 for my America Map in the RRT_Trains_America file. With the exception of the earliest locos (Grasshopper, Norris, etc.) they look much better with the cars, especially passenger cars. I'm sure that the rails can be resized, the files can be found in the assets/track directory. I don't know how to edit models, however.

On a related topic, I tried to stop the game from building those smooth sections of track under stations and annexes by copying the .kfm for standard track (found in assets/track) and renaming it to replace the .flm found for the station track (found in one of the two 'update' .fpks) It didn't work. It didn't crash the game or anything, but it didn't make any difference, and I lost interest before I could look into it any further.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:14 am
by GS-Railroad
I would love to get rid of those station tracks. If you save and reload your game it will update them but they just don't look right unless they are going to conform to a proper standard of usage. I would love to see them gone at this point or a toggle.

Smaller scale track to match Tender scale engines and cars would be interesting. Removed station platform specific track graphics would be nice. Shortened station platform track length would help with cities that are very close togeather.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:16 pm
by Dr Frag
If you want to change the depot track I think you have to remove the track_depot.nif file in the Update_1_1_0_00.FPK file.

What I did was open Update_1_1_0_00.FPK in DragonUnpacker, create a folder for it's contents (I used <install dir>\Assets\Update_1_1_0_00, unpack the contents of the FPK into this folder and MOVE the Update_1_1_0_00.FPK to another folder outside of SMRs reach (like your desktop)
Now go into the folder you created and DELETE the following files:
This will get rid of the special concrete depot track.
Next go into <install dir>\Assets\Track and make a COPY of track.nif and RENAME the copy to track_depot.nif.
Now you have Depot track that looks like all the rest of the track.

I don't really recommend it since it will make identifying Depot track difficult but I also don't like the way SMR hacks up the Depot track so I understand the desire.


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:31 pm
by Dr Frag
Okay, it turns out that it's rather easy to change the track size. In the .nif files there is a setting for Scale in the Scene Root block. Normally it's set to 1.0000 but here I have set mine to 0.9000.

The only drawback is that it scales in all directions and not just width.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:15 pm
by GS-Railroad
Does everything look small at .9 track scale?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:15 pm
by Dr Frag
No, as you can see in the picture the regular rails are at .9 and the Depot rails are 1.0.

If you just change the scale of track.nif, track_no_gravel.nif, and track_depot.nif then only the tracks will change size.

Sorry, I didn't really clarify that.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:03 am
by dwax
That looks like a pretty good way to derail a train. :lol: