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RRT_Difficulty.xml file problem

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:42 am
by universum
I need to modify this file for upcoming scenario but the only way I found working is to copy RRT_Difficulty.xml to map folder and modify it.

This works perfectly for my scenario :D but it also by every other scenario :x in the game making it necessary to rename or remove the file to play other scenarios.

Obvious solution would be to have local RRT_Difficulty_???.xml file but RRT_Scenario_User_???.xml does not contain tag for RRT_Difficulty.xml file and trying most likely <DifficultyXMLFile> does not seem to work :?.

Is there any other solution to this problem? Does anyone know if there is a tag which could be used for scenario own RRT_Difficulty.xml file?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:17 am
by snoopy55
I created a Difficulty level which I call 'Analyzor'. I had to put it in the original XML. If you give it a name, it can be used in any map. That is the only way I've found to do it.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:58 pm
by Dr Frag
snoopy, are you referring to a GLobal type situation?

I looked through the executable and these are the only XMLFile variables I found. Sorry, no Difficulty variable. I guess you do like snoopy did and create a new one but then you have to tell the users to use that level for your Scenario.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:02 am
by snoopy55
Misunderstanding. I went into the original Difficulty XML and made my change there. It affects all playing, but you get to choose it like any other difficulty level. It's great for checking out maps as you have 500 mil to start with and you can check out all the goods and industries without having to make money to do it. Hence the name, Analyzor, used to analyze a map.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:05 am
by universum
Thanks guys, I knew this post was a long shot but it never hurts to ask.

I really need to modify starting cash while keeping other parameters pretty much intact to make the scenario playable on higher difficulties.

I really hate how they implemented file lookup, it would have been so much easier if UserMaps/<Scenario> folder and everything under it was only accessible to the scenario in it, ah well :cry:.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:23 am
by K-class

This was done ages ago and i use it all the time

By willie g called "Inside Trader"
Just to make things a little easier and to give me time to explore some of these great custom maps, I added an additional Difficulty Level - I called it "Inside Trader" and just copied the Investor parameters in the Difficulty.xml and then tweaked them so as to cut the track laying and maintenance costs in half and bump up the delivery revenue by 20% - Oh, I also upped my starting $$ to 800,000 Razz .
-willie g ... 4381#14381