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Industry questions

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:42 pm
by Kroetsjov
Hi all, i'm (trying) to make a scenario, but i got stuck on a couple things:

Is it possible to add like 2-3 industries on historical locations and let the game randomly place the other 1-2 industries? (ie i want 2 grainfarms ALWAYS on the same spot, but i want a total of 4 grainfarms)

Kinda same question for city-industries: is it possible ie to give a city 1 fixed industry, 1 random industry (and 1 empty spot if the city is large enough)?

Is it possible to make a industry that needs 2 resources (ie oil+steel -> cars)

Last question for now: i wanted the sheepfarm only to produce sheep (no nitrates); is the best way just to copy the sheepfarm properties from the global xml-industry-file to my scenario-industry-file and edit out the part of the produce-nitrate, or is there a simpler method?

Re: Industry questions

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:14 pm
by stormfather
I hate to be the bearer of bad news...

Random resources are unforunately all or nothing. If you place even one resource or industry, you have to place them all. Your map has to either be completely random or completely pre-determined. This goes for both out of city resources and in city industries.

You cannot make an industry that turns two goods into one. You can, however, create an industry that turns one good into another (ie Iron into Steel) and consumes a second with or without an output (ie consumes coal.) You can also make an industry that turns iron into steel AND coal into steel, you can even make it turn iron into steel at a rate of 1:1 and coal into steel at a slower rate, say 5:1, but you cannot make an industry that REQUIRES both.

You hit the nail on the head with getting rid of nitrates. You don't need all the other junk that comes from the master file, just:

<szName>Sheep Farm</szName>

The only parameter you're changing is the Production, you can leave the others blank as long as there is a Sheep Farm in the master XML file.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:44 pm
by Kroetsjov
tnx for the quick answers ...

I alrdy had searched lots on these topics; but wasnt totally sure; your post clears up all my questions (too bad bad news :shock:)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:22 am
by cowboy
Speaking of industries, When there are more than 12 "in city" industries, what determines which 12 will be included in the "buy industry" box for building an industry in a city.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:44 pm
by BadKharma
OK.......I was just wondering when you create a new map using the editor there are only a few basic industries and goods in the drop down menu's. Does this mean if you want to add more you have to edit the RRT_Industries.xml, and the RRT_Goods.xml?
If that is the case is there a basic list somewhere of all the possible goods and industries to make it easier to decide what to add?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:36 pm
by snoopy55
cowboy - gforce was going to test this out, but didn't get back to it. Load a map with 14 in-city industries, random order, and see how they show up. The put the same ones in alphabetical order, and see haow they show up. Then put the last one in the first spot and see what happens. Hill Valley Mess should have alot of industries in it, so it should be the easiest to mess with.

BadKharma - What you are dealing with is what Firaxis loaded. if you go into here:

\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Assets\XML\_SCENARIOS_

Where you installed the game, you'll find a folder labeled NewMapBase. If you take the ZIP below and put it in place of that one, you will get most of the choices. If there is another that you want, (this was done up a few monthes ago) you can look them over and go into the GLOBALS and copy the needed info into them.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:54 pm
by cowboy
snoopy55 wrote:cowboy - gforce was going to test this out, but didn't get back to it. Load a map with 14 in-city industries, random order, and see how they show up. The put the same ones in alphabetical order, and see haow they show up. Then put the last one in the first spot and see what happens. Hill Valley Mess should have alot of industries in it, so it should be the easiest to mess with.
I have already tried all those combinations, without any change in the items or the placement in the list. I also tried re-arranging in the global.

In Superbowl, footall and tannery are in my list and drops smelter, news, & stock.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:32 pm
by snoopy55
I looked into Hill Valley Mess, which has 16 industries. I noted the order and which ones. I deleted 2 that it was using. It gave a different set, but the 10 original ones I had were still there, it just added 2 more.
So, it had 12, I took 2 of those away, it used the 10 remaining of the first 12, and added 2 more. The original 10 were in a different order, and the 2 new ones were at the far right.

It would take quite a bit of work to figure out how the game controls the inbdustry selection and order.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:11 pm
by gforce
i can control the order of industries (already longtime ago) or the industries wich will be buyable (but it is a kind of trial and error)
but in my map i've got my wanted 12 industries out of 22 that i'm using!!!
but if i would add now 1 industrie to my map, it would be again a hell of a job...
READ MORE HERE: ... light=pile

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:25 am
by BadKharma
Thanks Snoopy. That makes things easier.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:49 pm
by BadKharma
OK now when you say copy them over from the globals do I have to include all the information from the global or if I want to add arms do I only need to copy
- <Good>
</Good> on to the goods

- <RRTIndustry>
<szName>War Factory</szName>
</RRTIndustry> on to the industries
Or does all the other information need to be copied over also.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:54 am
by Warll
All of the infomation.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:16 am
by snoopy55
No Warll, he has it correct. You only need the opening and closing lines ( for example <Good> and </Good> ) and the line containing the item itself. It should look just like the info in the files you downloaded. The only reason you need anything else is if you choose to make a change such as Min and Max price, or the Leader and Player titles. Those you add after you are done making the map in the Editer.

Open up and look over some of the maps that others have created. And read the whole forum. Both may get boring and drawn out, but you can learn from them.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:38 am
by BadKharma
Is that also the time when you would add changes for different things like how in Chicago to the Rockies the Dairy farm makes 2 products and the cornfields accept nitrates?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:59 am
by snoopy55
Yes, that is when you make the changes.

If you want to add any items to a map you are editing or going to edit, just add them to the 4 RRT files that are in NewMapBase (you don't need to mess with RRT_Scenario.xml) and they will show up in the Editer. Make sure you have all the items needed, for instance, for the Cotton, you need the Cotton in Goods, the Cotton Farm Annex in Depots and a use for the Cotton, in which case you would, as you asked, make Cotton an input and Textiles an output in the Textile Mill in Industries.

If, for some reason your map crashes, compare it to other maps to see what is wrong. And do not figure you want 5 or 6 item sets and put them in all at once, put one set in at a time and test it. This gives you a better idea of where any problem could be.

Also, do not loose your .SMR_Scenario file. It may be best to put it in the map file. Sometimes if there is a problem, someone may need this to help you.

You may also find some info under Modding The Game in Railroads Wiki.