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victory points?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:28 am
by gforce
How are the victory points calculated?
example 1
ship 20 goods x
ship 20 goods y
what will be the score if you only get goods x done?
what is the score for 1 checkbox or 1 medal?
example 2
ship 10 goods x
ship 20 goods x
here, when you ship 20 goods x, you will have 2 checkboxes
but still for those didn't make 20 but still 10-19 will not be too unhappy of their result and continue their game, instead of restarting, maybe later at the end of the game they will have another try...
someone an idea about this? and do you like or dislike this idea as scenario idea 10 and 20 condition...

Objective Score

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:23 pm
by naugagamer
By "Victory" points, I am guessing you mean Objectives. The Bradygames Official Strategy Guide says:

For every scenario objective you complete (duirng its era), you receive 2 points towards your total score.

FYI, The Prestige score is based on....

+1 for winning an auction of ab kind (patent or industry)
+2 for buying out another player
+2 for setting a train speed record
+2 for completing a mission offered by a city mayor
