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I want outlying industries to demand workers!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:03 pm
by Ermel
Ok, guys!

I´ve got a simple problem demanding a difficult solution, it seems!
I took pleasure in the idea that outlying industries would ask for passengers as "workers" in order to start and keep up production.

so the easiest way is this:

Code: Select all

			<szName>Grain Farm</szName>
that works fine and i get 4 cars of grain out of 1 waggon of passengers.
But because it´s rahter cruel, the farm should as well "produce" passengers.

so i put it like this:

Code: Select all

i thought this would make the farm convert half of the passengers into grain, the other half into passengers again (x2 of course).
so from 2 waggons i´d get 4 grain and 2 passengers.
but ingame all of the passengers delivered are converted into grain. no passengers produced at all.
it´s no problem making a grain farm convert 2 different inputs into 2 or only 1 output at the same time.
you can even make it only convert passengers into passengers or constantly generate passengers without any input.
But that´s not what i want. there seems to be no way getting two outputs from one input.
I´d like industries to generate as much passengers as i deliver and not to produce goods without passengers being delivered.

I´m at my wits´ end with this! should i bury the idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:13 pm
by snoopy55
Ermel - it's been talked about, tried, tested, and unhappily, failed. It's one of those gols at the end of the rainbow things, it ain't gonna happen.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:39 pm
by Ermel
hm... thanks again.

maybe browsing the forum would save my time and your patience.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:49 pm
by snoopy55
I have plenty of patience, I was a Supervisor for 13 women, no men, and only one spoke english :shock: .....plenty of patience. Besides, who knows, you may have found the way that was missed by someone else.

This appears to be another item for 'Tried and Failed or Didn't Fail'

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:04 am
by Warll
snoopy55 wrote:I have plenty of patience, I was a Supervisor for 13 women, no men, and only one spoke english :shock: .....plenty of patience.
Mind telling us yipper snapers (guess I'm the only one) more about that story?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:36 am
by gforce
the only way in having such a thing to work (and only for incity, i think),
is by creating 2 industries
fe. passengers result in more steel (steel mill) (=incity)
and having an industrie (workers bay) (incity) (same city)
that would (re)generate the passengers
as you probably know (or maybe i'm wrong) the passengers will be divided by the city, and the 2 industries in this case so output should be changed to have the same wanted results...

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:06 pm
by snoopy55
Warll wrote:
snoopy55 wrote:I have plenty of patience, I was a Supervisor for 13 women, no men, and only one spoke english :shock: .....plenty of patience.
Mind telling us yipper snapers (guess I'm the only one) more about that story?
Little town of Plano about 60Mi west of Chicago. Plastic Factory. Boring job waiting for those machines to open, compression molding, so I also ran the standby machines and the tumbler when available. All work and no finger up my rear. I later got transfered to maintenance. There was a new department being put in and when we got it installed, I was told I was going to run it. I delt with letting the customer know what assembly parts I needed, setting up the machines, setting up and packing the shipments to the customers customers (we did the work for another company), and I kept the department books. Even put them on my own computer till the company decided it was a good idea and baught a PC for me. They preferred to put the men on the presses and the women on the finishing. So, it took 13 women to do the jobs and I was Supervisor. As most the Mexicans in that town and area spoke little or no english, I only managed to get one that could. And no, they weren't all the cute young girls you see in the ads, just decent married women. Besides, in their previous job in the company, they worked with my wife and had a lot of respect for me.

"History class dismissed", He says as he steps off his soap box, picks it up and goes stage left.

gforce - good info, but the interest is for "outlying industries".

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:52 pm
by Ermel
snoopy55 wrote: gforce - good info, but the interest is for "outlying industries".
but still it´s an interesting option to possibly dodge my problem. what if one created a new citytype for each outlying industry and gave them the basic I/O:

passengers -> grain, coal, etc.... with a ratio ad libitum
plus an "innercity industry slot"
into this slot you put a "passenger2passenger-factory" (I/O=2,0)

from 2 passengers you´d then get grain, coal etc, and 2 passengers back.

the question that occurs is how to prevent this new citytype from advancing to a village or town. respectivly a metropolis to a grainfarm, depending on the hierarchy.
moreover you had a "p2p-factory" folly available in normal cities.

does someone have experiences in creating new citytypes? do you think this is worth trying?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:03 pm
by snoopy55
Ermel - I guess the thing to do would be to determine what causes a town to become a city. Is it hardwired into the EXE or is it in the XMLs. This is something I wanted to do with a train yard. Bring your goods into here then ship them out to other cities. Not really needed, but fun.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:20 pm
by Dr Frag
That's a great idea Ermel and I think I remember reading that growth is based on the number of deliveries and shipments. But I don't think there is a value available in the XMLs (that we've seen) that we can control it with. Of course there could be one but it may never have been used so they didn't put it in any of the XMLs so we don't know what the syntax is. Firaxis needs to move these types of things into XML variables to enable us to make more interesting Scenarios. And they really need to give us a list of all available variables and value ranges so we don't have to do so much trial and error testing.


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:53 pm
by snoopy55
Dr Frag - that's alot of good thoughts. I'll echo myself in reference to this. We need a Sticky and later a Wiki entry on the Variables or XML lines or whatever you want to call them. Take a complete (uses all the data possible) and in a second color, give an explination of what it does and it's limits, if any. If the writer doesn't know, use (?) at that line. I'd do it myself, but I'm not to good at that sort of thing. Put it in say, Railroads! Mods - Misc, with 1 sticky for each XML. The first screen for the data layout, the rest for discussion. Keep it specific to the XML in question to keep down on size. These would be kind of a 'wanna know how it works, read this'.


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:25 pm
by Dr Frag
Okee, how shall we handle the Global entries? I mean there are some XML tags that only belong in the Global XMLs so should I just use a different color for them or relegate them to a seperate page/section? Not having worked with them extensively I'm not fully cognisant of what is and what isn't Global only.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:51 pm
by Dr Frag
Okay, I have created the sections: Scenario Information - General & Scenario Information - XML Reference. I envision the General section for discussion of things like Eras, Objectives, How to properly organize Scenario files, etc.. And of course the XML Reference section for XML tag descriptions and possible values. I will try to get the reference section populated so it's easy for someone with the knowledge to just go in and add to any specific tag.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:56 am
by snoopy55
The entries that 'only belong in the GLOBAL files' can be inserted in map files also to make changes, such as the min and max price. Those are GLOBAL tags, but they are used in maps at times. I'd say do a, say, Industry with a GLOBAL layout, but add the Location info for explanations sake. Put in bold lettering that these are for info only and not all of the info goes in all of the XMLs, or something like that. Dotted line to seperate them with a note or something. Go into the Original XMLs for samples of each RRT.

If you haven't already done so, I'll search for the best ones to use and post them. This would be a group effert, add notes as long as you stay within the original idea. Meaning if colors are used to set code apart from notes, then you must use the colors being used. If a note is posted and found to be in error, a post can be done, the change made, and the post deleted in say a week, to keep size down.

Here are the files, cut down to what I saw as all the variables. There may be more to cut, and more to add, but I can edit them. As to the notes, if someone posts the info, one of us moderators or you can add it to the first post and then delete the post. Discussion can be left till it's worked out, as I said, maybe a week more. This would be more of a reference area.

"City" growth

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:00 am
by naugagamer
According in the strategy guide ---

Village to Town needs 50 carloads -- supplies or demands
Town to City needs 150 carloads
City to Metropolis needs 250 carloads