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Tutorial: Creating a texture for a model (basic level)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:23 pm
by gczobel
This is the second part of the tutorial.
Tutorial: Creating a texture for a model

In the part I (try to) explain how to create new textures for a model.
For now, this model can be exported as nif files to make decorations.

In the next part of the tutorial I'll try to explain how to create an animated decoration.


Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:33 pm
by Jimmylh
Thank you for posting this. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:02 am
by gforce
thanx alot...
still, i think i will be never creating my own objects easily, nothing to do with the tutorial but my capabilities on 3D object or time to spent to it etc....
i need an easier way of reuse and copy paste style, like building a polar bear out of a brown bear without overwriting the brown one, recolor the hospital so i can use that one for another building and the hospital at the same time
there are also alot of nif files to be found in other games, pirates!, zoo tycoon 2 etc, it would be fun to get al those objects easily ported in railroads
any ideas on that?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:32 am
by gczobel
For existing objects in Railroads you can rename all the files.
After this you can edit the nif file and change the textures.
The problem is that you cannot make a new KFM file with NifSkope. So you need a hex editor to change the name of the files into the kfm.
Important: the length of the files should be exactly as the original filename!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:44 pm
by gforce
yes, i did that with a traincar but it didn't work, probably because you need there v1 and V2 versions,
so i was thinking the same for hospital,
you're right about the hex editor,in hex he is reading an amount of characters and the names must be the same lenght as the copied one... i'll let you all know after i tried the hospital... thanx alot...

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:23 pm
by gforce
YES! IT WORKS! :lol:
have a look at the screenshot.
So, it's easy to create a new building out of an excisting one (here the hospital).
I didn't overwrite the hospital texture but created a totally new object out of hospital, so i can use both of them and/or will not change the orignal buidling.
If you can't get it worked out, let me know and i can write a kind of tutorial for this, or maybe you will have enough info on this posty to get it right...

( i will try to do the same thing for traincars but there's another trick to handel for this by using version v1 v2 numbers), i'll let you knoww later

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:14 pm
by gczobel
Good work!
Now the next challenge is how to create new industries... I imported some nif files to 3ds but I don't understand yet the role of the bones... I think that it's possible to create the animations without bones... but really I don't known...