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Where would you like to see the next scenario?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:40 am
by karsten
If you want to improve the chances of a good scenario, please provide some research (including links to pictures) to indicate why this would be a fun scenario for other gamers. A good example is provided here

Cheers, karsten :D

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:52 pm
by Warll
I would love to see across Canada map. Were the goal is to build a transcontinental railway from Halifax to Vancouver.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:22 pm
by zzbusch
Maybe Central America. If the Mayans had railroads. :shock:

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:27 am
by universum
What about everyone telling kersten what do you like and what do you dislike in scenarios, I'll start:

+ greater distances between places (nothing worse than train arriving to destination without leaving the starting station)
+ lot of vertical variability, hills, valleys, mountains
+ expensive tunnels and bridges
+ challenging and specific goals
+ implied goals (like when you have to grow the city or buy industry to make some stated goal even possible to fullfill).
+ eye candy (nice scenery, little touches)
+ starting early with weak engines
+ routing puzzles to solve

- flat landscape without any decorations (for example a sawmill in the middle of grassland does not look quite right)
- playing with AI
- too big scale (I think maps for railroads are best on regional level, entire continents just don't allow for enough vertical variability and end up looking rather flat)
- too much money and/or time

- increase cost of cuts/fills along with cost of tunnels and bridges
- is there any way to limit maximum length of the bridge or completely prevent them from being built over large bodies of water?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:55 pm
by Dr Frag
Dr Frag, I am looking forward to your Australia map - I see Australia is most wanted in my little map poll!
Hmm, didn't look at the results till now and I sorta stopped work on it cuz I thought it would be too flat but I will get back to it tonight. I am trying to get a good feel for the land, massive as it is, from looking at satellite imagery. I need to see what rivers and features I need to recreate because when I resize the grayscale down to game resolution I pretty much loose all those things. The satellite imagery is just breathtaking but there is no way I will be able to do it justice in the game.


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:15 am
by karsten
Well, so far Australia seems to be winning hands down! Great. 8) I am close to finishing the map suggested by universum, so Australia will be next, with Dr Frag.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:33 am
by universum
Sweet! 8)

Looking forward to it.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:43 pm
by gforce
oh, karsten,
i'm scared too see your scenario,
i've been working already so long on a scenario like this, (the idead of mountains, since i suggested to change the prices of bridges),
in fact i hope i can release my map before you...
because i think your the best,
so hard to do better... (still i've got some ideas never used before but then again the idea like a military basis is already used)
yes, i know it's not a competition, but it's fun to release something new...
Universum, you're the lucky one,
you will get 2 scenarios for the price of 1,
ps: universum, maybe you could be my test-player, it would be great to have some input before ending my scenario and have some help...
i've got alot of maps (half finished, but replaced by the map i'm trying to get work now) it would be a pitty if they get lost on my hard-drive :?
let me know if you're intrested...

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:24 pm
by K-class

Just wondering whats with the Australian map and everyone wants to play.

I live across from that red, dusty dry place not many hills or green grass. Just kidding I would move to Brisbane - gold coast tommorow.

They do have the Indian Pacific, The Ghan and the The Overland

The Indian Pacific is the last remaining trans-continental train journey. This amazing train traverses Australia from cost to coast, between the sparkling waters of the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, a distance of 4352 kilometres.

The Ghan now travels 2,979 kilometres from Adelaide to Darwin on this transcontinental journey through the Red Centre of Australia.

The Overland pioneered inter-capital rail travel between two of Australia’s most cosmopolitan cities Melbourne and Adelaide, in 1887. The century old name was derived from the affectionate term, "Overlander"’ an adventurer who had travelled across the country.

here is a link to these rail Australian trains. (very different from those lush green maps)

Need the great Sydney Harbour - bridge, the Alice and the wine country around the Barossa Valley

I think it would make a great scenario and map for someone to do and for us to play.

Other point would be good for the home made maps to have some of the most important features for that country apart from the correct town - city names like the above Sydney Harbour - bridge etc as that harbour is very large not just a city on a the coast.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:52 pm
by karsten
.... taking notes .... :D

, I am very much looking forward to your map.

I am still struggling with the third era. You know, by that stage, the map is sloshing with endless money and you have to figure out ways to get rid of it to keep things interesting :P Bit like the world economy these days, really ... :wink:

Universum, if you limit bridges, the rails just hang in thin air. But following gforce, if you succeed in making bridges expensive, that puts an indirect (and prototypical) limit on them.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:21 pm
by universum
hi gforce,

I would be honored to playtest your map and offer my suggestions and such.

I have sent you private message with my email address.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:06 am
by gforce
I've sent you a message universum!
I think i'll send you asap a copy,
you'll have to look at it more as a box of blocks...
The Latest (almost first) real test ended up with use of 30% of my map after 100 years... oh boy, there's so much not tuned, so much going on, i couldn't handle it anymore... it's really a mess full of ideas. But let's look at it as a good thing! 8)
ps: maybe there's a 8 hours difference between you and me, but i'm not someone who sleeps alot or even not (surely not this night with the full moon, and the moon eclipse going on) :? :twisted: (just when typing this, i hear 'i can get no sleep' of faithless on the radio :roll: :shock: )you could have noticed this already on the hours i'm sending my messages... :lol:
anyway, we'll have alot to talk about later on!!! 8)
karsten, you will be transporting kangeroos in australia before i get mine worked out, i should better make 24 maps out of 1,
but hé, with some help of a friend... i'll be releasing 3 maps you'll never forget... :P

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:24 pm
by Dr Frag
Creating the terrain for Australia has been a bit difficult. I have been experimenting with a bunch of things because the country has a very diverse landscape but I probably haven't done it justice. I have taken some liberties with the terrain to make it more interesting in the game and I hope I don't offend anyone. Trying to implement specific features like Ayers Rock is a tad problematic since the scale of the map in the game makes Ayers Rock less than a pixel but it is in there. It would be really kewl to be able to pre-place bridges and not let players make any so they would have to use the pre-placed ones. But again the biggest problem is the scale of the resulting map in the game and I have made it a slightly oversized map too. Some important cities in the real world are hundreds of miles apart yet on the game map they are practically on top of each other. It definitely looks different then other maps in the game. Would you like to see some screenshots?


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:57 am
by K-class
Cool screen shots are good.

Perhaps what is needed is a series of maps like mini series, that are part of this ie 4 mini maps start at map 1 say south Australia, map 2 Queensland and maybe Ayers rock build you way though say 100 years like you do in RTS games. You would work your way through that you have to complete map 1 before you start map 2. In the case of Australia or any large map like Europe - USA then you can start to define local areas of interest etc with more details and specfic chalenges.

Could complete these Indian Pacific, The Ghan and the The Overland as a set of mini maps as part of a series.

Or do the whole mining era etc.

Why I suggest this is in the likes of Australia as you say it is so large and so diverse etc.

Hope that makes sense.


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:37 am
by Dr Frag
Okay, I've been playing with skinning a loco for the Australia Scenario and I've created a custom GP7 (thanx eilelwen) and managed to get two decals added that look proper on both sides of the engine. (note: since this is a custom engine I have removed the ability to paint or change decals in-game)