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Tutorial: Add a new decoration (Basic level)

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:54 am
by gczobel
This is the first part of the tutorial to add decorations for the game. ... c_level%29

In the second part I'll try to explain how to create new textures.


Ps: Thanks to Snoopy55 for the first revision!

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:41 pm
by karsten
NOW were talking! 8) Excellent

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:50 pm
by Jimmylh
:D Great tutorial! That helped me out a lot! Thanks for the time you spent to make that.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:12 pm
by snoopy55
Now, we just need a dock for unloading containers and the containers to unload. Use one of the existing flatcars for empty and make one with a container for full, and change the color of a building for unloading the containers to.

Go to it editers :D

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:46 pm
by gforce
I would like to reuse the nif files, fe having a new traincar defined with other colors, or adapting the texture of a bridge. But when i try to do so, i've got strange result, i can change the object but still he is using an other texture map, and i really changed this in the nif file... i hope someone will explain how to create a new one, just by a copy of an excisting one but with another name.
I've read somewhere that you will need to use a hexeditor because their will be still some references written in a file, wich must be changed in such way? anyone an idea... ???

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:23 am
by gczobel
I don't understand exactly your changes...
did you create a new texture (the .dds file) or modified an old one?
In the last case, you need to change the name of the texture in the nif file, you can make this with nifskope.

I'm working in the second part of the tutorial to create new textures... maybe tomorrow will be ready.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:23 pm
by gforce
WHat i want to do:
- Create a new Traincar (a passengers car with another color) (fe red instead of blue)
- I've got 2 different passengers (let's say passenger and elves)
- the passengers will have a blue wagon, the elves a red one
- I want to create a traincar (a new name, another traincar, so not overwrite the excisting passengers-car) (an elf car)
- I don't have problems with the xml-files with this code:
<szName>Passenger Car</szName>
- so in the code i want to reference to a file Elves_car.kfm
and Elves_car_dummies.nif
- SO i copy all the files of the passenger-car-related nif, kfm etc...
I rename the kfm and nif files
I copy also the dds file (only the texture)
I reference in the nif file to the new texture file, wich i colored in red
the other files for specular effect and so on, i've copied those and renamed ones, but i also tried just by refferencing to those of the passenger, because they don't need to be changed (i think)
- when i load my elves...nif file, i see a red wagon
- can't make it work
- I think the problem is in the dummies file, there i can't find any reference to a passenger file (in nifskope)

now, i did more or less the same but then for my wooden bridge where i loaded the piece of the stone bridge, also there i adapt the texture reference,
but as you can see on the screenshot, everything is working fine, i've got that piece (textureshape) right, but the texture is still loaded from another file, that one of the original wooden bridge and not my file i had create with just a big wood texture, the object has another shape, that's why the texture are not correct... also here if i open the nif file in nifskope i've got a fine bridgepiece (with everywhere the wood textured mapped) but in game it is different

i think it will give me also the same fault, let's say if i want to have a polar bear(white) instead of the brown bear.
I'm sure i can change the bear in white just by overwriting his texture map BUT let say i want to have a brown and a white bear, then i need a total complete white bear...
I tried the same with a hospital (you can see that other mappers just use the building but are not using different textures for them,
in my game i got now maybe 4 hospitals, exact the same for 4 different types of building :(
In the trains section, i see also people creating new textures for excisting traincars or locomotives, but they are just changing the texture and overwrite the excisting one or make a v2 or version3 of a traincar, insterad of a new object

I hope you will read all this till the end and you understand what i wnt to do... reusing the nif-files, wiothout going via a 3D modeller program, change references and have a new named nif :oops:

Thanx in advice :wink:
i hope you can explain or discover how it can be done easily, that would be great 4 alot of people jsut to reuse models

ps: Thanx for the other tutorial, it was clear and can be used easily for people who are not totally into creating 3D models! :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:50 pm
by choobacca
snoopy55 wrote:Now, we just need a dock for unloading containers and the containers to unload. Use one of the existing flatcars for empty and make one with a container for full, and change the color of a building for unloading the containers to.

Go to it editers :D
Ok, I wasn't planning to unveil it this early, but I have already been working on this concept for our next map.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:16 pm
by snoopy55
Neat!droooooooollllll :D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:30 am
by CeeBee51

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:12 am
by dwax
that's SWEET choobacca! :) I see you have your loco's doubled up. OzoB was going to help me do that but I think he is AWOL LOL I think i'm the only one that can't double up my Loco's. :(

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:22 pm
by gczobel
Good work choobacca!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:37 pm
by karsten
Revolutionary ... and clever! :D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:10 pm
by gforce
a question,
how do you set the prices for the containers
- do you get a price for a container or only after produced to a good like manufacterted good?
- maybe we can set a container as an input of mutliple industries, so in that way you decide wich good it contains,
fe moving the container to a toy factyory will produce wooden horses (so in this case in contained wood),
moving it to a textile mill will produce textile (in this case in contained wool)
- ok, maybe the profit can change in this production-chain, but if you've got a scenario that wants in the beginning textile to be delivered and lateron wooden horses, it could be neat... change the train of destination and produce other products...

Got the idea??? maybe there are some possibilities here, in that way? :wink: :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:21 pm
by choobacca
Thanks for your ideas gforce.
I don't want to get too far off topic here but...
While we are still working out the details for the containers, they could contain raw materials delivered to industries, but the simple chain is Containers->MFGed Goods->Cities for import, and the reverse is MFGed Goods->Containers for export. Of course they could hold any goods for import/export and their purpose could be changed during the game depending on the scenario objectives.

The containers would probably fetch a good price at delivery, but to not let this get too out of control, the industries/cities they could be delivered to would have to be few and far between.

Another comment, the well cars are almost twice as long as regular cars, which makes for new routing challenges with longer trains. If we can't add more than 8(+tender) cars, then I'll make 'em longer. :D