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Industries can't produce 2 outputs?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:13 pm
by gforce
Oh no! Can't i produce 2 outputs out of 1 input?
- Test: (just a part of the code)

<szName>Bakkery 2</szName>

i also tested with setting the outputratio to 0.5 for each
On the city the icons are showing the two ways of production grazin-> cokie, grain-> food
but in production he produces only the first mentioned good, in this case cookies...

Tell me this is not true and that's possible! :(
or is there a workaroud to this??? :?
ps: (i know i could built a bakery and a bakery2 industrie, but that's a little bit annoying in relation with limited industrie choices and available space in the cities)

in 1 city 2 industries: bakery1 & bakery 2 (50% each)
backery produces cookies, bakery 2 food
as previously mentionned somewhere you will get:
- 4 food, 4 cookies out of 8 grain
fe. inputoutputratio will work correctly for each industrie
fe. inputoutputratio bakery(cookies) 2 => will result into 8 (=4*2)
fe. ijnputoutputratio bakery2(food) 0.5 => 2 food (=4*0.5)
(out of 8 grain)
(still there was a stupid fault showned: at city icons i saw different results as at the minimap-train) fe. 3 food, 15 cookies while at minimap 4 food, 16 cookies (after 2*8 (full)grain)

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:24 pm
by choobacca

Your research is correct. As you have shown, the only way to get 1 input to 2 outputs in a city is by using separate industries.
Since cities can only have a max of 3 industries, I see Super Industries coming that input multiple goods and output multiple goods for example. Like a Giant Food plant that inputs Grain -> Food, Corn -> Food, Cattle -> Food, Swine -> Food, Fish -> Food. Then I don't have to take up an industry slot for a Stockyard or Cannery. And how about a Super Brewery that takes in Grain -> Beer and Grapes -> Wine and eliminates the need for a Winery. These are silly examples since people usually only have one food processing or alcohol processing in a city, but you get the point.

The idea is to combine industries that kind of make sense so you can build more industries to achieve 1 input yielding 2 outputs.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:15 pm
by snoopy55
choobacca - we have two of these in Centralia. They refer to them as 'Industrial Complexes' and you can put about any company in there you want. The one you listed could be called a 'Food Complexe'. Using Manufactured Goods you could have a 'Industrial Complexe' or a 'Manufacturing Complexe'