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Price you get for goods different in cities?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:59 pm
by gforce
Can the price you will get in city A for good x be higher
then in another city B?
Any ideas?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:52 am
by RedKnight
I'm working on it and posting results to the wiki (see e.g. Railroads! wiki: Resources). Please jump into the wiki, if you have the time. You're already signed in, since you're here.

My general impression is, no, prices don't differ between cities. But there are complications.

Notice that your Minimap pricing (Resource prices on the popup above the minimap) always tracks the actual price given - anywhere.

But the F5 main price is always 2-4k above the Minimap price, and the F5 graph usually 3-4k above it, too.

I myself currently think that it is entirely global pricing; it has nothing to do with individual city supply and demand.

What affects it is, firstly, the current amount of un-picked up resource (which is primarily driven by "raw" resources), and secondly, some sort of function of recent activity. But there's a lot to test. A lot.

I am talking about "freight", of course. Freight is everything except passengers and mail; P & M are "express". They are an entirely different beast.

Just some thoughts - RK

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:23 pm
by gforce
So maybe what could have been done is:
- treat goods as passengers (this would effect the speed you deliver the goods (that's good) and also the distance (wich is better).
I can imagine that oil is cheaper in the usa as in europe.
Would that be possible?
changing traincars and icons etc is surely possible but defining the as passengers?

- I was also thinking about a specific cheque (money bonus) you could receive is some cities (can be generated as fe gold) wich you can receive as a carload at some cities and bring them to a bank to cash them.
- or Events like (bring me 10 oil and you get a bonus), but i believe i've read something about that without result...

- If you play railroad games as a board game, the price mostly related at the distance and demand for the goods,
in railroads, the shorter the track the more you will spend on trains (except passengers, this is really stupid, that's why everybody built up stupid rails from and to just 1 station-depot...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:11 pm
by snoopy55
gforce - a good look at the Passengers data could dig out what the magic words are. As to money bonus, that is already in the game. A Mayor offers a bonus for so many carloads of a certain Good.

Good thoughts, you need to just keep coming up with them, gives some of us something to do, like keeping our minds off everything else around us :shock: (just kidding :wink: , keep it up 8) )

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:47 pm
by gforce
Hey, THANX Snoop,
I just wanted to post, what i found, but some of you already know,
and you're right, i've got ideas but now focus to get my things put in a scenario or map,
please use some ideas, i'll post whatever comes in my mind: :wink:

- I want to have more control on money management (not to make it a boring economics game) but a well spent-achievements game:

- we can control distance-speed-money bonus on goods
(check out a small game (comming from a boardgame, i think, called rails, if you can't find it on the internet, i could look it up)
- making routes more intresting without cheap bridges
- giving money for some goals instead of medals in the scenario kind of way
- during gameplay making use of events for stating out some goals: transport 50 cows to there... make connections from A to B,
while when replaying the game you will get total other goals
(in most board games, played by multiple players you have to take a card with those goals stated on) (for the moment who cares about 100.000 bonus, this is too low, it could rule money income and the gameplay alot)


for the moment i'm testing with maps using more the height (alot of mountains wich requires different routes, you should look at it as 100miles or kilometers are just 2)
- there was a moment that there were trains almost at each industrie in the city or between 2 small villages to get their goods, you know...
Now they changed those at belgium by routes for bycicling and so on...
so a map with a total different scale in fact...

but oh god i will never finish it :( but hé i do like it to test alot (more in theorie then in efficiency) :?

ps: does someone knows if we can control the fact that goods are cheaper at some industries? for example wood is cheap in lumber1 a (but maybe a longer route) then lumber2 (in other games you've got to pay for your goods and decide later were to deliver them)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:24 am
by snoopy55
Some of that sounds good, but as to the last, railroads don't buy goods to ship, they get paid to ship, which is recieved after shipping. But yes, shipping over a longer distance should pay more, to ship from New York to Boston paying the same as New York to Denver just don't sound right. The trouble is you get into how badly it is needed in Boston compared to how badly it is needed in Denver. Maybe Boston has no milk, but Denver is overloaded, this makes it just the reverse, more $ to Boston than Denver.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:45 am
by gforce
Milk is everywhere, ok.
But i think that wine from France costs more in other countries then wine in France.
btw: it would impact the gameplay alot, in a good way, i think...
maybe only for some goods.
Anyway, maybe is also good to keep those wineyards only on some plases and don't have wine wanted everywhere, just those far away, because why ship wine with a train for a short distance, they are shipped by cars etc... DOing an exchange between wine from france and kangeroos from australia could be a well earning route but a long one... (ohno there's alot of wine in australia, even the same kind of wine (they shipped the trees) :?
ps: let's not pay for goods, you're right... :oops:

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:39 pm
by RedKnight
gforce, based on RR_Goods.XML, they have the same price ranges (min and max) in all scenarios. This is also true for newspaper announcements (RR_Events.XML).

Of course, in a given game, the actual price becomes driven by how much is available, being shipped, etc. But I doubt the pricing mechanics work differently for different maps.

It would be cool to be paid in gold every now and then. :)