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Editing engine colors in game

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:12 pm
by CeeBee51
Awhile back I messed around with changing train colors while playing a scenerio and for some reason everytime I play now my engines are blue. I've changed color in game and it works for the scenerio I'm playing but next time up they are blue. I've looked high and low for a file that might be storing the color data and have not found it. Anyone got any ideas short of re-installing?
I've checked my Train.xml file as well and the default values are still present so I'm not sure if there is any way to get the normal colors back.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:13 am
by Dr Frag
Okay, I've got some good news and some bad news. I noticed that my engines were also starting out blue so I ran a test. The good news is that I've come to a conclusion. The bad news is that there is a bug in the game and that's the color all engines that are paintable start with. EVERYONE should be getting engines that are 'painted' blue when they build a train. I think our minds were playing tricks on us because we saw the right default colors when the train was introduced (spinning in the showroom) and also in the round house. But the simple fact is that when you actually build a train your engine is going to start out blue.

Here's what I did:
I disconnected my Raptor system drive and connected a spare drive I had on hand that has never seen Railroads!.
I installed Windows fresh with a format and loaded up hardware drivers.
Installed Railroads! from the CD without patching and played. Whenever I built a train the engine always started out blue. Here is the color that shows up when I go to paint:

I then patched the game and got the same results.

I forgot to install the Holiday Scenario and test so I'll do that now.

Now if other people get the default engine color when they build a train then they HAVE something in their system that we don't.


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:22 am
by Warll
You know what this means?.....

No one?

Ok i'll tell you what it means....

Smerfs are in the Bios!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:51 am
by Dr Frag
That would be Smurfs but I'd prefer to think that Firaxis is a bunch of @#$&%* Smurfs.

I installed the Holiday Scenario and the Livery Pack and still the engines are blue.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:02 am
by snoopy55
I tried the color thing and made the steam engine a nice dark grey. The next one turned up that way also. Then I noticed that if you look under the train color box there is a box to check to get all the trains the same color. It does go to blue on mine when I start the next map.

CeeBee - when you start a game, are your tracks blue or green. Mine are blue. Second question, was your game a download or a CD?

I did a quick search for a place to set the colors as I thought I had seen one once before, but couldn't find it.

Have any of you seen the Text.ini file in \Sid Meier's Railroads!\Assets\Localization? I looked it over and it may have some usable stuff.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:24 pm
by CeeBee51
My tracks are a light blue when they are highlighted as are the trains if I highlight one. Game is a CD version and it's patched up with the appropriate patch though it really looks like we need another patch which I doubt we will get. :shock: