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Files in Map Folders.....

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:23 pm
by snoopy55
This is to past, present and future mappers. When you create a map, use your map name or a form of it to distinguish it from any other XML files that may be used in any other maps. Some mappers take an original XML and add or subtract what they need or don't need and put it into their map without changing the name. Some have even made a copy of such file with the correct name, but left the original XML file in their map. This game gets confused. It doesn't know what to do, so it grabs the first file it can find that has the name it's looking for. I found this out with a RRT_Difficulty.xml file that was made for RedKnight. This paticular file was a bit different as all maps used it, even when the name was changed. Check this out, be sure that your new map works AND that all the other maps in your system work with no problems. I know that this is time consuming, but it is more so for people who download your maps, and they also get frustration along with it. Take a look at the original maps of this game. They only include XMLs that are needed. Another benifit of doing this is people with small drives do not lose much needed space.

If someone can rewrite this and put it in the Wiki, I will be thankful. As you can see above, while I can state my thoughts, I'm not so good at stating them in a nice way.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:38 pm
by karsten
Excellent advice, which I am following closely. :!:

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:43 pm
by K-class
Love your work :D

I have been reading this forum since last year and you all doing some great maps and mods.

Can I add to this and I know this is only a forum but perhaps we need a master download area. Great to have a new thread re a map and a download but sometomes these contain changes to existing xml's and you have to find the other post sometimes to change or update that map etc.

Sort of layed out in a tree file format and all new maps and mods are added after being tested.

Some control over some of the xml files that are being tweaked as some xml files are used by other maps. As one small change can affect anothers map or a xml file as we dont want more CTD's.


At the moment I appreciate the great effort by all of you and I find its getting confusing keeping track (he he no pun intended) of where everything goes and what xml files have been tweaked.

The file gets uploaded to the download area and the forum post is updated.

Just a thought as the maps, trains etc grow by reading every forum thread takes time away from the game.


Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:11 am
by snoopy55
K-class - This is why it was requested that the Maps be at the top of every post and version numbers be used. The number of times I've downloaded a Map to see if it was the same as the one I already had is many. Also, files that are in the game should not be tweaked for the reason you mentioned. Yes, I did tweak one myself, but it was for an analyzers use and I strenlt stated that it would screw up the whole game if not handled correctly. Firaxis did this with the Holiday Scenario. The Wiki gives info on things to do in creating Maps that tend to be ignored.

I have lots of time on my hands, and while I enjoy playing the game, I think I enjoy more ripping Maps apart and seeing what was done and what can be done. It's been mentioned that certain files must be left in, and I plan on looking into that.

Enjoy the Maps, and Welcome to the Forum :D

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:42 pm
by snoopy55
After a few hours of testing and reseting I've found that for some reason, which cannot be blamed on Firaxis, the game seems to require that a doctored copy of the original XML files need to be in the Map folder. My apoligies to Mappers who I did not believe. Logical programing does not seem to apply to this game. And no, I'm not related to Spock
The XMLs can be trimed down so that instead of:

<szName>Manufactured Goods</szName>
<Color>250, 145, 30</Color>
<szIndustryLeaderTitle>Merchant King</szIndustryLeaderTitle>

all you need is:

<szName>Manufactured Goods</szName>

except on things you have created yourself, which for some reasom the game requires in both the Map named and the original name copies of the XMLs. This will help keep folder size down.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:31 pm
by Dr Frag
Umm, wouldn't this thread be more useful in the Mods - Talk section?