integrated Train Table

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Re: integrated Train Table

Post by Jancsika » Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:26 am

Here is clean Starting map:

To begin with I have converted it to a SAM2 type map, since you are planning to add more “Non stock” items.

Before you start, replace the “map_Euro2.tga” map with your own. (I did not have your map, so I have a blank flat Map) Once you start the Terrain editor and save it, it will redraw the Mini-map.

I have deleted all custom content, so there are only stock Firaxis goods left.
I have added a TrainCar to carry Beer.
The Cities (Metropolis) will receive beer and arms.
Changed the file structure and RRT_Scenario.XML files to SAM2 type.
REMEMBER AND KEEP IN MIND: in the SAM2 type maps all the necessary information is in the XML files in the UserMaps folder, therefore the program will not have to search for additional information in the Program folders. (it’s faster this way)

Your next step is to add custom content.
They consist of 2 parts. The XML parts will be added to the appropriate XML files, (Goods, industries, traincars, and depots).
The Graphic parts (DDS,TGA,NIF,FPK,KFM files and their subfiles) will be located in the Directory I call “Assets” (Some people call it Warehouse)

Here you have to go very carefully. Test and save every step!!!!!

One more thing: Since this is all about map making, I suggest that you start a new thread in the “Maps in Development” section. It should be under your name.
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Re: integrated Train Table

Post by monolithos » Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:59 am

thanks jancsika :)

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