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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:33 pm
by BadKharma
Thanks again Snoopy I have been using the Railroads Wiki for modding information alot although I think it needs to be updated a bit.
Looking at the available scenario xml sheets really helps alot to see what they are causing to occur in the game.
One last question for the input output ratio
how does changing the 1.0 effect things? Can you make the input make more output?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:52 pm
by snoopy55
As to the Wiki XML sheets, they do still need a few of us to get that info in there.

As to <InputOutputRatio>1.0</InputOutputRatio>, that's simple (no offense meant), play an original map and watch the speed at which the goods are produced. Now, if you change the 1.0 to 2.0 on a good, you'll see it produced twice as fast. If you change it to 0.5, you'll see it produced half as fast.

Now in an industry the effect is a bit different. Take the Textile Mill. At 1.0, it's 1 Wool in, 1 Textile out. If you set it for 2.0, it becomes 1 Wool in, 2 Textiles out. If you set it as 0.5, you need 2 Wools in to get 1 Textile out.

Now for the bad news. Look at the Steel Mill. You can set it to do 1 Coal in, 1 Steel out. Or you can set it for 1 Iron in, 1 Steel out. If you try 1 Coal in, 1 Steel out AND 1 Iron in, 1 Steel out, it will only procuce Steel for each Coal. It will take the Iron, and you will get paid for the Iron, but you will get NO Steel for the Iron

And ask all the questions you want. We all want a GREAT map out of you, and we'll kick you off the forum if it doesn't meet our aproval :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:05 pm
by BadKharma
LOL ok just to let you know what I'm planning on creating is a map of the Great Lakes region to replicate the Milwaukee road (connecting Milwaukee, Chicago, and St Paul). On the eastern border is Pittsburgh and it goes as far south as St Louis. Being born and raised in Milwaukee made we want a scenario more specific to the region. I think one of the difficult parts will be balancing the objectives so they are difficult but not too much so.
It's interesting the way the steal mill works I plan to use steel in the scenario for both producing autos (Detroit) with a goal and Arms needed to be shipped to springfield (Springfield Armoury).

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:57 pm
by snoopy55
I'll give you one, use Machinery, and require a certain amount shipped to Detroit by a certain year to build the Automobile Factories. (and to Milwaukee to build the Breweries :shock: )

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:13 pm
by BadKharma
That is an excellent idea..........although that might slow down Milwaukee's growth as far as the brewery. I was thinking of an easier goal of owning the brewery in Milwaukee and having to ship XXX number of barells. And then of course later having to build the brewery in St Louis (Budweiser).

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:45 pm
by choobacca
snoopy55 wrote:...Now for the bad news. Look at the Steel Mill. You can set it to do 1 Coal in, 1 Steel out. Or you can set it for 1 Iron in, 1 Steel out. If you try 1 Coal in, 1 Steel out AND 1 Iron in, 1 Steel out, it will only procuce Steel for each Coal. It will take the Iron, and you will get paid for the Iron, but you will get NO Steel for the Iron
Actually, this direction does work. You can have multiple inputs produce one output like we do with Grain and Corn producing Food at a Food Plant. So Coal, Iron and Taconite as inputs would all produce steel at a Steel Mill if you set it this way.
What doesn't work is one input yielding two outputs in the same industry, like a Stockyard that inputs Livestock and outputs Food and Cowhides. This requires another industry in the city for this result.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:48 pm
by choobacca
BadKharma wrote:LOL ok just to let you know what I'm planning on creating is a map of the Great Lakes region to replicate the Milwaukee road (connecting Milwaukee, Chicago, and St Paul). On the eastern border is Pittsburgh and it goes as far south as St Louis. Being born and raised in Milwaukee made we want a scenario more specific to the region. I think one of the difficult parts will be balancing the objectives so they are difficult but not too much so.
It's interesting the way the steal mill works I plan to use steel in the scenario for both producing autos (Detroit) with a goal and Arms needed to be shipped to springfield (Springfield Armoury).
You could also add Iron Ore or Taconite Ore in the Mesabi Iron Range in Northern Minnesota to make steel.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:59 pm
by BadKharma
Yes that will be one of the ore producing areas. Is there a way to make the game randomly place things like the ore locations such as determined by terrain height? Or am I best of pre-placing everything.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:05 pm
by choobacca
BadKharma wrote:Yes that will be one of the ore producing areas. Is there a way to make the game randomly place things like the ore locations such as determined by terrain height? Or am I best of pre-placing everything.
When left up to the game, it randomly places everything, so I always place everything manually for that reason. But I believe you can override this in the game anyway, so always placing them manually is always a good reason.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:40 pm
by BadKharma
OK I will place them then I just thought having the random placement would offer more diversity for replaying the map. Of course I could also have 2 different versions and see how well the random placement works.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:18 am
by snoopy55
choobacca - you're right, I'm wrong. I've done it so many time myself I don't why I stated it that way.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:27 am
by BadKharma
I noticed with the new xml sheets you posted that their is now a port. Is that like a fishery? How exactly is that used?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:34 am
by stormfather
You mentioned shipping steel to Springfield Armory. The actual Springfield Armory is in Springfield, Massachusetts, however there is a modern firearm company called Springfield Armory (though it has no relation to the actual armory) in north western Illinois (Quad cities area), along with Armalite and a few smaller companies (Rock River and Les Baer).

As for the port, check out Choobacca & Big Papa's Basin and Range. It's a new, out-of-city resource they've made.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:45 pm
by BadKharma
Wow I should have looked more into the Springfield Armory in Geneseo IL. Sorry about that. I'm going to check out the Basin and Range map to see the port.
How does starting locations for cities work? I read on the forum that at least 4 are required if I read correctly. Are you better off limiting the number of starting cities or marking all or most of all the cities as starting locations?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:44 am
by snoopy55
I think that really depends on how you place Annexes. If you place one type in a certain area and the player starts with a city needing that Good that is at the other end of the map, it becomes more of a challange.