Changing industries available in terrain editor?

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Changing industries available in terrain editor?

Post by Tav_Behemoth » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:42 pm

Is there a way to change which industries are available for placement in the terrain editor? I'm finding that even if I open a scenario map that has fisheries, like the US Northwest map, the place industries tool only gives the standard set of options (coal mine, etc.)

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Post by snoopy55 » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:54 pm

Try the Scenario Manager under Mods - Misc.
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Post by blizzard » Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:59 pm

Tav, this might be a little late but better late than never and I see that snoop really didn't answer your question.

By default, any newly created map only has 14 industries put in the RRT_Industries_CUSTOM.xml file. They are Coal Mine, Furniture Plant, Cattle Ranch, Newspaper, Refinery, Oil Well, Steel Mill, Paper Mill,
Power Plant, Automobile Factory, Food Plant, Stockyard, Grain Farm and Lumber Mill. Any and all new created maps will have ONLY these industries.

So if you want to add a Textile Mill to supply clothing, you'll need to add the Textile Mill industry to your RRT_Industries_CUSTOM.xml file as well as the Sheep Farm to supply wool. And you only need the szName line and not all the other lines for that industry.

Copy and paste from the global Industries file any industry you want in your scenario. And don't forget to add the goods in your RRT_Goods_CUSTOM.xml that's associated with each industry before running the editor to place the industries. If the goods are not found in your custom goods file, the map will crash when clicking to place down the industry. So, what I do is put any goods in my Goods_Custom file BEFORE adding Industries to the Industries_CUSTOM file. Saves me a whole lot of headaches now. The reason I mention this is I was trying to add my industries before adding the goods and crashed every time until I figured it out.

Hope this is a straight forward and if not, let me know and I'll assist further.


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Post by snoopy55 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:14 am

Got me there, but at that time that was the safest way to do it as we hadn't ripped into these files yet.

A better way I found, as I had the same problem you had, (sorry I forgot about this post) was to dress up the NewMapBase that the Editer uses to create the maps. Since I don't want to get into the copy-n-paste aspects of it, here is the folder which you just use to replace the existing one and you get all the industries and annexes.

Yell out if there are any problems......
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Post by blizzard » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:17 am

These are great to have if creating a lot of maps as it stops the need to copy and paste so many industries and goods. We can just overwrite the xml in the newly created folder for the new maps and then make changes from there (ie. change RRT_Cities_Blank to RRT_Cities_whatever-your-map-is-named. Easier removing things from a single file than C&P from other files. Definitely a time saver. Good job, snoopy55. I would like to point out there is a need to trim down the industries file after you added what industries you need in your scenario. If not, when building a new industry in the game, some of them are not displayed as the GUI only allows us to see 12 buildable industries. But that can be corrected I'm sure by revamping the GUI that shows the Build Industry icons. (I did see those somewhere in my jonts) Maybe I'll look into that and see if I can get it to display like 16 industries instead of only 12. Would definitely allow for more chooses in creating objectives.


ps. I wonder if Tav will even see this :?:

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Post by snoopy55 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:42 am

I created a full set of 'Stripped' XML files just for making maps. I was working on a TXT file in which you figured out what you wanted IN you map, marked what you DIDN'T want in it, and just deleted those from the XML files. It covered Goods, Industries, Anexes, TrainCars, and Trains. I started it in the Tech section, but the only interest I was shown was a blast with a shotgun, so I let it go. I use the TXT to work out problems I see in other maps.
Yes, it takes a bit more info and educating as to how to use it, but it works. The Scenario Manager is good also.
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Post by gforce » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:56 pm

about the industries limit of 12,
i've got a map with about 22 industries in it, yes only 12 industries will be buyable, that's a limit,
i've already written some information on this
look at this post:
what i do is 12 buyable, i'm kind of able to define wich 12 out of 22 (it's a hard thing to do but i already did it twice with succes 8) )and the other industries i place as preplaced industries in the terrain editor,
fe i place 2 newspaper, not buyable, but in game the industrie is there.
while fe paper mills will be buyable by the player...
in this way you will notice that you will get already alot of oppurtinities for a scenario

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Post by choobacca » Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:04 pm

Also, in the Terrain Editor you can select more than 3 industries for a city and they work in the game. Just in case you didn't know that.

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