UserMaps vs CustomAssets Folder??

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Post by G3mInI » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:51 am

Ok I am good with all of that. I now have a better understanding. I really wish someone from Firaxis would peruse these boards and realize the need for a patch which changes this behavior to that of, lets say the RRT_Bridges.xml file.

Does the wiki contain this information?

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Post by gforce » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:22 am

so now we're all surprised!
I and also others (like karsten) know already much longer that there are some problems with bridges and tunnels especially when you're changing the prices for them...
it would be better if you took some time to those that warned you before...
yes, there will be still some time before i will have finished my scenario (eventhough for the moment the scenario-testing plays superb),
but i can say already that you will be pretty surprised (once again, even if i warn you once again), how global files can become a real mess at the end... :P
still, i can follow the idea, and i will try to do as much as possible to support the global files, but as i told already before, it makes the work often more difficult then you know or wanna know...

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Post by snoopy55 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:07 am

gforce - this was a new victom who was unaware that maps were even interfering with each other. By saying that the GLOBALS are cunfusing so stay away from them you might as well say stay away from map making becausing that's cunfusing, which it is.

The GLOBALS can be avoided in another way, other than moving maps. Just rewrite the XMLs in them so all of them have the map name as part of them and include ALL the info needed by the map in each XML. That way none of the maps interfer with each other. But with ~ 15 XMLs that would be needed in each map using 10K to 45K per XML, thats alot of memory, with more maps on the way. And GLOBALS allow others to 'dip' into whats been created by others and use it, just like your new creations will be used.

G3mInI - go into Technical Issues and skim over 'Global XML Instructions' if you want the whole story.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by choobacca » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:29 pm

Thanks for conforming (reluctantly) to the global XML file system that many of us have adopted. Snoopy55 is right. There are alternatives, albeit costlier. (is that a word?)
Have you figured out how to write an installer script for your map? These take a little time to figure out and put together, but in the end it is the easiest way for users to install maps.

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