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Post by RedKnight » Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:00 am

Ok, wiki edit done. See this. Thanks tons for helping - as always!


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Post by RedKnight » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:08 pm

Snoopy, one other thought re: the 200 mph limit...

When you hacked the trains to 30, did they make that sound for "screaching around a curve"? Know what I mean?

If the game thought it was being slowed by a curve - the usual reason a track slows a train - it would probably be making that sound, even on straight track.

Or maybe not, shrug.

Anyway, it must be the track limiting the train... the track limit works all other times; why shouldn't it here?

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Post by snoopy55 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:05 pm

When I tested this I used the Hill Valley Mess map and did a straight run, except for just before the town where I had to curve. It didn't make any 'curve' noises. I agree with you, it has to be a setting in the track that controls the top speed.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by dwax » Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:25 pm

I noticed that now when I start a new game, any one I have 500 mill LOL At least I have plenty cash. :)

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Post by RedKnight » Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:30 pm

dwax, that's just a reward that the game starts giving a player in all their new games, once you've proved you rule.

LOL. Snoopy has a note earlier on, about how to get rid of that.

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Post by snoopy55 » Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:34 pm

dwax - if you use the Analyzer then the BIG money will only show up then. It goes back to normal otherwise. Remember, you have to remove to Hill Valley Mess. If you want to keep all the stuff in Hill Valley Mess but get rid of the money problem, remove the RRT_Difficulty_Hill_Valley_Mess.xml from it.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by gforce » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:07 pm

fscale setting continued:
fscale will effect industries green ring
fscale for industries in a city will effect the size of the building
see screenshot
fscale on industries effects the size of building, ps: the fscale on the other industries outside a city was not affecting their size (green ring)
fscale on industries effects the size of building, ps: the fscale on the other industries outside a city was not affecting their size (green ring)
SMRailroads!0085.jpg (67.58 KiB) Viewed 9761 times

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Post by gczobel » Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:14 am

gforce wrote:fscale setting continued:
fscale for industries in a city will effect the size of the building
The same for decorations.

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Post by gforce » Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:31 pm

Also i noticed that it is the same for some other models, fe the building of the coal-mine, probable because this type is ismountainess type, wich is seen as it is a incity industrie, strange to have a parameter fscale for 2 different goals :cry:

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Post by RedKnight » Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:43 pm

Thanks gforce and gczobel!

gforce, what fscale did you set those guys to? Wow that's tiny!

The Terminal and City are regular size by comparison, right? (They're at regular scale and didn't get changed?)

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Post by gforce » Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:33 pm

the fscale was set in my example to 0.2 (my initial idea was adapting the green ring only)
0.2 as a fscale for the green ring is not so small, enough for single player scenarios (it's a way to enforce players to get up a hill or mountain, when the green circkle is just normal fscale 1, you can most of the times putting your annex in the beginning of the slope, instead of on top of the hill), maybe not for multiplayer, if their accessing a city with multiple players...
Even when you set this fscale for incity-industries, this will ,not affect the green circle of the city. for ismountiness industries it does but also for the building wich occurred very small, almost not vissible fe coalbuilding
I can't change the green ring of the city, you can change fscale for a depot or station and terminal but this will adapt your building and results in the effect that the station is not above the rails and way too small.

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Post by RedKnight » Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:12 pm

Thanks for the info, it looks like you've really pinned it down. I've revised the wiki entry for it. If you want to add anything to the wiki, go for it!

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Post by gforce » Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:38 pm


I really don't get any control on those events
But it seems that (whatever i try, i tried alot of stuff) doesn't have any effect!
see example probabilty and date
Is there already someone who has changed and/or had any control that works fine? plz let me know... what do i do wrong, it should be working, no? :(

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Post by karsten » Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:54 pm

Gforce, I have had the same experience. :? Nevertheless, the Santa map had its own events, so there must be a way to make it happen. Perhaps you can figure it out! Similarly, I have been unable to change the price of tunnels, did you actually succeed? I have not been able to check out your code, because you removed your map. But that would be really useful, if you posted a working XML tunnel file. :D

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Post by gforce » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:26 pm

Hé Karsten,
you're right it doesn't have an effect! i didn't noticed it yet in my test-game for the moment...
yes, IT WORKS: :!:
here's what to do:
forget the tunnels_"your map".xml
YOU'VE GOT TO USE THE FILE RRT_TUNNELS.xml (not the local map file!!!!)
and then, yes it works!!!!
(the global xml files are killing me, surely in development (sorry guys) :oops: , but i'm telling you already so long that it will get you more restricitons then a simple copy would be to xusermaps)
in my file you can see i created a new tunnel-name
reference to that tunnel-name in your local_map_tunnels and you will be using that one
don't reference to the others otherwise they will be used
you can also see that i've changed also other setting for tunnels fe tollerance and probably others(i'm testing alot), have a look!!!
:idea: In answerring your question, maybe i found also the solution for my event-questionm if i put this in the main event-file it may work
Tunnels (it works).zip
tunnels works
(1.63 KiB) Downloaded 285 times

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