New City types & Growth

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New City types & Growth

Post by gforce » Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:50 pm

I'm also searching for any setting or file where they do control the city growth.
Where i can find fe that:
It takes exactly 41 full cars of the resource that a Village wants, to turn it into a Town.

I want to create a new city type. Is this possible and how to control the growth of it.

Could i use industries instead? and use the setting buildup1to2?

any info on this?

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Post by gforce » Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:51 pm

ok, it is possible to add city types

something like this
<szName>Another City</szName>

i'm using size 4 and 5, hoping to let 4 grow into 5
(maybe 3 grows into 4) (wich is not the idea)

i'll do some more testing but it crashes 4 the moment, but i don't think it's due to this....

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Post by gforce » Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:59 pm

AND YES, :shock:
they do grow from 3 (metropolis) to 4
ANd also from 4 to 5 8)

(when i didn't count the carloads, i think it must be related with the same formula as going from 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3)

In fact i would also be happy if i could have find out to have villages in parallel not all in the same sequence
can i create <CityType2> or is there a work around?

ps: There are some possibilities here... i find it kind of stupid that every city wants the same goods by default... shit, maybe it's much easier than this, please say so if you know...

should look again at that buildup with industries, but i don't really get it that quickly (alot of settings i don't understand) :?

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Post by RedKnight » Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:36 pm

g, they still say they're a Metropolis at 4 and 5, right?

I had been noticing that "very mature" metros (which have been a metro a long time, and get tons of traffic) produce ~20% more express (p & m) than "brand new" metros (a metro that's a metro at the beginning of a scenario). Maybe it's due to the 4 and 5 levels? If you want to make a map that has levels 3, 4, and 5 from the outset, I could test their production.

Note that you can grow a Village faster, by picking up product (in addition to dropping off). See the wiki.

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Post by gforce » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:06 pm

RK -
I will post later on an example, but i can say already that the metropolis will really change their type-names into the citytype name of level 4 and later 5 and so on.

I will test and create some other levels on a map,
if you want to count the carloads. Be carefull, 1 carload is not always 100% full and gives instead of 1 maybe just 0.7 as a load.

Is there a relationship between buildup (with industries) and the buildup of cities?
Same question 4 the decay?
<!-- Build Up -->
<!-- Level Layer -->

anyway, thanx 4 your help... :wink:

btw: i've been testing with stand-alone industries as being used for specific city-types, but i got a problem with the depots (annex) on a new industrie. I should need 4 this a station or terminal at a industrie,
the idea is that with industries i believe i can control the buildup...

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Post by RedKnight » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:29 pm

Sounds good, g...

Yes, there is certainly a relationship between industry and city size, but this is because anything that will build an industry, will also build a city.

If your question is, "will a city grow if I start it with a Large industry?", I would think the answer would be no. But this can't be tested in any stock game, because all industries start at small.

Conversely, it's very clear that cities will grow when freight (not express) is dropped off. It happens a little faster if fed by a Large or Medium resource, than a Small one - undoubtedly because the city decay factor is also involved. (You will have more resources delivered faster with the larger resources, so they get "ahead" of the decay factor, more quickly.) Do you want some specific numbers on city growth vs. carloads of freight dropped? I've been collecting it, but ultimately it's a 12-cell table, for city size (4 levels) vs. resource size (3 levels). Also note that it does not take the same amount of time for e.g. a town that started as a town to go to a city, as vs. one that started as village, to go from town to city. There are more numbers under the hood there somehow, than one would've thought. E.g. maybe something that's a town at start, has some counter at a particular setting, vs. what a town gets when it grows into a town from a village. (Did that make sense?)

Right, I always use trains set on Wait if I am counting carloads. It's the only way to be sure. It's a pity we can't see more info on e.g. exactly how full a partially-full car is.

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Post by gforce » Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:11 pm

I've been testing but i get strange effects when adding city type level 6.
I send you the liverpool - manchester map wich is addapted:
2 cities: leeds and the one next to it are skitown (size 4) and skicity (size 5). Let them grow and you will see, also let grow manchester to metropolis into skitown etc... in train table mode... :wink:
City type 4 and
(824.35 KiB) Downloaded 351 times

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Post by RedKnight » Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:21 pm

Got it, thanks for making that... is it ok if I can't get to it for a few days? I had wanted to finish my Freight analysis, then move on to Express.

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Post by snoopy55 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:45 am

gforce - one thing you can do to get the Goods count correct and avoid partial loads is set the pickup point for 'Wait Until Full'
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by gforce » Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:22 pm

A temporary count (because maybe i did make a stupid fault and was not good organised) :oops:
but a got this:
- 200 carloads IN
(only passengers) (only input, so now passengers taken away from city) (only depot (does this matter?))

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Post by RedKnight » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:53 am

Hi g,

As far as I can tell, Depot doesn't really matter vs. city growth. Probably only very slightly delay its growth, because the slower unloading works against the decay factor, a little bit slower. It may be too little to notice. Remember that trains set to Wait will still always <i>start</i> unloading at the same time. It just pushes the time they all stop unloading, back a little.

You created these new city sizes just by sticking new sizes in the Cities.XML in your zip file, right? It's interesting that a "real" Metropolis (size 3) still grows into the larger sizes, even though there doesn't seem to be any particular "number of cars needed" (or whatever) specified anywhere that I can see. Nor do these bigger sizes appear anywhere I can see.

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Post by snoopy55 » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:06 am

RedKnight - while I have you here, and it in a way goes with this thread, is there a way to prevent taking a village that only recieves say, mail and food, from getting jacked up to a Terminal? Say, when you get the village into a town, then you can upgrade to a Station and so forth. Hech, a Village of 100 people with a mighty Terminal sitting there is just unfair.....
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by gforce » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:05 am

Snoopy, i think this is how it should work correctly:
- you don't have a reason to buy a station or terminal for a village if you don't have alot of trains passing by (terminal 4 rails) or you won't get either a big bonus if there are not alot passengers passing by...
- a village investing in a station, means they want to attract more passengers and/or cargo and/or trains, in this way the village will become richer and will not stay along time a village but will become fast a city...

- the only thing i could think of is: Isn't the price for a station too cheap (like most of the things, wich result in too much money)
- and what's the sense of having cars changed more quickly at a station or terminal, when i play i have too much money so why should i share a train on different goods... (= need to change cars)

- i'm creating industries that takes in more goods (idea to have more then 2 like it is right now) but for those industries you will need to pay a very high price... still need to test but without testing i set already this price to 1.000.000

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Post by snoopy55 » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:56 am

I guess I should have used a town as an example. If it has 4 passengers, it's not how fast it loads, it's the fact that you get more money. A town of 10,000 isn't going to build a Terminal the size that Chicago has. But you can in the game. It would just make it a bigger challenge if you had to build up a Village or Town or City in order to put a larger 'building to load/unload'.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by RedKnight » Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:47 am

Good points you're making, folks.

Right, perhaps the most significant effect of upgrading the Depot is for the extra passenger revenue.

The place the un/loading really helps is with freight, esp. if you have a train with e.g. 8 steel cars and want to switch them for 8 auto cars. That can take so long with a Depot that it would need a faster train, which might equal much more train cost, over time - enough to be worth upgrading.

Snoop, you can make your own "personal rule" of only being able to upgrade to Station if it's a City, and Terminal if it's a Metro. It's just a game; you can do whatever you want. Even in mp, if all players agree.

It's true that you won't have Grand Central in a tiny village in real life. But there are a lot of ways in which Railroads simplifies things. Eh, it's a game.

It's not the revenue (richness) of what's dropped off that causes cities and resources to increase. It is simply the number of carloads that are dropped off or picked up, period. As far as I've seen, so far.

Everybody knows that the passenger bonus happens where passengers are delivered, right? So, early in the game, when you have a few Metros surrounded by smaller cities and towns, your money is better spent upgrading at the smaller towns that will receive the Metro passengers.

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