America Revisited

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Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:15 am

America Revisited

Post by Franimus » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:01 pm

I'm working on some updates/tweaks to the America map; this is my first foray into SMR modding. I narrowed some rivers, lowered the Alleghenies, moved some towns (Norfolk is NOT that far south; renamed to Wilmington), added some towns, placed industries, added eras/goals, added fisheries (with some accidental terrain changes... Sorry Chesapeake and Oregon)...
Anywho, I'm testing it out now, but I'm getting a crash when it reaches a certain point about 11 years in (not corresponding to any era end/start dates). Any tips on how to debug it?

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Re: America Revisited

Post by railage » Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:48 pm

Hi, and welcome :)

I assume you are using America_s02 as the base? Although both America maps on this site have complaints about crashes in the comments.

It seems likely that it is a pre-existing issue with the base map. This game is quite particular about the way things are setup in the file/folder structure.

Not sure, if you are aware, but there is another site where after some public bickering a few of the members retreated to. Those members put quite a bit of time into bugfixing maps. Also, there are 80 or so more maps than you see on this site. That site is harder to get onto, it requires a sign-up for downloads or to view images, and has security measures which make reaching it from some IP addresses impossible.

Here is the link to the America_s02 map on vzbob's site: ... ?f=14&t=96

If you want to bugfix the map yourself, the first thing to do is get rid of the FPK file. You will need to download PAKbuild, then unpack the contents into a new folder which should then be placed inside UserMaps along with the map XMLs.

If you still get some crashes, try going to vzbob's wiki: ... =Main_Page

You don't need to sign-up to view the wiki. Look especially at the section: Railroads:Scenario Information - XML Reference.

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:15 am

Re: America Revisited

Post by Franimus » Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:48 pm

Thanks! I'll check it out. Yeah I'm using _s02 as the base. Last time I played that one I at least got as far as getting bought out without crashing :D

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