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US_Southeast Version 2

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:18 pm
I have prepared a Version 2 of the US_Southeast Map. The map has more complicated goods deliveries. To make the map look better, I have added more trees and animated decorations by Rodea. The map now includes military tanks from Choobacca's Basin and Range map. The foundry now converts scrap metal to sheet steel for making Sherman tanks. Rodea's roll sheet steel car was added for shipping steel to the auto and mfg plants. This is an especially nice looking car in my opinion. A university and students have been added from the MidAtlantic States map. I have changed the troops car to a long passenger version like the passenger cars of the first map. Overlap bridge costs have been raised to minimize its use and encourage more thoughtful track layouts. I have also added a readme file for first users. I hope some folks will give it a try and post comments.

The map is posted in 4 zipped files. Download the US_Southeast_v2.7z file, unzip with 7-zip and place the US_Southeast_v2 folder in the UserMaps folder. Then download and unzip the other 3 files and place the 3 Assets folders inside the US_Southeast_v2 folder.

Good Luck. - TMiller

Re: US_Southeast Version 2

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:12 pm
by karsten
I enjoyed the version 2, with the even better custom content and improved interesting landscape. I don't think its possible to complete at Robber Baron level, the bridges are just too expensive. As Tycoon I managed the first two eras, although with difficulty. Quite a challenge! 8) The next two eras also needed to be managed carefully.
No crashes, but the map did get a bit sluggish towards the end. I had 40 trains running concurrently. Beautiful! :D

Edit: I just managed to complete Era One on Robber Baron Level! 8) I guess that means I will have to try to complete the other Eras on that level as well. :lol: Given the low levels of revenue at RB difficulty, one probably needs early low maintenance and cheap tracks patents. :mrgreen:

Re: US_Southeast Version 2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:47 pm
by karsten
DONE! Finished Robber Baron 13 years early. I was very lucky in getting the two crucial patents (cheap maintenance and cheap tracks) right at the start (see screenshot) , and a few early mayoral offers also came in handy. :mrgreen:

The map has tremendous replayability now. First even Investor is a challenge, but as you get to know your way around better, and learn to economize on the expensive bridges, you gain level by level, finding new ways to economize and to increase earnings, until Robber Baron is possible. :D

I think this map has many plus points now
  • a believable story
  • excellent replayability
  • interesting scenery
  • relevant new content
  • crash-free.
I did not see many decorations - too busy saving and restarting. But you could consider making them permanent, as discussed in another thread.