Front page map queue

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Re: Front page map queue

Post by Warll » Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:38 am

Sweet! I am at work right now so I will send myself an email to remind me to post this after work. Thanks for making it!

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Re: Front page map queue

Post by slider38 » Sat May 14, 2016 11:50 pm

Hello Warll, The Union Pacific v2 map has been thoroughly tested and is ready for posting to the map database as well as the front page. It's probably time one or two of the current front page maps were replaced with something new. Thanks for keeping this game going by hosting this site. It is appreciated.

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Re: Front page map queue

Post by Warll » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:32 am

Yeah sorry it is on my long list of things I really should do. Sorry, I need to set aside time for it.

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Re: Front page map queue

Post by Warll » Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:52 am

Are there any maps I have missed posting to the front page? If so could someone link me to them? Just reply here if possible.

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Re: Front page map queue

Post by railage » Fri Sep 29, 2017 6:47 am

There are 3 finished maps of excellent quality.
Southern Ontario Deluxe

Union Pacific, this one has an update in the second post that should be included.

Appalachia Rails

The order is based on date. Southern Ontario Deluxe is the oldest. Conneticut is the newest map, so would be nice if it stays top of the list.

Many thanks for keeping the site running, doesn't matter if it's not as pretty if it's easier for you. This is the only source for many of players to access custom maps. We salute you. :)

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