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Chaning the selection of industries

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:13 pm
by joncsmith
If you have downloaded a map, so you don't have the design file, is there anyway to change the selection of industries one can buy in one of the XML files? I've found how you can add/change cities, add/change trains, etc in the XML files, but can't find where you set the industries. I'm referring to the window where you are allowed to buy up to 3 industries (assuming the city is big enough). I can find where you can set what industries are pre-assigned to a city.

Thanks for any help!

Re: Chaning the selection of industries

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:25 pm
by Jancsika
If you have downloaded a map, so you don't have the design file, is there anyway to change the selection of industries one can buy in one of the XML files? I've found how you can add/change cities, add/change trains, etc in the XML files, but can't find where you set the industries. I'm referring to the window where you are allowed to buy up to 3 industries (assuming the city is big enough). I can find where you can set what industries are pre-assigned to a city.
It is probably possible, but there are too many variables to give you a straight yes or no answer.
You don’t just add an industry. Please read this quote from the FAQ ( ... =42&t=3802).
How do I add new goods to my map?
Basic rule of adding a good to the your map.

1.Add the good to RRT_Goods_Mapname.XML (If it is a SAM map the filename is: RRT_Goods.XML
2.Add the traincar to haul the good to RRT_Traincar_Mapname.XML
3.Add an industry to produce the good to RRT_Industries_Mapname.XML
4.Add an industry to receive the good to RRT_Industries_Mapname.XML, or modify the cities in RRT_Cities_Mapname.XML
5.If there are only stock (Firaxis) industries you don't have to worry about the Annexes for the field (Oil, Grain) industries. But if it has custom industries, you will need an RRT_Depots_Mapname_XML , with ALL THE USED stock depots, including mail and passengers.
There are stock industries that the above quote might apply to.
But once you get into a custom made map, there will be the additional graphic components (FPK files, etc,) that has to be considered.
If you have a particular map in mind and can tell us what kind of an industry you have in mind we will be glad to help.