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Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:21 am
by Jancsika
The NAFTA Phase I map is a Stand Alone Map. It is important that you follow the installation instructions at the end of this writeup.

The map is a rather large map (20 X 20) of the North American Continent. This gave me an opportunity to build a chellenging terrain. There are lots of hills and mountains that you will have to work yourself around.
The distances between the cities are big enough to run a decent rail system. Tunnels and steel bridges are expensive, so you will not be able to afford them.
There are 30 cities and all of them have a staring possibility.
Industries are randomised. All industries, even farms will produce multiple goods. (Two at the present)
There are two startup industries; coal and oil. In order to make them produce you'll have to import laborers through the Distribution Centers.
There are a lot of new goods, also an eight-step production line, from laborers to manufactured goods.
I was aiming this map towards the multi-player folks; therefore the scenario goals are minimal.
I test played it a couple times; found it quite chellenging and no CTD.

How to install and use SAM (Stand Alone Maps)

1) Go into C:\Documents and Settings\(your computers name)\My Documents\My Games and rename the Sid Meier's Railroads! folder you presently have, adding an ending to it, whatever you want. ("SidMeier's Railroads - Old" will do just fine)

2) Start the game. When it gets to the main menu, exit. This will create a brand new, empty Sid Meier's Railroads! folder.

3) Go into the Sid Meier's Railroads! folder you renamed and copy the 'Settings.ini' file into the newly created Sid Meier's Railroads! folder. You now have the basis for all future SAM and CIC maps.This is not mandatory, but your old "Settings.ini" file has all the customisation that you made to the game. (Clouds, graphics setting, Newspaper etc.)

4) Open the Sid Meier's Railroads! folder, then open the UserMaps folder.

5) Open the Zip file of the map you wish to play and extract the map folder and any FPK files, if present, to the UserMaps folder.

6) Close all folders and play the map.


This is the final version. The scenario goals have been changed. It is still random industries. There are 7 starting locations. The list of goods is enclosed, so you don't have to use sticky notes.
Have fun

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:12 am
by snoopy55
"For some strange reason Hookers forum would not accept this rather small file."

7z. This forum does not accept that zip style.

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:43 am
by Jancsika
"For some strange reason Hookers forum would not accept this rather small file."

7z. This forum does not accept that zip style.
Thanks Snoopy. Correction was made and uploaded in ZIP format.
Jancsika :mrgreen:

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:50 pm
by Pete
What a powerful map!
I need a ton of post-it-notes to keep track of what goes where.
Super job.


Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:50 am
by coopej01
This is an awesome map, but isn't it missing oilwells? I couldn't find any and I couldn't figure out how to creaate goods without starting the chain from oil.


Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:04 am
by Jancsika
I couldn't find any and I couldn't figure out how to creaate goods without starting the chain from oil.
Actually they are there. The game sometimes takes the RANDOM too literally and forgets to place an industry. Happened to me with the farms.
You have to start a new game and check and see if all the industries are there if not just start an other one.
I hope this is the case, if there is something else, let me know.
This is only phase I, there will be more to come. As you have noticed there are only 4 in-city industries, and there is room for 12 on the build screen. It will take a while, but I am working on it.
Jancsika :mrgreen:

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:30 pm
by Pete
It happened to me once so far.
Merrily went along building up the chain and found there were no grain or oat fields built. Started over and all was well.


Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:15 am
by Jancsika
Here are some pictures from the phase to come:
Dual steam locomotives.

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:22 pm
by Moschops
Hi all!
Great map, cool industries. At first I thought the goods chain was too long, but with a little effort it was really fun.
I ran into a couple of bugs. The AI was somehow able to buy track on credit. It bought itself a 44,514,617$ tunnel and that was the end of the AI. When I bought him out, it gave me +44 million.... lol.
I also had no city growth, thus nowhere to ship manufactured goods(no metros).
:( Is there something I'm missing?

Great work! thanks for the map, I look forward to the updates.

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:46 am
by Jancsika
I also had no city growth, thus nowhere to ship manufactured goods(no metros).
Is there something I'm missing?
No, you are not missing anything. I've made a typo in the "RRT_Cities_MP20.XLM file. Enclosed is a ZIP file of the correct version. All you have to do is to unzip it and replace the defective file with this one.
The file is located in C:/My Documents/My Games/SidMeier's Railroads!/UserMaps/MP20 folder.
Replace RRT_Cities_MP20.XLM file with this one.
(1.6 KiB) Downloaded 617 times
I ran into a couple of bugs. The AI was somehow able to buy track on credit. It bought itself a 44,514,617$ tunnel and that was the end of the AI. When I bought him out, it gave me +44 million.... lol.
This just proves that the AI is not very intelligent :roll:
This is something to think about, because the revised pricing of the tunnels and the bridges is giving the human player unfair adventage.
Jancsika :mrgreen:

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:13 am
by coopej01
Yes, you're right. Restarting fixed the problem ... oil wells simply appeared. Thanks!

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:50 pm
by coopej01

I've now been able to play this map through twice without a problem. I really like the long supply chain. Can't wait to see the next phase. How about using the goods to build a school. The school could educate passengers and the educated passengers could build a hospital. The hospital could dispense medicine that would make Cities grow more rapidly, etc. Anyhow, that's just a thought.

By the way, the correct spelling of the towns is Albuquerque and Houston.

PLEASE keep up the great work.


Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:20 pm
by Jancsika
Thanks Coop.
Spelling is not my forte. There are more there. (Winnipeg). It will be corrected in the finals.
Your idea of supply chain is great, I will use it.
That is one of the more difficult tasks, to design a new supply chain, we are very limited with industries and a good idea is always welcome.
Jancsika :wink:

Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:12 am
by coopej01
I'm glad you like the idea. I enjoy your work so much I'm more than happy to try to return the favor.


Re: NAFTA Phase I

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:34 pm
by Jancsika
Please note that the final version of the map was uploaded in the first post.