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Rags to Riches

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:47 pm
by Jancsika
A 10 X 10 map.
64 turns per month.
Single player, with emphasis on industry.
Steam locomotives, single and dual.

This is primitive and wasteful society to start with. They are cutting the precocious forest and burning them locally in their villages to produce energy. Therefore every village starts with its small power plant. In order to build new industry you have to grow them to Town.
Only Metropolis is able to produce Scrap Metal that will be needed to produce Machinery.
The food chain has six steps from Oil to Food. Fertilizer will increase production of Corn and Grain by 150%.
Without fertilizer the farms are only 50% productive.
After the population has satisfactory food supply, the tourist industry will pick up. Gambling and good hospitality will bring gold.
Next you will have to build heavy industry. This is an eight step process from Taconite Mine, Iron, Steel, Automobiles, Scrap Metal, Machinery to export.
Last develop fine craftsmanship and export your Chippendale for shiny gold.
The landscape is extremely mountainous; you will have to find gradual routing, because the tunnels and bridges are expensive and also ugly. (That's my opinion).

Please note that the expensive tunnels are in the CustumAssets directory. That will make the tunnels in all your other scenarios expensive. You can safely delete them from the CutomAssets directory and the game default (in the Assets directory) will be taking over.

The picture below shows the layout of the industries and resources.


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:49 am
by Bushdoctor
That sounds very nice!
It's a shame I got a busy weekend ahead, but I'll probably find
some quiet hours somewhere. Can't wait to check out the industry chains.
Thanks Jancsika!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:10 pm
by CeeBee51
Thanks for the map Jancsika :) I've only played halfway through the first era so far but it's fun and different. The best part is no CTD's so far either. It sure is great to see new maps coming out now and again!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:29 pm
by PokerShane
Map works good, thanks Jancsika. The only problem I run into is the trains reversing direction on the way to a destination and continually looping so to speak.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:05 pm
by Jancsika
the trains reversing direction on the way to a destination and continually looping so to speak
They will do that. You have to watch your track layout, avoid obvious loops. The trains will not necessarily seek the shortest route. They constantly looking for open track. If the tracks gets blocked by an other train they will reverse and again,and again….
That's built into tha game by Firaxis
Jancsika :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:40 pm
by karsten
I hit a problem in era III. There is no way to supply cookies from Tuckborough to Annumias, because the bakery is producing food, not cookies (see attached pic). Any ideas :?:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:57 am
by Jancsika
Yoy are absolutely correct. I have uploaded the revised version.

rags to rich's

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:42 am
by mikeyc
Congrats,Good game very involved and makes you think about your approach to the game. finished the Victory conditions with 3 years to spare. Unfortunately couldnt finish the steel intergration because of ctd's. will try again soon against a couple of ai's.On the whole a very good senario. Recommended. Just one question. What exactly does the distribution centre actually do.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:00 pm
by Bushdoctor
Great map. I've played it about halfway.

I noticed that the Bank icon is not in place. We talked about the version that I created
and if you need me to send it over, just let me know.
I also noticed that the Hotel and Baker do not have their own icons yet.
I happen to have a Hotel icon at hand which I created a short while ago.
I'll post it here. If you like I can create a Baker icon as well.
The price of the Baker industry is 1 dollar btw. You probably didn't put that back after testing.

The scenario contains a 'Hotel' but also a 'Hotel and Casino'.
I accidentally bought the second while the first one was needed in Hardbottle.
My suggestion is to change the 'Hotel and Casino' to simply 'Casino' to prevent
confusion. :oops:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:20 pm
by karsten
:D That's a cool hotel icon. I do agree on avoiding the potential hotel and casino confusion, given that they are rather expensive and you need to build one of them to have demand for cookies. :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:24 pm
by Jancsika
Yes I could have changed the Hotel and Casino, and if eventually I will.
The main reason that the icons are unchanged, that I am not 100% confident that I can do it correctly. I am trying to stick to the original SMRI design, whenever possible. It is less chance to make some little foolish error and then spend a week to find it and correct it.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:14 pm
by Bushdoctor
Oh, that's very easy actually and not much chance of screwing things up.
It was one of the first things I learned to do because I got into icon creation.

You need to do 2 things.
- Place the icon (*.tga) either in Custom Assets or your map folder.
- In your Rrt_Industries_<map>.xml add this command line to your Bank entry:


That should do the trick.
Good luck man.
I'm going back to playing the scenario. 8)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:43 am
by karsten
This is as far as I get: As the clock jumps from 31 Dec 1888 to 1 Jan 1889, crash! Has anyone else noted similar behaviour? Net worth is 149,900,000.

Guess these figures don't mean much. Tried changing expenditure, crashed in Aug 1888, with net worth about 147,000,000.

Can't continue. :cry:

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:13 am
by Jancsika
Hi Karsten.
I run the game through 1891, it’s 1 AM. and I am going to bed. I had only 13 trains and 3642 miles of track, no crash.
When this type of the crash happens to me, I go back couple of saves of the Autosave, delete last few trains I bought, then restart the game and wait until I pass the crash time (keeping my fingers crossed). It works 80% of the time.
Now I am really going to bed. (I am repeating myself)
Jancsika :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:15 am
by Bushdoctor
I too experienced an unexplainable CTD.
It was much further down the line than 1888 though.
I can still blaim this on my system or Firaxis. ;)
It would be something to worry about if it keeps repeating....

Yeap. Good one Jancsika. That mostly does the trick for me aswell.
I didn't make any saves this time though. *Cough*